我叫雯凤,不是雯风。念对的人总是写错,写对的人却总是念得不正确。还有And also, I named Moon Hong NOT Moon Hoong or Mun Hong. I'm so sick that those who spoke correctly spelled wrongly......

Friday, July 31, 2009


The guys nowadays are being lack of gentlemen!!!Like the people who like to rush into a bus to get a seat,they never thought of you,never given the priority for the ladies,NEVER!A rude person who mad with sitting like hell! Oh please,people,you're suck!

Second case,the stupid feller neighbour who stay at my left-hand side,you are an old malay man already!You thought that you are still a malacca's president?Don't dreaming,vomit...Think wisely lah plssssss!Brainless like a prawn,at least prawns have no brain,but you people...hey!

I'm getting speechless with your manner!You can see how failure you are!

NO gentlemen at all!


-When I back from tuition,mama told me that the Indian staff called at 4pm sth and said that I should go for treatment today...Mama then answered her that I had made an appoinment with doctor on this sat what...how come?Rather that I'm still studying outside that time.So,the staff told that tomorrow's change to 2pm.Ok,fine.Luckily sis have no working on the next sat and so,2pm is just nice.

Thursday, July 30, 2009

1.2.3 go...

I saw a fire near my sch when I'm inside a bus on the way going to sch.Therefore,there has a bit stuck on traffic jams.Before that,I saw a smoke around the a atmosphere and so I guess that either it's going to rain or..or some accident is happening.The fire was happened to a furnitures' shop.All the furnitures have almost ruined,it looks quite serious...and,there's three cars of fire engines were came for rescue.Today,the pp paper has been given to us...results overall are good. : )

That's all for today!

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Her genius kills the fighters who came over.

28 July 09 TUES

I absent to school,caught a flu in the morning and the main reason is I get a slight fever.Had eaten a tab of fever medicine,go for a rest and sleep till the next morning.


29 July 09 WED

Today went to sch...it's a heavy rain in sudd.In class,many friends ask bout the two days absent.Well,I didn't tell them obviosly,just say that I caught a flu.I gave the mc to form tchr,I suspected that she will ask sth.Indeed,when she saw the one "chiropractic treatment"...she ask that “什么treatment”...I then just ignore her asking,you don't know is better.Heheh!Then,she joked that “生病没有去看医生?”...I said that“不用的啦,家里大把药吃..”

Oh btw,the business studies paper was ok...it's not so hard to me.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

A busy day w/o schooling.

