There's an education and career fair held in school today as normally organized by caunselling in every year.Like the previous years,I have taken the educ brochures from diff private colleges or uni(s).Have to admit that it is much more lesser of school were displaying there.Get used to walk around and take some informations home.Acct tuition after school,so I better take less of it as all are almost the same things which I have taken before.I had taken more and more when I went to TCPJ directly for taking the brochures last year.Sun has presented me a "mickey mickey" blue ball pen during acct tuition,will appreciate much.I had lost the eraser that she gave me last I feel so sorry to her.Met a 泛泛之交>shuqing and her friend in the bus after tuition.
Btw,yesterday we're taking a photo infront our classroom to print out and put in our school magazine as one of the graduated part......see,one two three JUMP!YAY!

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