Today's c.t had cancelled as yesterday mama said have to change to monday. Coincidentally last minute in afternoon we have been informed that tonight got a dinner as cousin brother, ahboy treat eating. As last week need to cancel the ct also at the beginning due to the dinner('cause sis need time to take a shower and so yeah, she will takes lots of time to prepare) but at last they had cancelled the dinner due to some reasons..fortunately we planned to change today's ct to mon in early. 1:40pm i phoned to ochc to cancel it and shift to mon, done! Night, went to segambut house(uncle khim's house) to gather. Left to cheras together...Hau Kee seafood restaurant口记海鲜饭店...Miss Astro live show in channel 301, television and astro provided there. Heheh. The most famous gourmet there is the fried rice, 乾隆炒饭。Taste good, 炒得有锅气香味儿。It need an early booking before you coming, that's why it's so limited..and being well known. Oh, I sudden remember that my friend, jyou had back to her cheras house today. Hmmm..she said she'll have her dinner with family in cheras also..heheh. The dishes overall was just ok. Ate 'till 9 sth, home. Headed home at 10sth where there's still got the last part of the miss astro live show. Switched on the tv and we got to watch the finals' results came out. Here to congrats to Belle Tan!
*Altho was treating by cousin but we know that...AAstyle to share the total amounts. Haa.

* Used papa's iPhone to save this post as a draft..due to the network connection problem occurred in my comp so need to draft down the date to update this the time will become earlier.
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