27.7.09 Mon

早上九点多起床冲个凉,待十时多,waken up爸爸,为的就是要带我到医院照X-ray.原本老爸老妈陪我去,可后来为了帮brother打点上学的东西,等待bro早上补习回家,故我和爸爸结伴同行。梳洗完毕,准备妥当,拿了医生签了名的X-ray requirement纸,纸袋for装衣裤,identity card, cellphone, 去到最为附近不过(驾车一分钟抵达)的GMC(Gombak Medical Centre)。原先是选择到sentosa medical centre, 后来想起附近有医院,一定也有其设备供应。兜兜转转,怎么连个泊车的地方也满了呀?!Finally... 来到GMC,里面counter的三位马来护士即刻戴起口罩,哎哟,看到有人来才戴,做到酱明显,真是夸张!话不多说,黑字白纸一show给她们看...就知道我要什么了。后来她们说X-ray部门的负责人没来,无法替我照。更何况她们也不晓得是否能够帮我拍到ap and lateral 的效果。什么医院来的???随后,其一护士叫我到Poliklinik Shah找Dr.Shah...我也知道Dr.Shah也有供应the service for X-ray...只是觉得,他那里也许只是for普通的,简单的,并不完全能够为我照出大型的。在门口跟爸爸说了“Dr.Shah好像比较出名hor...(I mean among the clinics at the area)”...“是咯是咯!嘻嘻”。。。又开车来到Poliklinik Shah,show出那张纸。那一位站在registration counter的马来人建议我到Jalan Ipoh的一间Medical Centre...我问她这里没得照吗?他说可以是可以,如果要,Dr.Shah 是会帮我照的。不过像我这种情况最好是到仪器比较先进的医院做检查,因他这里可能会是一part一part。我以为她指的那间医院是sentosa,她后来澄清说是位于警局对面的一间医院“Blue colour punya board”...“That one is the best for taking X-ray...”她酱说。Okay,I understood...but I don't know where is it actually,and what it called.阿爸你懂啊?!酱就ok咯!Let's go.开车行驶的路上,阿爸突然说不如到Selayang Hospital去,比较近,不必跑到酱远去。据我所知,Selayang医院是政府医院,我比较不喜欢政府医院咯!而且Ipoh Road会很远咩?平时也是这样走过的喔?!我心想...不过算啦!阿爸话事!来到Selayang Hospital,parking难找,park到医院里面蛮远的一个地方...后,下车,拿了该拿的东西,经过一个地方,一个好像公园的地方,蛮烂一下,就只有游乐场+草地一般大,爸爸也在一旁为我说的笑话直笑。。。看见门口,就直“闯”进去。眼里只有"X-Ray Radiation Department",啊哈,看到了!一个guard站在一个门口处,只看见上面写着只allowed一个人进去,啊?为何?防H1N1也不是这样的嘛...后来show出纸张给他看,他说照X-ray的地方不在这里,在另一个department...走出大门口,来到另一个大门口,进去counter问一问,又是说在另一边的楼上。上了楼,来到X-ray的部门,又说不能够直接替我服务,必须要有相关部门的order,才能替我办理手续。下了楼,又问了路向,确定了方向...来到她们口中所谓的“外面右边有个楼梯直上,走向ortopedik的部门”...我和老爸走呀走的上楼梯又下楼,从来到三楼的地方走下二楼,沿着orthopaedic的部门找呀找的,呼!终于看到了!怎么这么乱的叻?!走近那部门,哎哟喂呀,也未免太多人来看病了吧!酱多骨伤咩?(老人的病痛,orthopaedic surgeon真是好赚!)同样的show出纸张,orthopaedic counter的两位护士看了看,一位护士问“tulang bengkok kah?”.."yea(我点头)"...她们一旁支支吾吾的,后来说不能够接受这一封信,因为在政府医院是必须通过他们医生的consult才能下令order给X-ray部门。哎哟!原来酱麻烦的咩?我们一直强调说不要看医生,只要照X-ray而已。她们又一直说没办法,后来她们打了电话确认,说是不能够在没有那边医生的明确证明批准之下直接让我照X-ray。又问了我这情况有多久的事,我说两年前被确证的。"Di mana?"..."Gleneagles",我说....说了一大堆,问了一大堆为什么会这样..."maybe,posture yang tak baik loh..."我说...后来又建议我到General Hospital去照,哇劳!咪搞!去那边我不如不要照,还要等多十几天,又要拿什么青卡,等被通知才可以照...我现在是urgent的咧!"Tak apa lah...jadi tak perlu lah..."况且就算我等医生consult,恐怕连看病的时间到了,也有排都未轮到我啊!唉...白来一趟!走回parking的路上,我对爸爸说“要不然我现在早都照好了咯!”...赶紧开车还是走去ipoh road的医院吧!开车路上,也向妈妈报告了我们的去向。如我们所想,一定遭到妈妈的挨骂,那就是不该到政府医院去,可省了多时间。爸说要是那间再不能照,就要去sentosa了。来到了怡保律,噢,原来是这间,Lourdes Medical Centre。平时经过有看到,不过它并不怎么起眼,只因不是什么大医院。进到里面,show出纸张,“want X-ray?”.."ah,yea!".."okay"...立马为我register,效率有多快!那位女印度护士说“enam puluh ringgit yea..”..“tak apa tak apa”爸爸说。给了IC,填了资料,付了rm60。此医院环境虽然不大,不过也有提供普通科门诊,共五楼的病房,甚至还有X-ray,ultrasound及Magnetic Resonance Imaging的检验...环境还属印度人的,不错不错!(须知印度人的医学也是数一数二的)问了我最后一次的period(这是必须的)“Is it period cannot take x-ray”..."no, just as recording"...等了大约二十分钟,将近一时..."Goh Moon Hong"...咦?爸,是叫我吗?“叫你呀...”,走了过去...进了X-ray房(Whoa,还蛮冷的)。一位蛮年轻的印度医生负责为我照...我看到那架仪器,说"need to lie down one?".."yea,need to lie down..".."not the standing one?".."no,you want to stand?"..hehee."Tukar semua baju..."..."all?".."ya,all".."oh"...忽然很paiseh地问来确定一下,"ermm,excuse me,seluar dalam perlu tanggal?"明知是不用的,因为没有影响...“seluar dalam boleh...baju dalam semua kena tukar”..."oh.."...和以前一样的感觉,“空荡荡”...这次的青衣服感觉上比之前的单薄,还好什么也看不见...ok,lie down,准备躺好。首先先照ap side,起先躺得太下,他叫我移上;后来躺得太上,adjust我的身体手脚肢的同时,拿了一块棉被铺在我膝盖下方的脚,抓住我双脚把我移下方。(现在回想起,医生用棉被遮掩我的双脚应该是为了掩护防止被辐射给“侵犯”吧,呵呵)Okay,姿势摆好后,他叫我不要动,便跑去了另一厢黑房观看。机器一声响...好了...他回来,将置放在我躺着的仪器的下方里的film拿出来,再放新的进去。轮到lateral side,叫我转向左侧,双手合十压在头下。他一直adjust我的身体,便问了问题“have you taken x-ray recently?”..一时快口,答了"yes..."..."yes?!when?"..忽想起"ehh ehh,recently ahh..no,no..".."no yea..." “just now have taken the ap side one?”我问.."ahh?yea...what ap?"..."nth,now is taking the lateral one right?".."yea,yes,the lateral one..."Adjust当余,他又摸一摸背部,骨盘,说一句"ok,sorry yea..."...哈哈哈,我明白啦!"ok anot?don't move yea..."...很辛苦一下咯,那个pose不是放松的,是特意摆出来的,主要是因为我怕一移动,整个人平躺就照不到侧边了。机器一响...又好了。还是不敢动,不敢确定是否照好了...医生啊!快点回来啦!Finally他来了,"ok,you can change your shirt"...全程花了约十分钟多...换好,只见另外两位医生(一华人,一印度人)在另一厢房为那两片刚照出来的成果作份report,爸爸站在门口外面看进去,我也从外面看了进去,看看这一次照的与上次有啥差。只见那位印度人在分析讲解,另一华人就在电脑前打报告,那位印度人不时看过来,我和爸爸在讲话,他就看见我在一旁和爸爸比手(我也在和爸爸分析x-rays的成果)。随后我去了趟厕所,出来,一切已办好。拿好了一大份的file,走人噜,回家,待会儿还要去一趟ochc。单单照一个x-ray就用了三粒钟的时间...哇seh!

