Had been discussed to visit acc teacher, pn. farizah's house today afternoon. Went out at 1245, took rapid 203 towards the way to terminal putra station. Bus reached there at 1305. Met with jyou, hyi, vzien, liann, jwei, waiteck, saipoh, chyuan ning, waiyee, youseng there after 5 minutes. Jyou, hyi, wteck, yseng and I took another bus 231 to UIAM to wait for teacher coming and fetch us to her house...while jwei, wyee, saipoh, vzien and liann was sitting in chyuan ning's car at the same time to follow us to the uni and follow teacher's car to her house. This was the second time I went to the teacher's house. The road towards her house is just likely the way to cameron highland while hers was just consider as "lowlands"...jkjk. As what we expected, headed uiam at one thirty. Called tchr come for fetching us...reached her house at 2pm. There're also some teachers came to visit her house. We then started our lunch...and enjoying watching star movie "Titanic". Tchr's house has a cat, a cat which belongs to teacher's. It is lazy and dirty lahhhhhhhhh. -_-" Almost 4, tchr fetched us back then. Before that like last year, she gave "qiepao" for us! "Selamat hari raya & thank you". Teacher's car was going to drive to lee rubber and ning's car was going to drive to lrt station. There was a crowd in teacher's car as inside the back seat has six people there, included one people in the front left-seat. SIX..such a terrible number...but luckily...you knowww, hahaaa...while I followed ning's car together with Hyi, Jwei and Yseng. On the way to terminal station, ning's dropped me down there and my bus came at the same time. Headed home at four thirty.

*this sat's farewell had been cancelled as not more than 50% guests will attend...Btw, this organisation of farewell is such a failure as the juniors had planned for more than two options but at last, all are not being used successfully.
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