The place we listened to a talk about the prison.

A photo taken before we get inside the hall

临走前@ 大合照 (少了愿敏-照片的摄影师)Ps:老师未免也站太边了吧!
Reached home at,mom and bro were preparing for going out...I quickly took a bath and together we went out at 2:40pm.First destination...brought brother's SWAN schoolbag to setapak for a repairing as it's still under cover of warranty,I didn't drop down from car,well,it only took five minutes...settled.The second round...kepong,for realign my shoes as I had mentioned that half year more I didn't go for checking since the Dec of last year.And also,this is the sixth time I went there.Mother“投诉”ah boy为什么刚才没接电话(抵达之前get used to inform him),ah boy 一句“手机没有带到来,匆忙出门忘记拿...不要生气不要生气”(just kidding) Mom suddenly said to me that a customer there(a teenage girl)is looking the same as me of the abnormal posture. 3:25pm...have been waiting for a bowl of time...until3:50pm as during the school holidays is much more people free for coming.
(那门可是有机关的哦,外面要进来的人必须敲敲门,里面的高级staff才会使用一种特效按钮开给你。大城堡sri petaling的总行,分店也是一样有机关,须按密码的)
Seems that I need to wait for awhile,I then laid down and rested on the sofa chair there(woke up early this morning)at the beginning...atthesametime,Idon'tknow why both of my legs kept on shivering.After the time,One of the person in-charge waken me up(not really that waken),and I woke up the time before he really call me up,and I saw he was trying waken me up and looking at me and laughing there(a shallow smile)when I opened my eyes.The situation was damn funny,damn funny...hahaa!Finally there were much more lesser of people and it's my turn now.“来,脱鞋印脚”...听了他话step the foot print as usual(双脚仍然有少许地颤抖)。 当时,我隔壁有个背对着我的女子转过头来一直看着我,我没正视着她,以一个九十度的正常角度看出她好像觉得我这个年龄来印脚做鞋一定是有什么问题,一副出奇+同情我的脸酱!我没多加理会,继续我的“工作”...他如常指示了一番(其实我早已习惯那按部就班的steps)所以我就很理所当然地直接半蹲,然后他“瞪”了我一眼,说,再来过。(我心想“不对咩?之前都是ah boy负责帮我印的,都是直接酱作的啦)看他的眼神(对他撇了撇笑),ok loh听他的。他说:“这只脚先放上来,然后再放另一只,先挺直头往前看,然后才半蹲...这只脚先提起来,放到后面,然后这只才上来.....”一只印了又另外一只,就这样反反复复。印完,走到桌台前,我忽然看到台上的一捆绳子,想起平时戴的随身宝(involved far infrared,negative ions,silver nano)的绳子要更新了,指着它问他:“这个免费da,不用钱da?”“ahh,你要啊?”他点了点头回问我。确定是免费的,就给了他我的healthy guard叫他帮我剪一段新的绳子套上。问了他可不可以洗,他点头说可以。之前以为不能洗,所以没敢让它多碰水,就怕会洗走那些“靛点”(里面的功效),可是我每天戴着它,汗水难免也会“渗透”,不洗干净也说不过去。现在总算可以安心地每天将它擦一擦身了。套好了给我(绳子还蛮balance的嘛),"Thanks!"。接着“来,我现在要帮你拍照,你先过去穿好鞋(goodarch's)然后过来拍照”..took photos(the part which I will feel strange),为了方便将脚塞进鞋里,我就从bag里拿出带来的小纸袋里装了今早穿过的短袜往脚套(其实本来就应该要穿是比较好的)(哎呀,不好意思,今早穿过有点儿扑鼻,所以才放进纸袋里的嘛,哈哈,其实也没什么特别的味道,嘻)然后就穿上鞋子。I always need to tie up my hair at the moment..当时我头发没绑上,他叫我把它“扫”去肩膀后面(为了避免拍照时看不出肩膀的高低),然后mom就叫我绑起来,他就说“ahh,绑下来啦”我听不明白(不明他到底是说“绑上来”还是“放下来”),就问“huh?”,他又说“绑下来”..