Camwhoring inside for a memorial before changing my shirt...mwahahah

The oh-so-greeny one totally looks like a surgeon robe as what we seen on tv show.

*The patient gown that I wore in GIMC last two years was redy-brownish in color, mixed with some "colourful-flora patterns". Somemore the robe has some thin tight bows on back of it but not for this time in Lourdes.

the radiography room (x-rays)

the dark room

papa was seeing the doctor to analyse my x-ray films inside

回到家一点多,拿了这次与上次的x-ray file,爸妈与我,准备出发往sri hartamas...进行我第二次的chiropractic treatment.两点的appoinment准时到,直接去了OCHC.医生出了去吃lunch...等待的同时,拿了几张相关纸准备给堂嫂,(上次妈妈遇见她,告诉她是带我来这里看医生,她的女儿,也就是我的堂侄女也是有骨架问题,所以她叫阿爸拿一些资料给她)我又顺便拿了一些纸看看。五分钟...“你好”doctor...“哎,好”papa...“这份是新的?”doctor...“啊,是”papa...“yes,是”我说。他随手拿了我两份x-rays’ files,跟随他进了房间...医生首先拿了x-ray report看一看,后拿出旧的x-ray film,阿爸说“这个是旧的...”,“我知道,我知道”医生说。随后再拿出新的,放在器材灯光上。由于自己在家比较觉得好像有进步,我就等着医生的好消息...哪知医生很果断地说“看起来没有差别...”...“huh?!”我说...“啊,可是我们看上去好像没有这么弯了”爸说...“没有差别”(摇头)...再说“你这张(指新的)是躺着照的吧?!!”(一看就知?!!)“对”我说...“躺着照脊椎会比较没那么准确”...我跑上前说“难怪!”...他比较了两片重叠“有差别吗?(看了看效果)没有差别,还是一样”...“可是我觉得好像有比较好...”(阿爸的个性),“我刚才已经说了,因为是躺着照的”哗!医生很酷咯,他的语气!“噢..”阿爸说。“是咯,躺着照脊椎会没有酱弯,因为它放松了”。然后爸爸跟医生说“我们跑了很多家医院,因为很麻烦,有些要看了医生等几天才可以照”...后医生说“去私人医院照他们不会问你原因的”医生一边将X-ray塞进file里一边说。...“哦,原来是这样”爸说...后妈才进来,together with 四姨...四姨问“怎样?”“医生说没有分别”我说...“他这张是躺着照的,所以事实上是没有差别”医生说道...“酱错了?要照过咯!”四姨说...“不用不用,不用再照过了”医生说...“这样是好还是不好?”妈问...“她没有进步也没有退步”医生回答道。开始第一个step,“我们要出去吗?还是在这里会影响到吗?应该可以的啦hor?”妈问...“...最好出去坐着等”医生说。之后他们出去,医生关上门,准备开始进行我的treatment。一样第一步骤,Trigger-point,指压的同时,医生问了我家里的床有没有像这张床(那里的)酱硬...我说差不多...然后问我回去有否坐直,我说有啊。然后他又叫我回去最好不要坐沙发了,要坐硬的椅子,把球挡椅子坐。又问我回去有否照着指示做运动,我说没有。他又问我有否买那粒球,我也说没。结束的同时,他强调说我有很严重的长短脚;第二step,NMES,这次加了个热敷铺在我背上,感觉电力更强了些,热了些;第三步骤,traction。全程大约40分钟...当最后一个step结束时,医生告诉我说我的父母已经出去了...医生就一脸疑惑的样子看着我,我还是很迟钝的表情“噢”...后我问了医生一句“医生,长短脚是先天性的还是后天性的”医生很快地回答我说“后天性,因为你的脊椎歪了,导致你现在的骨盆歪,所以两只脚会一长一短”...“我建议你必须买那粒球,一定要利用那粒球来做运动。“可是很贵哦!”“如果你要你的健康好,这不算贵,你在外面买的价钱也差不多上百块,它不会烂不会坏,你也可以当作椅子来做”...“没有地方放”我小声地说...过后,医生给回了我那两份X-ray报告。走到会柜台前,book了拜六的appoinment...那位印度人原本说拜四或拜五,我说不行,只能拜六...“I have to ask my sister for sure,cause she fetch me”...最后她说“ok lah,I put you on sat...what time?”..."erm,3 o'clock...(因为姐可能有做半天工,所以时间定迟一些些)"就这样record了拜六下午三点钟。呼!一个礼拜几乎去三次,刚开始的时间是要这么频密的...拿着两大份files,走回到kopitiam,爸妈问“好了?”我点头。叫我先吃一些东西填肚子,爸爸吃了kaya+butter baked bread,而我吃了kaya+butter steamed bread,爸爸还替我叫了一杯apple juice.不吃太饱,晚餐还有丰盛的dinner。

