A visiting to parlimen today.School as usual before recess time,and after that,the whole upper formers getting to take a rented bus towards to parlimen leading by two pa teachers.Headed at ten thirty,still need to wait for it as there haven't opened.Hence,we have been asked for waiting at the canteen there.11am...a moment...handphone and camera are not allowed to bring inside,so everyone have to put inside a bag together and put aside to a locker.It's strict inside,before going in,we need to pass a body check and a bag checking mechine...like the castam checking.We have visited the dewan rakyat and dewan negara,the place is damn cool.In dewan rakyat,we've seen regarding the live presentation and arguement of YDPA and some of the speakers.Question asking section in dewan negara.Yawn,cannot sleep inside,cannot talk,cannot eat,drink,laugh,clap hands...overall,cannot do anything there.Twelve sth,visiting is ended.Photos taking time.This trip has taken about three hours.Reached school at one sth,it's raining,took a bus as usual,headed home at two sth.p.s:I didn't bring cellphone there and so there's no any photo taken of it to post up here.

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