As doctor told me before,today need to go back for a check,for take apart the thread,actually.11am sth,I was driving to the clinic while mom and bro were accompanied me.Registered again.I took turn then..and I tend to asking and asking when get in.I get in to the surgery room(it's not the truly surgery for me,yet,it's really for a small operation provided in that room)directly."Come,lay down here."I was thinking that I need an injection again,because of he said that I need to come again and buka...and...whatwhatwhat...I was thinking that,still."So,do i need any injection again?"... ..."What injection need?You have been injected and stitched.".Errr,dumb,I still not sure what he trying to say+a half understanding."The injection...and take the thread away."...I was thought that he will straightaway take it out w/o the injection.Mom started saying/asking sth..."Tu...benang nak buka tak?"..."Ouu,tak payah tak payah....mana perlu lah..."..."Ia akan tanggal sendiri kan?!"..."Ahh,ya,tak perlu peduli ia,akan tanggal sendiri"..."I scared mah,if need to inject for take the thread"..."You've injected and stitched,what for need to inject again?!""You've tried it lah,now what to scare?"again..."suntik dah suntik,jahit sudah jahit,apa nak takut skrg?!"He then again,asked me to lay down on the bed."Means really no need to inject again right?"I was still doubting to make a sure with him."Yea,if you want can,inject again,buka again,and stitch agian"(kidding)..."Hey,dont scared me!"--(Laughing)--Started cleaned and disinfect my wound area after he opened the gauze..."berapa benang sudah jahit tu?""Err...tiga atau empat lah...tiga..tiga(when saw clearly)"..."Mom,what does he doin?What does he tryin to do then?"...Mom said that he's just cleaning my wound area and she walked nearby then."Not bad what,only a small scar there,the stitches quite a nice looking".Then I asked the doc,"Already dissolved?".."Hmmm??Already whaaaattt?",You will never know that,his slang is damn...damn cute at all. :D Well,by answering "Nothing lah." Oh,before I forgot to tell that,when he sticked a new gauze on my wound,he tend to press it "throughoutly" untill it stick properly.Yee,the first time one nicer lah,today's look damn ugly.So,I need to "show out" my "new look" on mon and tues in school,'till tuesday only can tear up the gauze."..."Then sapu the ubat I give,and paste a handiplast"..."You want to tear it yourself or want me to tear for you?"..."Tear it myself of course."..."Then,I no need to come again right?"..."Can also if you want."-speechless.-_-" Cannot eat... ...cannot bath...ooh,wait...!What?cannot bath?!Smelly lah."Just wash the body and bottom part lah."..."The hair!!" "Cannot wash hair,cannot kena air untill friday."...But I guess I do wash it,'cause I beh tahan anymore w/o washing hair a day!I will be more carefully btw."Then it will drop itself?","Yea,when you're bathing it will drop following the water flow"Okay,that's all..."The medicine need to finish?"He turned back and answered me "Ahh!yea!The antibiotic must finish all,and the bengkak one"..."The pain just depends on you..."..."Oo...the antibiotic now left four tabs only"..He then smile and pat on my shoulder.Bye! And,these are the next second day after back from clinic...

Finally,I'm feeling better opening my eyes.
don't you think i looking better in the first day compare with todays?!I mean the gauze yeaaaa...;P
The total cost overall,rm70+today's rm25 = rm95...gosh!Almost hundred,a terrible number.
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