四点,就准备回家了。回到家,习惯性地重看两份file里面的东东。咦?where is my new x-ray report?不可能落在kopitiam的喔!?一路上拿着掉了也会知道的嘛!怎么会不见了呢?反复地找...猜想可能是医生忘了放进去吧,下次复诊再问看医生。约五点,我在沙发上躺了整两个小时。当时约七点,哎呀!糟糕!要准备换衣服了!待brother放学回来不久,就要准备出门了,竟然睡到不知觉醒。约七时二十分,我们就出门,往imbi road的海外天酒楼驶去。一路上,经过kia peng road,看到了如五星级酒店般的prince court medical centre+bukit bintang一带的hotels...爽!想必我们一定是最迟的一家,堂姐不时打电话来问我们在何方。也没办法,必须要等ks放学才能够一家人一起出来嘛,每一年一定有一家都是这样的啦!来到约八时,盛宴约九时才开始,未免有些迟!一整个晚宴还在感觉背部被按压的少许疼痛感,esp thoracic verterbrae(Among T1-T6)。吃了第三四道菜时,已经是很饱了。Well,最后的蛋糕我也没吃,和爸爸一样没吃,不能吃。切蛋糕仪式,合照等...十时四十五分,散席。路上,又经过很多酒店...爸爸说要下档口一下...不到五分钟,done。回到家,已是十一时十五分左右了,我急忙去冲个凉,后才轮到姐。再做一些功课...我还将明天要呈上给老师的medical cit修改了一些,原因是那位印度人写的事项过于明显了...就那么一个字"scoliosis"...我把它改为"chiropractic treatment"...反正这样比较准确,而且老师看了也不会知道太多,呵呵。。。凌晨一时多,上床睡觉了。Zzzzzzzzzz

Dorsett Regency

Royal Bintang


Ritz-Carlton again

JW Marriott

Oversea Restaurant@ Imbi Road


Park Royal

before edit it...

after has been edited..corrected...

Last but not least, post out my full spine x-ray film(ap) which taken in Lourdes M.C today(27/7/09)...


Feb2007 ; July2009

And compared to the previous film which taken in two and a half year before, don't you notice the new one, which mean the current one is getting better..? But Dr. M said neither have any advance nor even has been worsen due to the second time I took was laying and the first time was standing..which mean standing will seems more accurate instead of laying down.(Hahahaa, I know Ik) *Dr. kept saying that there's no any difference* That's why in sense of sight, eventhough there reveal a mild differ of the curvatures between the films, but STILL REMAIN THE SAME. This is how fortunately because I supposed to have a next medical checkup in half /one year after the first examination, but I didn't make it..almost 3 years of time, can still retain the same = D..luckily! But, but.. w/o any degree measurement, the curvature of the spine cannot be determined yet. In short, no changes.

*我的医药中心跑道〉〉Gleneagles Intan Medical Centre鹰阁-->Tawakal Hospital道华佳[banned]-->Sentosa Hospital养和[cancelled]-->Gombak Medical Centre鹅麦-->Poliklinik Shah莎医务所-->Selayang Hospital(gov)士拉央-->Lourdes Medical Centre陆士

I found that the time I started wrote was as shown:


aiya,be the second day alrdy...I wanted the day before lah,just one second time different...grrrrr!

Sunday, July 26, 2009

No denying , but no compensation is found.

Morning,the last time of revision class for acct paper 1.Yay!!Not need to wake up in early morning again every sunday!During the break time,we have chosen the new place for taking lunch,which is the downstairs beside the bandar college.Yummy yummy!The class ended at 2:00pm finally...it's earlier as he said will give us extra time but now,is more on lesser 'cause the time for today is suppose to be ended up at 2:15pm and we will be given an extra half an hour as what he said."Everytime also like that one lah"!

Well,I do not join the paper two revision which will begin in a month later.I found that it is not a necessary and the fees is quite expensive if I take it again.Moreover,that time is going to trial exams and I have to revise another subjects also but not just acct.Somemore,I may attend for my therapy during that time,so,better not to take it instead of giving myself a trouble.extra time.Went for praying after tuition with weeyee and jyou.They both have “求签”but I didnt.Back by lrt...called sis to fetch.Reached,she still haven't out from house yet!Angry!Finally,papa fetched me home!Papa is better!Muackzzz!

*Tomorrow need to skip school due to the morning have to take a full spine x-ray again for the Dr.Michael Lee to consult as he asked and start the second time of chiropractic treatment.(it's urgent bytheway)

*Tomorrow will having a dinner with papa's side relatives at jalan imbi oversea restaurant as papa's eldest bro's birthday celebration!

Saturday, July 25, 2009


There's a kp activities in morning as usual the time.Woke up and only I prepared the games,I have prepared for two.That's why,I have abit lately to school...At last only one of my game's turn,the timing was just good.Ended up at nine forty-five which the duration is from seven thirty up to two hours.Reached home at ten sth.Took a bath immediately as later will need to off to sri hartamas purposely for the checking which I had mentioned out before.12 sth,departed from house.Aunts' restaurant,Ol'days kopitiam for taking lunch first.Chilled for an hour more.After that,went to the Optimum Chiropractic Health Centre at two sth accompanied by mama,sis,bro and aunty stephy.Arrhhh,I scared.The place wasn't far away form the kopitiam as there just need a left side turn and walk straightly,within three minutes,here it is.

