我叫雯凤,不是雯风。念对的人总是写错,写对的人却总是念得不正确。还有And also, I named Moon Hong NOT Moon Hoong or Mun Hong. I'm so sick that those who spoke correctly spelled wrongly......

Monday, July 20, 2009

Two different locations with the only one aim.

Dad 'n mom went out after i back from sch...asked me whether wanna join them or not.I chose for not joining them and stay at home lonely.Not really know where are they going.Alone at home...long time didn't online and listening to songs.So...it's my time...my turn...!They back at five sth,tell me that they saw a new centre in sri hartamas which regarding to the bone treatment.Gave the brochers and some stuffs for me to have a look.Dad and mom said that not need to go to Gleneagles again which located far apart in jalan ampang due to this new one is nearer.(My first response was "huh,I prefer to go to GIMC as there have my medical records..I want to seek the same doctor which I had seen last two years for easily comparing-I was thinking.)(And what about this,the new one...I don't even have a confidence with this new checking place and the new doctor who learnt this at America.Is it suitable for me?Does it involved the condition that I having now?I kept asking myself)Well,dad asked me to go for checking and let the doctor to have a look on this saturday.They have seen the doctor just now and got a cd and more in details from him.Okay,I then started found the more details in web...I totally understood.He is a DC-a short form which mean by "Doctor of Chiropractic" or called as chiropractor.I have looked out the brochures,the treatment options,the cd and the namecard+calender given.当时他们去找医生谈谈时...医生还问了他们是男是女...如果有照过x-ray就要带来给他看...

Well, papa mama...is a compulsory for me to see the new doctor?I'm still hesitating...

Medical checkup in GIMC will be shifted to the Optimum Chiropractic Health Centre??Have compared the Dr.Chin CH and Dr.Michael Lee...

See,their namecard as following respectively...
Dr. Chin's (Orthopaedic and trauma surgeon)

Dr. Michael's (Chiropractor)

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