19.04.09 Sun
I was watching 28th HK Film Awards which showing in live in channel wahlaitoi.Some results are obviously in my anticipation.Congrats also for Nick Cheung KaFai who won the best actor and have been waiting for several annuals till now.While for the awards which is the best asian film among the nominate goes to "The Assembly"《集结号》,and I was cheering myself by the way.For the "painted skin"《画皮》also.You know what,just because there are included dengchao and her girlfriend..sunli who starring at the films respectively.

Besides,I was watching the "Future Star"《美莱梦之队 明日之星 第八届影视新星大赛》at the same time. It's veryyyyyyyyyyyy niccccee!Esp for the last week,the second part.The girls from china are leaded by Eric Tsang to Malaysia for challenge themselves to become a future star.I was inspired and attracted from the point of view...the girls are having their gaming session and also a competition at Palace of The Golden Horses which situated in The Mines Resort City.I Like It! I will continue watch it as well in the following parts.

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20.04.09 MON.
I met a guy who has a mental disease in bus this morning.He is sitting infront of me squeal and looking around the passengers in the bus.His manner is silly and scary.He scared a malay woman who sat infront of him.The woman then moved infront to the next seat.I was wishing that he won't watch back and I tend to look towards outside the window as well.Help me!I was whispering myself for who can sit beside me.Finally,a malay woman came and sat.I was just "saved" after dropping down to school.MUET teacher grabbed another three periods which two from pp and another one from acct.Gosh!We have to face with her for FOUR periods unstopped.Because she was absent for few days last week and she need to take more the time for teaching due to we will going to take MUET test this saturday,thus the time is getting tightly.Going for acct tuition after schooling,caused by it's replaced for this saturday as I said that we are going to take an english test(nation).Thursday class is opening as usual but we chose to attend today's class.Sis fetched home after takin Lrt,met brother when almost reach home while he's going to get in an aunty's car as he is fetched by the aunt everyday after schooling.He then just informed the aunt and get in our car.Together sista,brota and I in the car and it's really funny for bro and I went home together.
Ps: headache again,I have taken medicine and feel better now. : )
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