噢,我懂,其实就是绑起来的意思,它的词句有点儿怪特,哈哈!走去镜前,忽想起平时带在身的梳子,头一时回转,他以为我没有束发圈可以绑。我点头说有,将套在手上的它show给他看。时刻在我口袋里的梳子终究没有重出江湖,故还是随便绑了绑就好。回到拍照原位...Oh btw,when I was preparing for taking of the staff(marketing executive,they called him as Ah Howe阿豪>>tauke's son asked me that “雯雯,你叫什么名了啊?”I thought that he wanna ask my chinese name...and my mom then answered him that "Goh Moon Hong"..(hahaa...)as he wanna find my last record which all is written in english.拍完,即脱掉鞋子袜子。鞋子搁放一边,袜子又丢回进纸袋里。I thought they all have forgotten the last part for me and I do not tell it out purposely.After some minutes,Ah boy asked me for doing the last part“雯雯,来,我帮你量脚”,the part I like the most particularly>>lay down and let them to measure my legs.Don't think that this is an abnormal phsycology,because you don't know the truth actually.It only took within five minutes..after awhile,he asked for a measuring again because he said that he've measured out I have improved rapidly and the main point is,the one who took photos for me just now do not believe it and asked me to lie down again.Ah boy:“还要再量过,因为我刚才量到你有很大的进步咯”(为了断定准确,务必重量)Ah boy said that he(the one who took photos for me) is more expert in the way,apparently.“他帮你量过,他比较专业了的,我还是新的”...当我躺下来时,brother kept set me laughing.害得我在躺下之余,他们在摆好我的身子时,我一直捧腹大笑,他们看我也不知觉跟着笑,还说“笑什么?!”(actually I also felt that got abit itchy due to they were posing me a straight lying and lead to me laughing the time )After that,he then took my shoes for doing a new alignment according my new footprints.他果真比较在行,难怪刚刚头一个step就这么讲究。哈哈,起初头一次他为我拍照时,我嫌他拍得不好看,就觉得他不会。可是现在有点改观了,呵呵!Firstly,he took the newer one which I seldom wear and I told him that “还有一双”(need to realign)...and he said that “等下先..” [you know...his tone is merely like "I know that...but,wait first~"(after making another one first,must step by step,can't both together...) ] and I felt that "huh?!I just tell you only that I've brought one more pair there(I scared that you don't know I got bring two pairs of it)...just as informing what...I know you will know one..." Well,ok loh.Hehee.
The bed where I laid down(like the之前在鹰阁医院临床给陈志豪医生推拿,在小诊所给Dr.Shah打麻醉剂缝针)...captured while waiting for the shoes alignment.