To make it more interesting...
当时一进去,才发现环境和我想象的不同。Reception柜台有着两位各华人与印度人(女)掌管。不见医生,想必是在里面忙着为其他病人服务。妈妈和那位女的聊了几句,说是来带我看医生的。之前四姨说那位医生是越南人,让我起质疑觉得越南人,dim mg dim 嘎?来到这边,才知道说他是个台湾人,到美国加州(加拿大)读这门医学。唉,所幸,只摆了个乌龙。妈说我今年upper six了,年尾要考stpm.她以为我要考spm,后来知道搞错了,说我不像十九岁。呵呵,怎么妈妈和她愈聊愈起劲了,置身事外的东西也能在这个地方“开口战”哈哈...给了我一张个人资料表格,说医生还在里面忙,先填妥表格等候。看见其中一边写着“Former chiropractor”时...不知是不是该填之前医生的名字,可他又好像不算是chiropractor wor...管它的,照填了下去...写了“Dr. Chin Chee Howe”...不过现在回想起,好像不是耶,不应该填下去的...算了吧!反正这个医生会明白的(每一次在很serious的情况之下填写formal的表格总会不满意自己的handwriting...包括写cheque也一样,紧张+手震震)不知为何那么多customers,人来人往。在那里坐了一会儿,呆了一会儿,等了一会儿。啊哈!医生出来了,会了会面,点了点头...说声午安,你好,什么之类的客套礼仪话...叫我们进房间里面等他。我们几人“凑脚”进了进医生的房间。妈,姐在里面陪我...我们一边等待医生一边聊天。说起医生是台湾人,台湾人专爱研发与学习骨架的保健,我的鞋子也是从台湾引发进来的。后医生进来,问是谁要来看,妈妈指了指我说“我女儿”...okay.他问了问是什么问题,妈说“她的脊椎骨有点弯曲”......为了更为详细,我说了一句“脊椎侧弯”... 再补上一句“scoliosis”...“噢,scoliosis..scoliosis” 医生道。哈哈,看吧,说了一句医学用词,医生肯定更为清楚不过了!为了显示出我患有那种病症的症状,医生说“好,来弯腰”...按压我的背部说“看得出她这里弯曲突出,骨比较软”...妈妈问医生:“是什么原因导致脊椎骨弯曲?书包有关系吗?”“...缺乏运动,姿势不正确。”医生回答道。妈说:“是咯,她好像没有什么运动的,小时候”我心想“很多人都没有特定运动的啦,又不见他们中?!况且就算我很少运动,我的跳绳与呼拉圈还算蛮厉害的咯!”哈哈...“如果有跌倒过呢?”我问。“跌倒?什么时候?”医生问。“Huh,我忘了...”我回答道。五姨又问“雯雯你跌倒过?怎样的?”“很久了咯,那时候跌到右屁股,蛮痛一下”...带了之前医生向爸妈问过的X光片让医生观察观察。医生看了看一大份的file问道“这是你的X-ray吧”..."对!"我说。医生问道:“之前有做过什么治疗之类的吗?”我摇头说没有。“没有(点头),从照了X光过后一直到现在什么也没做过?”医生问...“嗯”我点头。后又问我哪里会有不舒服的感觉,我说“有时腰背会..痛”(哈哈,停顿了一会儿,不知是要说“疼”好还是“痛”好,结果觉得都一样,不过“痛”是反映出比较不舒服的感觉)他边问边拿了两张分别为 ap and lateral 的x-ray放在他的器材(用来看x光片的)上。这张X-ray有多久了?医生问。“两年前”我说。“之后没再照过了?”“没有”器材的灯一开,即清楚看到x-ray的results.他的一句“哇!很弯,很弯...” 我心想“huh?真的很弯咩?”“一个“S”字形”我说。“她这种弯的程度比较特别,少见。通常人家上面弯(手上持着的笔指了个右弧形)然后直回下来。她的右上弯了然后又往下左弯(手持着的笔随着他的指示而跑动),而且弯到来下面,很麻烦,老了会很麻烦”医生道。“是咯是咯,我朋友也是上面弯罢了”我说。“这样子的弯曲大概有3,40度”他又说。我说:“对咯,医生说大概有四十度” “平时会有哪里痛吗?”医生问。“她有时腰背会酸,脚还会麻痹......不要(不至于需要)开刀比较好吧,医生?”“mm...像她这样通常医生都会建议她开刀”医生道。“不要,我们不要开刀”妈说。“不选择开刀那就要做这种物理治疗了”医生说。“像她这样需要至少一年的时间”医生道。“她这张x-ray是两年前的,很难和现在做比较,要再照过才能知道现在的情况。不过像她现在过了成熟的阶段通常是不会再弯了。”医生再道。后来五姨和KS进了来(前一时段她出了去),又问医生说“医生,这个应该不会很严重吧”...“很严重,很严重。”医生抢先说。“看得出她这边的脚是扁平足”...“ano,ano,我真的是有扁平足”我说。五姨问我:“什么?什么是扁平足?”“就是脚底比较扁比较平”我回答道...我后来又问医生是哪一只有...医生指了指我的右脚,起初我看不清楚以为他指左脚(基本上我也不知道是哪一只才算是扁平足,我只知道之前在goodarch印脚时知道自己是属于扁平足的一族)。“噢,这只啊!”我指了指右脚...“所以你的右脚会时常麻痹对吗?”医生问。“不是哦,反而是左脚...”我说。...“因为腰椎左边较弯压到神经线,所以影响到脚”医生与我说到,我也凑上了意见相同的说法。后来医生叫我趴下(在特定的仪器床上)等他(他出去一下)。我大概猜想他应该是要帮我按摩推拿吧!回来后,第一步骤即刻开始-指压法。医生开始在我背上随着我的脊椎曲度往下按压。接着说:“吸气...吐气”...往我身后一按,“卡拉卡拉”声响...再用力往下压,“卡拉卡拉”声又响...妈,姐,弟,姨就坐在一旁看着医生为我推拿...我当时心想的第一反应是“walau,ohmammamiaaaa,很痛咧!”由于第一次不习惯,会有点别扭的感觉。往下趴着时,他那不轻不重的力道把我施压得差点喘不过气来。他一直叫我放松,我却一直紧绷(因为压得我肋骨有点疼)...