No lesson today,a good new for everyone?!Finally,I have completed my task for leading juniors to sell the old magazines during recess time.We're helping for preparing the coming sunday's school carnival lestari 90th anniversary flea market--the aim is for raising the fund to upgrade school's facilities and equipments.
Tuition time,went to centre market to take back the gallery as we asked for drawing the raymond and vzien together like a couple to present her as her birthday present.See,
Pyi sms-ed me asked for outing prob!nah!I'll always attend.Btw,congratulations to her as she will start her tertiary educ in uni. malaya the next sunday!She said that she apply the first choice for accounting course but they gave her the second one,business see,the brainless government will never ever given the one you are actually keen for...*it is due to some conditions as what the T&C apply* Sigh...
#Yay!Three days break soon.
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