我叫雯凤,不是雯风。念对的人总是写错,写对的人却总是念得不正确。还有And also, I named Moon Hong NOT Moon Hoong or Mun Hong. I'm so sick that those who spoke correctly spelled wrongly......

Monday, April 27, 2009

Expert is the way to become more professional!

Off to sri hartamas after school as mom said that they're going to aunty stephanie's and aunty beelee's restaurant.Not really like to go out 'cause it's the time for watching drama shows.Have been a "long" consideration,seems never get in the restaurant since the opening for 3 weeks more and yet,I decided to follow them out...have a lunch there btw.I then bath immediately after back home.Departed at 2pm sth.Took lunch at aunts' kopitiam...free for us.
Afterwards,I walked out have a look for snaping photos...aunty beelee was accompanied me to walk along the shopping,we met Jiang Meng Lei(江梦蕾)well,looks different compared to look in tv as I don't really can recognize her.Again,father and I walked around...while it's the best time to capture.;D

Pictures will do the talking now.

There're also a rojak and pudding...no photos available.

The guard put his hand towards the water purposely when saw that I wanna take photo.


and the bright

and also the T.G.I FRiDAYS

I asked father to do so,but he said looks ugly...Nooo,it's the nicest..trust me,I'm professional one!

And I asked father took for me.

The LouisVuittion shop

Progressing...Carlton @ Hartamas

The words will be>>>H.A.R.T.A.M.A.S

Plaza Damas 3

5pm sth,we're getting to back and straightaway went to segambut house 'cause papa wanna do his stuff there...the drink at the house>>

Yesterday night,sista and I were discussed regarding the Concorde Hotel and Sheraton Imperial Hotel...blablablaaa.She was just finished her interview today for the SI H.These are the "S" collections she brought back that given by the h.'s staff.

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