眼泪类差点儿飙出来了。“来,转向侧边”“转向哪边?”“向我这边”(当时是我的右边)将我的手脚环绕,转啊,压啊“卡拉卡拉”声响(很难形容这种推拿法)...“来,转向这边”(我的左边)当时由于我裤带上装着手机IC之类的,为了避免不便,我停顿了一会儿,就一会儿,将它们拿出来交给妈妈。Dr.Michael好酷哦,感觉上他好认真,认为一刻也不能够怠慢似的...然后,同样的动作重复...“来,身体躺好,头放松”抓起了我的头,往右边“卡拉”一声,往左边“卡拉”一声,调整颈椎。“来,再趴下来”...再施压了几下,直到没有“卡拉”的声音出现。抓起了两只脚,严肃地说道“有长短脚,很严重的长短脚”...随手又帮我拉了拉,松了松两只脚。“好了,来”跟随他到对面的房间,利用另一样仪器进行物理治疗。双脚被贴紧以防跑位,双手紧握前方的钢铁支,下半身随着仪器上下摇动。同时,医生往我背后再施压推拿,甚至将手放进我衣服里面压背(别怀疑,这是专业医生的做法),蛮痛下...由于我的手握住的钢铁柱已拉到极限(对于我的能力来说),双手又不能够离开它,所以仪器往下摇时,我的手几乎呈现麻痹的状态。十五分钟,完。我以为整个过程都已结束了,后来那位华人女staff告诉我说还有的,还没结束,叫我再多等一下。后来那位印度女staff带我到另一房间进行另一个治疗过程。“就知道会有这个东西”我心想。当时上网看到introduction,facilities时,就不太敢来这里做检查。之前还一度问妈妈说“要去看咩?都不懂好不好”“去看下啦,给那位医生看下也好,不看哪里知道有什么问题?”妈说。“酱快咩?”我问。“当然啦,早点看早点治早点好嘛...不然要等几时?!”“Huh,oh...”......那就是neuromuscular electrical stimulation(NMES)或简称为“电疗”。当时她为我贴上电疗的一种粘性物质以传电时,电流就会开始passing an electrical impulse from a device through electrodes that she placed on my back skin.粘着当时,她说了一句“oh...sudah bengkok ke sini...”。后又拿了两个不硬不软的物体各放在我两边的骨盆让我压。之前我还问了她说:“actually this is use for...”..."For stimulate your muscles"她说。"Oh...pain anot?"..."Hmmm..a little bit lah..."..."huh??"..."You already a big girl what,still scared?"..."Yea,this everyone will also scared one"...开始,震动得有点痛,就那么一点点,所以不敢用力呼吸,因为会震得肋骨微微振动。后,慢慢习惯,变得舒服,几乎想睡。间中那位女印度进来问我"Goh,ok anot?"... ..."Goh??"她习惯地称呼我..."huh?!"我开口道..."Feel ok anot?"她又问..."yea,ok..."我说..."I thought you have fall asleep there?"..."no.."hehee.我只是没注意听她在跟我说话...所以没理她。约十五分钟,完。她来帮我拆开那些贴在我背部的electrodes."Now,okay?"她说。"Yeah,but I feel wanna go to toilet"...拆完,"Okay,now you can go to washroom,is outside there."..."Okay!"上完厕所,回到医生房,医生对妈妈和我说建议我买一粒gymball...他示范了几个姿势给我们看...告诉我们说治疗与运动要同时效应。姐进来,医生过后对我们说我明天必需回来继续第二次治疗。我说明天不能(因为有一个很重要的补习)...姐说“不要补一天啦!没有办法的嘛!”我说不能啊,因为那个补习不同,给了很多钱的...妈对医生说“拜六不能吗?拜六...” “不行,太迟了”医生摇头说道。“不然就拜一咯,放学过后来这边”我们在一旁讨论。“你们先商量好...”医生像一脸不耐烦地说道。后来妈选了option 1 的payment(RM900)...共十次的treatment+免费一次。后来对医生说“礼拜一可以吗?”医生点头说可以。临踏出房门,我对医生说了一声“谢谢啊...”,他好像显得怪不好意思地点头。之前在我治疗的当中,想必医生已经写了一封信,一封X-ray exam urgent requirement的信加上他的签名给mother,放进我了X-ray file里,好让我呈现这张医生信方便照X-ray.后来医生给了几张纸,as a referring for exercises by using gymball.妈问医生说“不能在你这里照X-ray?”“我会建议你到医院去照,会比较好”医生说。那位华人女staff告诉妈妈说可以去Tawakal照,妈说Tawakal太乱了,搞到她团团转+头昏脑涨...去Sentosa也是一样...Sentosa也是不错的。因为只需要照X-ray再回来给这位医生consult,故不必去到老远的Gleneagles去。我以为是等我放学后再过来,可是mother说来不及了,又要照X-ray后过来treatment,所以被迫缺席到校。那位May(华人女staff)说,你必须要牺牲一天学习的时间才行,我们会给你医生纸的。没有办法咯,惟有出示医生纸证明。Book了礼拜一下午二点进行the second time treament,当天还要一早醒来在爸爸的陪同之下到医院照X-ray...拿了报告才到OCHC给Dr.Michael作比较。好了,再见咯!

