Monday, June 29, 2009
The rainbow is changed to the cloudy day,is going to rain some more.
Sunday, June 28, 2009
Nothing will be modified to mucccch.
Saturday, June 27, 2009
Tick tickle tick.
*Tomorrow will start the one day a week of the long period acct revision class.Oh...tiring...
-Michael Jackson aka king of pop had passed away caused by the sudden heart attack.Despite he will not be here and singing,he will always be the only "King of POP",irreplaceable!Yea,i'm not his big fans even a small fans by the way,"you are not alone",too.His moonwalk rock!Rock you,MJ!
Friday, June 26, 2009
Hoping the sweet candy
To whom it may concern,
Multiple Sclerosis 【醫】多發性硬化
Also called "MS"
Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a nervous system disease that affects your brain and spinal cord. It damages the myelin sheath, the material that surrounds and protects your nerve cells. This damage slows down or blocks messages between your brain and your body, leading to the symptoms of MS. They can include
-Visual disturbances
-Muscle weakness
-Trouble with coordination and balance
-Sensations such as numbness, prickling, or "pins and needles"
-Thinking and memory problems
No one knows what causes MS. It may be an autoimmune disease, which happens when your body attacks itself. Multiple sclerosis affects woman more than men. It often begins between the ages of 20 and 40. Usually, the disease is mild, but some people lose the ability to write, speak or walk. There is no cure for MS, but medicines may slow it down and help control symptoms. Physical and occupational therapy may also help.
Take a note here and get to know in women are about twice as likely as men are to develop multiple sclerosis.Who knows,my friend is unfortunately be the one of thousand .Wish him will recover soon,better and better!
Electric cut down suddenly at night as I guess that there's a working near house area lead to the first row housing of the road been affected.Midnight two sth,again it occurred.I'm so tired by the way and Idon'tcare about it.SLEEP!Well,it only took some minutes there...
Thursday, June 25, 2009
New and news
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
When it turns to be not mine.
Had one year P driving license...absent to school,abit flu(comman cold)+cough+abit fever+abit sore throat......hey,it's NOT Influenza A H1N1.Well,everyone have to take care yourself.
24/6 Wed
School as usual.As I said that,the drawing had returned back to me as it can't sell out.Should I give back to Yongjin??Nah,I'll ask him for sure if I meet him one day!
Monday, June 22, 2009
Vineyard,I felt dizzy.
Barley lime(sis)
Pappa energy detox tea with honey(mine)...bytheway I ordered the hot one they gave me with the ice adding =-="
The night will be more crowded and fulled of course.
Dry kuey teow with prawns(sis)
Cendol(dad's 'n mom's...sharing)
Curry noodles(mom's)
Pappa naan with curry sauce(mine)
I forgot the name...(dad's)
Table 10...lastime was table 12...
40mins later,started raining...Kepong Jusco then...shopped around...popular book shop for buying some "extremely lack" of stationaries.I noticed that the plastics bag there revealed the popular book fair date...only I realized that it usually will conduct during May and June of school holidays changed to the August.No wonder lah...the mines book fair will only take the chance hold on June..."Eu yan Sung" for buying some chinese medicines...ingredients...Went home and dropped down papa and momma at night market...reached home about 6pm.I started felt tired and not well...laying on sofa...untill the time for taking bath...9pm.After bathing...again I felt cool and tired,a little bit fever+cough+common cold...sent a message to my friend as informing might be won't attend to school tomorrow.Really suffering lah,but I wanna watch the tv show lah...took my blanket downstair and sleep on living room's sofa...1am...slept at upstair...Papa and sista went out for taking their supper...I set the alarm as usual during schooling...flu came asked to rest and continue sleep.And I absent to school the next day.
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Kissing you with lot of sincere L❤Ve