Well...while waiting for him...I then looked around and have a chat with ah boy as we have known about each other before,actually for the another two also but the former one more in familiar and longer.。唉呀,都是他们的顾客了,以后还有排(广)见面,不熟的也变熟了啦!Father 告诉ah boy说我之前不懂哪里痛到很厉害,ah boy 就问我“哪里?”我说是在腰骨下,痛到不能坐不能站不能蹲。“几时的事?”“嗯...很久了噜(忘了是几时,很想说是几个月前)”“很久了?!”嘻嘻,我笑了笑。(之后看回之前post的纪录,原来是三月时期)......看到桌台上的薄荷糖果(嘴馋),忍不住拿了一粒来解嘴痒,爽爽口。Mom and bro跟随我,hoho,馋嘴的我们!调整好了一双让我试穿走走,我坐在那张床上穿着鞋的同时,忽想起我的袜子,站了起来摆了慢跑的姿势,准备走过去要拿袜子时,“咦?纸袋叻?”ah boy 问道:“你要做么?拿袜子?不用啦,就直接穿啦!”当时的我一脚跨前一脚跨后,一手摆前一手摆后,头一回,听着他讲话,pose就这样定格,stuck on the pose,hahaa!真好笑!我这才知道,那位为我服务的已经把第二双鞋连同纸袋整个拿去他那边调整了。哎呀,袜子在他那边儿,我来时穿着的高跟鞋也在那纸袋里面,呵呵!又以慢跑的姿势走回床边,坐在床上穿鞋。他们说这次会加重很多,因为来到了更上一层阶段(骨盆pelvis/hip bones),其实我都已经习惯了,不成问题...ah boy问我平时穿了哪里有不舒服的地方,我说了老句话,盘坐一定脚麻,尤其是左,痹得历害!然后他又问我普通坐在椅子上呢...我说酱就不会麻(其实是有点啦,不过甚少)。他跟mother说我的腰骨股骨盆骨都不好。哎!我忘了告诉他我平时站久就右骨盆酸痛,坐在椅子上久就会右大腿酸+背部疼痛。唉,这些都是免不了的特征。习惯性地走来走去,以为他们会一直看着我走(之前他们都会一直盯着我走路的方式,然后会问我感觉如何,结果就会叫我一直走来走去,直来直往,来来回回,徘徊徘徊,如走cat walk似的),可是现在没了,我就自己走几步感觉感觉。又走到床边坐下,贪爽把鞋垫打开,看看这次内里乾坤又有何不同。忽然间他又谈起我的学业路向,哎呀,时间未到还未知分晓呢!别谈别谈!接着,我又到处看了看那里的新器材(增添+update了许多新的保健产品,其一是“随机贴”--贴在机背减低辐射)Boss儿子就说:“买一个回去啦,粘在手机...很方便的。”我心想“还是免了吧...hahaa...” 还有健康书籍等。Ah boy在与爸妈谈天的当时,对我道:“买一本回去看啦!”走了过来说:“Neh,看看这本...eiiiii,最后一本卖完了,那本很多人买来看...” 要我买回家...哈!想得美(一定很贵的),看了就算啦!霎时,那个ah boy又说“你看,他几专心在一边帮你调整弄鞋”,阿爸也插一嘴说:“是咯,看人家酱好,几专心帮你弄鞋”,我笑了笑。等待另外一双鞋子的当余,无聊的我做起了伸展动作,忽然发现说了那边(我此时正站着的前后位置)的电视机与沙发换了位,对了调,boss的儿子ah howe就说:“是咯,睡觉没有人会看到嘛...”(桌台旁原本置放电视机的位置被沙发取代了,所以从外看进内,沙发被桌台遮挡住了)哈哈,亏你还讲得出口。Mother笑了笑说:“偷懒一下也没有人会看到ho...”(哈哈,jkjk开玩笑)早知道我刚来也在那不显眼的双人位沙发上躺一下,反正外面的人看进来也看不到我睡觉的丑态,哈!说的也是!(不过一来到时没多加注意,才会在前边的单人椅子坐着)随后,我又走去桌台前偷瞄一些顾客的少少资料,另一个桌前又翻开一些catalogue来看。不知道什么时候,看到ah boy竟然在玩着facebook。与ah boy聊着聊着,聊起form six的事里事外。我忽然想起怎么没替我解释刚印的脚印?和之前的作作比较。Hence,我问了他们,Ah boy 拿给我看说和之前没什么分别(之前的也算有进步),然后我又问他“酱量脚的叻?”Ah boy说还是和之前一样没有改变(means that it doesn't have any improvement),刚才还说量到有进步,还好有再量过较准确的。不久,那双鞋也搞掂了。刹那间,他走来叫我一声,给我那双鞋。Ah boy 又对我说“你看,他酱用心帮你弄到美美,连鞋角要脱了的地方也帮你补回上去”又害我怪不好意思地说了一句“唔该晒”。Ah boy跟他说“同呢讲唔该晒啊”(大家笑了笑)我后来心想“应该的嘛,我付了钱的喔,以后有排劳烦晒,还有九年的期限为我服务咧!”嘻嘻!原本想叫他不用帮我串好鞋带,因为我前几天洗了,没来得及串上,就随手先丢进纸袋里,没想到他也帮我串好了。当他要把那双鞋(较旧的)放进纸袋当时,我后来拿起那双鞋对他们说,“你看,后面脚跟鞋底被磨损了”他轻拍了拍鞋底。我心想“鞋底肮脏的咧”...Ah boy道“你一定是走路拿来拖的咯!”(嘻)“要准备了啦”“这双鞋要烂了,叫爸爸买新的一双给你”爸爸指了一双凉高跟鞋,ah boy 就说“你不要吓死她!(开玩笑)”另外那个就说“要就买黑色的(波鞋),比较快见效。不要一直穿那双了(旧的)(因为鞋底要烂了)”“可是我们都是穿白鞋的,只有prefect才穿黑色的”我说...ah boy 问:“可是你们form six了wor,不是都要穿黑色的咩?!(百思不解)人家中华form six是穿黑色的...” “这个中华跟那个中华哪里一样!不过鞋子应该没有理会那么多,不用太去介意,应该都可以的”,我说。后来ah boy 说如果有需要,穿到不舒服或有任何状况可以随时过来,我回答道“Oh(清楚明白的意思)” 轻轻点了头。Brother猛推点我的头,那两位“前辈”在我面前直笑。Father说如果平时Sista有空也可以载我来看,不用特地待他有空才来。我说:“唉,她才懒得来!”大家笑笑。妈说:“她平时读书回到家就没空的啦,又很累...” 不久,又有顾客到访,是一家带着一个小孩,很小的小男孩,依我看他应该不到6岁吧!: )我后来又忽然想起“为什么没有print刚刚拍的照片分析给我听的?难道又怕我用质疑的语气不断地怀疑有否进步”哈哈,算了吧!反正他们电脑有存本。呼!终于,总算,最终逗留了一小时十五分,一切都完成了。结果最后还是穿着调整过的特制鞋(goodarch's)(较新的,也就是说不是平时读书穿的,又或者是较少穿出门的)出去走街,原本应该陪我走街的高跟鞋就放进了纸袋里面。约了ah boy到附近吃午餐(当时将近五点,也可以称为午茶,但是我们都还未吃午餐),鞋子暂搁放于店里。他推荐了沿着直路走的Pappa Rich,原本那个角落在一年前是一间港式餐厅,原来已经zap lap了。点了吃的喝的...谈了公的私的...