回到kopitiam,拿着一大份的x-ray file还得小心翼翼。只看见契妈还有Ah boon gor gor和他的女朋友来坐一会儿。阿姨“细述”了我的情况给ah boon gor gor 听...哎,旁人是不会理解这么多的啦!我就在一旁talking with sista,说起刚刚treatment的状况。原本妈妈想和阿姨晚上去the curve看看阿姨的MBG水果档,可是sista累了,又每人载妈妈回,最后,cancelled。待了有一段时间,我们就回家噜!

*这间chiropractic centre在这里开了一年多,医生也只有这一位(之前他在医院做后来在这里开了他唯一的一间物理治疗中心),没有其它的分行。



Friday, July 24, 2009

Ebony of hairs,it stay a health.

Today during the assembly before start our lessons...there's an announcement 'bout the bringing of handphone.I get used to bring it to school on the day that I got tuition due to it's convenient to contact up with family when going home.No choice.I scared for a spot checking thus I asked yminn who is also briging her hp tp school today to keep in her car as she drive to school every schooling time.But is actually for safety...I have seen more the students brought their hp to school and even on the phone in school.I don't think it is essential for them to bring to school unlike me,there's a need.Even papa asked me also for briging it to school when tuition day although we know that it's a ban to bring it.I repeat,no choice,it's a need!UNLIKE others...stupid feller!Macroecons's paper,a small test in last two periods.Not really did well,but actually is okay for me.After school,I almost forgot to take back my hp from yminn as I was finding hsun that time for going to the koperasi meeting.Finally I got my phone when I sudden think of it,fortunately she haven't gone yet.Hsun,found.We need to stayback for doing some stuffs for the decoration of the new koperasi room.Take a lunch at school with Sun at 1:30pm.2:10pm,we went tuition together with pling.Popular again before tuition.KP's activity tmrw morning...my group members take turn to prepare the games for another two groups.I'm tired btw,sleep and think it out tmrw morning.

p/s:Chiropractic physiotherapy tomorrow!First time going for checkup,don't know how will it be actually.Panic,like the first time went to Gleneagle Intan Medical Centre.Scared scared!Nervouse some more.

*hinthint:Twitter as referring.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Getting higher in silently.

There's an education and career fair held in school today as normally organized by caunselling in every year.Like the previous years,I have taken the educ brochures from diff private colleges or uni(s).Have to admit that it is much more lesser of school were displaying there.Get used to walk around and take some informations home.Acct tuition after school,so I better take less of it as all are almost the same things which I have taken before.I had taken more and more when I went to TCPJ directly for taking the brochures last year.
Sun has presented me a "mickey mickey" blue ball pen during acct tuition,will appreciate much.I had lost the eraser that she gave me last time...how I feel so sorry to her.

Met a 泛泛之交>shuqing and her friend in the bus after tuition.

Btw,yesterday we're taking a photo infront our classroom to print out and put in our school magazine as one of the graduated part......see,one two three JUMP!YAY!

Monday, July 20, 2009

Two different locations with the only one aim.

Dad 'n mom went out after i back from sch...asked me whether wanna join them or not.I chose for not joining them and stay at home lonely.Not really know where are they going.Alone at home...long time didn't online and listening to songs.So...it's my time...my turn...!They back at five sth,tell me that they saw a new centre in sri hartamas which regarding to the bone treatment.Gave the brochers and some stuffs for me to have a look.Dad and mom said that not need to go to Gleneagles again which located far apart in jalan ampang due to this new one is nearer.(My first response was "huh,I prefer to go to GIMC as there have my medical records..I want to seek the same doctor which I had seen last two years for easily comparing-I was thinking.)(And what about this,the new one...I don't even have a confidence with this new checking place and the new doctor who learnt this at America.Is it suitable for me?Does it involved the condition that I having now?I kept asking myself)Well,dad asked me to go for checking and let the doctor to have a look on this saturday.They have seen the doctor just now and got a cd and more in details from him.Okay,I then started found the more details in web...I totally understood.He is a DC-a short form which mean by "Doctor of Chiropractic" or called as chiropractor.I have looked out the brochures,the treatment options,the cd and the namecard+calender given.当时他们去找医生谈谈时...医生还问了他们是男是女...如果有照过x-ray就要带来给他看...

Well, papa mama...is a compulsory for me to see the new doctor?I'm still hesitating...

Medical checkup in GIMC will be shifted to the Optimum Chiropractic Health Centre??Have compared the Dr.Chin CH and Dr.Michael Lee...

See,their namecard as following respectively...
Dr. Chin's (Orthopaedic and trauma surgeon)

Dr. Michael's (Chiropractor)

Sunday, July 19, 2009

A good badly day.

Morning a acct revision class as usual...the circumstance was really bad at all.Home,asked by a younger male worker for donation.Oh,I have no money.One more revision class...one more only!Tired.