CHHS's carnival start from 8am to 3pm.My duty shift is from 11am to 1pm,and I decided to go early for consuming first as I'd also confirmed with jyou the time to meet up and back home immediately for celebrating father's day.As I'd told them yesterday the time,they all decided to accompany me to go to school together.At the beginning,we chose for taking bus but finally,yenloo came by driving her myvi...she decided to drive to sch and fetching us at the last minute.Eugene decided to go to the carnival at the last minute also.In the car there were yloo,yloo's relatives(an ex-ch student also which younger than us one year,I forgot his name),eugene,wyu,pyi and I.Reached at the time>nine forty-five morning.Called jyou as she has reached earlier.Saw her...I then walked along and looked around with jyou to plan our budget(how to spend the rm10 coupons)as sch had "forced" us to buy the at least rm10 coupons.Separated with yloo them and met up with them when walking around,you know,the place is...damn small.Met wenny at canteen,still that like to kidding at all,and some secondary school's friends...but I did not call them as well as I'm busying for looking around what should I consume for...hahaa.Btw,it's hard,I never felt that the only ten ringgits will take me for so long the time to spend it out.So,jyou and decided to share together with the rm20 coupons.It's my turn to duty and pyi them went back at the time,bye.Well,the eugene was kept drawing(in live)in the classroom that our sixth formers in-charge to promote his drawing skill.Bytheway,before that in the last two weeks ago,I asked him to sketch out any drawing for me as we all form six students have to contribute a work for selling during this carnival.And lastly,he drew the jolin's tsai look(I forgot to take the photo).The price of the drawing is around rm2 to rm3 but finally dropped to rm1.If nobody will buy,three for rm1...oh,my god!Well,I was not duty as well and out for buying drinks and thinking what to spend in.Never mind lah,got juniors to look over.Finally,eugene went back,he asked me to look over whether got anyone wanna buy his drawing...before I left,it's still in selling(nobody want to buy)but at the beginning,he said that one customer was almost wanted to buy.I guess it will be returned to me due to can't sell out.Finally,my duty shift off.Quickly went for looking what can/worth to consume...ahh...finally,everything is almost sold out wey...At last,we've consumed and left more three ringgits.And finally,we waited for the curry fish ball,have been waiting since we're duty-ing..too many people buying,hot sale.It comes to fish finger,to be frank,the flavour became not good in taste!Woo...went home at one forty-five afternoon.Bus came in time,reached home at two fifteen.Soaked with sweat,took bath quickly.Three sth,went to the mc with sista and brother for packing set lunch and shared treating papa eating as we'd never taken it for a time already. “父亲节快乐”三人齐祝贺老爸...three of us given a hug by dad. =D
After that mom and sis went to qiant for buying some stuff,I followed them in last minute...thunder storm raining after outing for half an hour...went home after an hour outing. : )

Again,FATHERRRRR,you are the best in my HEART!二十四孝好老爸!!

Yeah,indeed,we do spending our time for enjoying the chinese tea all the way when we're in holidays.
Saturday, June 20, 2009
Friday, June 19, 2009
Stars up the sky and I grab it tonight.
Pyi sms-ed me asked for outing prob!nah!I'll always attend.Btw,congratulations to her as she will start her tertiary educ in uni. malaya the next sunday!She said that she apply the first choice for accounting course but they gave her the second one,business see,the brainless government will never ever given the one you are actually keen for...*it is due to some conditions as what the T&C apply* Sigh...
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Gimme a real life with a real role.
HAPPY 19th BIRTHDAY!The girl who love tvb much!Especially LamFung and Bosco,our talks will be always begun with hongkong's artistes. P.s: Ignore my retarded face there. (:
Acc tuition...some talks given by lecturer Ho.He get used to talk alot which unrelevant with acc.But sometimes...what he was tryin' to say is correct and a fact,too.Yea,I have to admit and agree with.People,did you get it?Yea,I'm asking you,think wisely!And also,I know all the way,and I do know my way.
Sister haven't reached home,I have to back by bus.Btw,met eugene again in the bus,I was waken in shock by him.A minute more chating,he dropped down then...bye!
*I have been taken my driving test for a year.Last year for today was a class and society photo taking...and I was absent due to the first time driving test...and finally I passed!Hurrayyy!Got the car license after five more days...Vzien "blamed" that why I absent to sch on her b'day,hahaa!Anyway,the absence is worth fortunately.
Well,my parking skill still that lousy...ks,help meeee!!Hahaa!
Monday, June 15, 2009
曾经梦见不妙的情景 紧张恐怖 心惊胆跳 啊 好想快点儿离开梦境 在梦里 结果就从手中的裤带拿了一粒不知名的物体 吞进肚里 立刻惊醒 呼 险 差点儿成了剧情内容里的女主角(不是拍戏那种 另有它意) 再不就是梦里想着离开 心里直念 我不要再继续 我要醒来 结果立即从梦中惊醒 还有几次睡到“半身熟”的时候 哇牢 梦境突然出现 感觉上不妙 立即睁开双眼 待一会儿再入眠 免得进入同样的梦境
曾经梦见期待的情景 兴奋惊喜 欣喜若狂 啊 好想继续更上一层楼 在梦里 结果就直想 好吧 先不要离开梦境 待故事的发展继续下去 呼 哈 果真就当了剧情内容里的女主角(不是拍戏那种 另有它意) 有种special feeling 是一直想要的 嘻
P.S : 我今天走向了第二个跑道!
Sunday, June 14, 2009
Saturday, June 13, 2009
Never the truth ...
Fuck you babi(s)...不要怪我有种族歧视,那是你自找苦吃!
Well,I know I'm weird in looking here...
First recipe:taufu,Second recipe:Steamed fish,Thrid recipe:Sotong,Forth recipe:yun yong style of prawns,Fifth recipe:Lala(clams) in soup,Sixth recipe:salted egg crabs,Seven recipe:crabs porridge,Eight recipe:butter crabs+buns...with a bowl of rice.
There are more crowded after 8pm.An hour more eating.Fetched 舅母to onglai restaurant...within an hour,reached.Papa was busying inside there...didn't see us bythetime...we just dropped down mg mah there and went home then.Home,headed at nine forty-five.Tiring...