Pappa Rich.
这对情侣“侥幸”地进入我的镜头当中 ;P
Lychee soda(ah boy's)
Ice honey lemon(mine)
Soya bean cincao(father's)
Fried Ice-cream
Wheat bread(mine)
最后ah boy请吃,唉!又是两个男的争面子的时间了,Ah boy胜出。爸妈就说下次来到再找他请他一起吃东西,哈哈,结果我就说:“酱就要看我有没有空先咯!(因为只有我有空,才会特地来这边)”嘻嘻嘻!临扫屁股前,和brother异口同声地说了一声“谢谢ah boy” 我附加一句“gor gor”。呵呵!吃饱后回到了店里取回我的鞋子,问了ah boy有否后门(爸爸的车park在正后巷),他说有,易打开好方便我们出去取车,不必兜一大圈走小巷。原来之前下过毛毛细雨,车外壳充满了小雨珠。再见咯!!
*以往一路来,首part都是ah boy替我印脚,第二part是那位expert一点的帮我拍照,最后一part是boss的儿子帮我量脚。结果今天全部都是那位expert一点的gor gor帮我做全套。当然,shoes+insole alignment一路来多数也是他在负责的。
#我还有一个有血缘关系的堂哥,我们也都称他为“ah boy”...这一位小他一年的,以前管他叫“ah boy gorgor”,现在大家都习惯叫他“ah boy”了。会误明吗?不会,我们都知道在说着谁!
-Well,this is the first time I listed down more in details here about my checking.Look,it's quite kinda funny!
After left from kepong,we then straightaway to the next station,one utama as the last week had been cancelled!Have a has bought a new school shoes.Afterwards,we went inside the parkson,saw alot of famous brand of bags...GUESS,BONIA,GUCCI,ELLE,CARLO RINO and many more.Father asked for our opinion 'bout ladies bag as he looked out one of it(guess brand) was pretty nice in looking.I have took some pictures with holding the bag and then mms to sister asked for her cost rm195(is after a 50% discount)quite expensive.
I mms-ed this photo added with some texts to sista...
Take #2
I asked mom to do so...hehe.
Sister called back to me and ask for in details...blablablaaaaa.Bytheway,before we went home,we bought some donuts form big apple for ks and the new one which had recommeded on tv programme>>mr.baoz.We have walked from the new wing to the old wing...from the old wing to the new we've checked that it's in the LowerGround floor of new wing side,again we walked infront and back.My Godness!Tired lah wey!Finally,we found it!Yam gong...a small stall near the cold storage supermarket.Look that it's not soooooo interesting,but as we've found it for so long the time,lets buy it for a try then...see you!
来到escalator直下parking basement...brother问了我一道问题,说“如果你被打抢(touchwood touchwood...only as eg.),你身上还有手机,第一时间你会做什么?”刚刚听了mother回答“报案咯”...结果我也就说“报案咯”..可是觉得奇怪,这里的人哪里有人说“报案”的...于是我忽然说出了答案...“报警”loh!Brother忽然立刻抱紧了我。我喊了一声,才恍然大悟,噢!原来事有跷蹊。后面几个男女(20多岁年轻人)也跟着笑起来。我说一个是jin一个是jing,哪里一样...brother说同音就可以啦!哈哈哈!I know lah I know lah! 爸爸后来在车上对我说如果有男的这样问你你不小心答了千万别中他的招,我说会以一脚还给他!Hahaa!Headed home around eight-thirty.
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