A good badly to-day.

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Golden saturday.

Woke up early in mornig as usual as there's a sports' activity in school.Baminton normally...nine till eleven.Acct tchr asked for joining her aerobic dance,we rejected her as we wanna play the rope jumping.Hahaha.it's quite some years time we didn't play it since primary...and some games also.Oh,I'm too careless,my cellphone dropped down and became imperfect.Haih...

Afterwards,discuss sch works with friend at Mc.Donald.Reached home at 4sth...tiring.

Friday, July 17, 2009

A running monsoon.

Today have no sch because they are organizing a jogathon in titiwangsa.We are becoming the volunteers for running together.Warming up exercise before running,an aerobic which have taken half and hour...Duration there 7:30 untill 10:00 o'clock.Went home by bus then,met a man from china...the bus is on the way at greenwood towards to sri gb area...











































要到站了,他和我一起下车...指了指路向让他走去...(当时已是十一时,猜想pasar pagi应该还没关门吧)管它的呢!


Have taken a nap from twelve till one...prepared for going tuition.Tired after tuition-ing...most of our classmates are going to spring field@ wangsa maju for gathering and celebrating the July's babies in our class.I do not follow them as nobody fetching me home at night.It's inconvenient for me as the location is far away too.

Haih,w.maju everytime...can change to another place or not leh?!

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Coming soon.

Again,during the business studies,we're playing with the "whispering" by keep passing around in a group and the last person will need to speak up what's the sentence is.Btw,before that...due to the "smiling week",each class have to take a photo as competition.We're going to take photos with a brilliant smile,Smilling by closing eyes with a "teeth-look" smile.And also,one two three...JUMP!YAY! Someone was blocking me at all..you know you are...;-/...Okay,I don't have the photos here.

Met swen after backing from tuition...

Inspired by the ambience of Quattro Club which transcending four seasons in Avenue K which are spring lounge,summer restaurant,autumn club and winter bar.First choice,summer restaurant will do!

Summer restaurant inner view.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Past the moments...

As this monday had acted for the body language during business studies,I'm the one who haven't acted yet,so the tchr gave a situation for me as acting for them to guess what situation am I actually in.Hohoho,it's damn funny.
Today is the school cooperation photo taking..I'm the one of the members??Asked for going out to take photo...Well,just follow.
Till then,a simple day.

Btw,Happy Birthday to PeiLing & my buddy,HuiSun!

For Sun...

For PeiLing

She's going to be 20th...(the right hand side)
And she's going to be 19th...

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Bet it, I win.

It's daddy's big day!!
Happy birthday to you happy birthday to you happy birthday to my beloved papa...Happy Birthday to you!I'm the first who wishing him at midnight straight.Papa same as me,cannot eat any birthday cakes for this year,thus there have no any celebration.Mee sua and boiled eggs...the traditional one.

And also, these are the last year photos ;-D



Co-cu photos taking today.S.U photo taken...what the stupid feller checking the students' hairs again..."pin it up properly...if not,out from here from taking photo"...oh,yuck!I mean the way she spoken up!



Guess what,"Titanic" has broadcasted in starmovie today and yesterday also!As I think that I will be displayed at the time and I turned to the channel...ding ding ding...It's showing!

Monday, July 13, 2009

It's just a small piece in life,uneffective.

After the assembly,all the form six's girls need to stayback...just because of the headmistress,the super duper stupid fcuk old woman.Okay,Im not going to stay a long goodbye here so I keep it as briefly.She has wasted our time for almost half and hour and talked a bullshit there...Ain't you will image it and think that it such a brainless kind of attitude!She talked talked talked and talked 'bout all the discipline and shirk the guilty to us.She is actually don't know how to be a human being,as hokkien-ians described it as "beh hiao zo lang"...sigh!Look at her face,I'm sure you will be willing to slap her some more!Ohmy!What kind of people she is!
During the business studies,we're going to act again for the "body language" topic.In class...everyone has known that the muet results will be gonna out today.We're waiting for the teacher in-charge to take it from JPN in jalan duta.Till eleven morning...most of us were not satified at all.Some have cried...But actually yesterday midnight while waiting for sms-ing...my friend had checked for herself and for me.I alrdy knew that what band I got but I'm not satify at all although I have passed the requirement.So,most of us will going to resit it,guess.

Super down mood today!!! D:

Sunday, July 12, 2009

No name no aim.

Have an acct revision class in the morning like previosly.When I reached,there's a girl asked bout my name,my living place,my studies...I don't even know who is she.Well,that called a new friend...Inside the class,a girl who sit beside my right hand side was talking to me also.And again,I don't know her well although I have seen her before.During the break time,jyou and I together ate the wantan mee that she bought in the morning before she came for tuition.After the class,we went to buy gifts for pling,sun and pyi.Finally we've bought pling's and sun's.Went to popular for referring a book's answer.Copied it but actually is can't.Ok,fine,I got idea.Home,lrt,it's crowded by the way.Fortunately I've bought the tickets in the morning.Dropped down from train,Sunday was lack of bus and i've waiting for almost half and hour.It was late after reaching home.Tomorrow is still schooling,I need to complete my homeworks now.

#Oh btw,my indian neighbour uncle kualim has just got a new born baby girl who named Ashley Nicole...such a wonderful name!Congratulations!

At last,happy birthday to JeWei!小姐...
