10.2.09 Tues.
Speaking day...speaking and speaking during muet lesson...Class photo taken,and I feel that I'm not looking nicely in those picture...it's ok,just a class photo,I used to be look "seriously" when taking every year and you people were smiling nicely. : )
11.2.09 Wed.
KS birthday(Happy Birthday to YOU!)...malay essay competition...took "big head" photo,before that,I saw dc's news in china press the last page of entertainment part at school's library,woohuu...had recorded the china drama as jyou mentioned before "P.S I Miss You"《真的好想你》while there's also the other name called 《玻璃夕阳》。I realized that I had been watched it before...:)
12.2.09 Thurs.
I was absent to school today...headache in the midnight,omg!super suffer weyyy!ache like hell!had abit fever then.So,I missed the pp quiz,and I'd memorized it all but I scared I can't force to write it down when feeling noy well.Had asked friends 'bout the questions during acct tuition,it's damn easy.And also the chinese essay competition,the title given as "让感动变成行动",seems abstract...Gah!I'd prepared yesterday for today's competition but it seems useless.I've asked sister 'bout the essay body afterwards and her response given was almost the same ideas with mine.
13.2.09 Fri.-- A bad day
Met secondary sch friends after school...had a bit chat with 'em.Class painted after that 'till 2:15pm.Waiting bus for goin' tuition.But finally hsun said her friend will fetch us and we've been waiting for roughly an hour.Six buses missed out.*sigh* Should not blame I know as we got car for free fetching.But,it's very hot and the sun shine fiercely.beh tahan lah we all.Hsun then kept calling to her friends for coming rapidly due to we're began to be lated.Her friends reached then at 3:30pm and dropped down us near centre market about 4pm.We realized we're late as the lesson is start form 3:45pm,we walked faster and turned to rush then.We passed by an alley that we usually walk along when back from tuition,but we never walk along it when go for tuition.I was running as well and I walked the side with a little bit hunchback.Without any caution,I hit something!That's a painted box and I was not clearly what's it seriously!Oouuuccchh!!Super duper pain man!Mamma mia!What the h... I too careless!I hit on my forehead and I was sitting down there 'cause I have lost consciousness to continue walking(But I do not faint).I put my hand there(the wound)(as you will be done the same when you hit sth)and thinking is it will bleeding at all.I thought was NOT!But after I shifted my hand,it's bleeding.The blood flowing incessantly.I cried then for sure.My friend Jyou was shocked and Hsun look more steady.Hahaa!Sun called her friends for fetching me to go to medical centre and I refused her,while Jyou was calling my parents to inform 'em.The passers-by..or should I say they all are indians women who are selling flowers at their own stall besides the road were helping me to stop bleeding.They are kindly and passed me a chair for rest. with a small barrel of water for washing my hands and legs which moisten by blood,also.There are some nurses also sticked a plaster on my wound.And I then just waiting for papa coming.I was kept saying thank you for 'em and feel sorry to my friends for moisten their hands and shorts also.I asked them whether need to stitch anot and an indian girl said:"Oh,tak payah,tak payah...hanya cuci dan sapu ubat saje." Well,I was thinking what she thinking at the moment as I felt that it will recover itself no longer.But what's the fact is I suspected that the people who hit on forehead mostly,maybe also a must for stitch.Bytheway,I was choked while drinking water when heard what Jyou said that she was scared.Heehee.Papa and sis came and fetched me home directly together with jy and hsun.They didn't attend the tuition class as they'd help and accompanied me for waiting papa.Dropped down jy at sentul and lrt terminal station for hsun.Headed home at 5pm sth.Before that,I had bought a fold of double A4 paper.Is it sounds I'm ok?!Mom saw my shirt was moisten by blood slightly and asked me to take a bath first.I bathed and the blood start bleeding,mon asked me to go to clinic immediately.Father gave me money and asked me check whether the thing hit got any rust anot.Then,sister fetched me to clinic shah which we get used to when we need to see a doctor.Have been waiting for 20mins,don't know why that day got sooooo many people get sick??!I was sms-ing jyou for ask her some words for use to tell doctor.It's my turn then.I was poited on my wound when getting in the consultant room+some explanation of causes.The doctor shah then did what should a doctor need to do as usual like took out the plaster and disinfect...With some chat with doctor.What the consult I get was"you need to stitch""What's your comment?What about if I dont stitch?""If you dont stitch,you have to come and wash it everday.""It will be recovered,but after that will become a big mark there.""If you stich,there's only a small straight line.After several days,you come again and buka".Oh yamgong!I never leave any...is any scar on my body parts especially the obviously on forehead besides my sis and bro.And now,I going to become the same with them."So,when it will recover?""After two or three days lah,but make sure you don't play with the scar."A chat again with doctor"I don't know I don't know I don't know"."Can't I just wash it myself at home?""Oh cannot,water cannot clean as well""But then I using dettol?""Can't also""Then,tomorrow only I come for stitch""Tomorrow?Cannot,the wound will seal and useless for stitch"Ask sis she asked me better stitch.Called mom she said depend to me"Huh!I still dont know yet.""You don't know?!"-(Sounds helpless to make a decision for me)"I scared!""What for you scared?""Pain lah,I scared pain.""Do I need any injection?"(I'm asking for the prevention of tetanus)."Yea,you will be given an injection before stitch,it will begin numb,and then stitching will not feel any pain"...Oh I see.I thought it need to be stitched directly."Then,ok lah.""But it also will pain one""Is it after the injection I wont feel anymore pain?""The stitch wont be pain lah,just the injection pain""Are you sure?" He was nodding his head."You sure ahh??" And again he nods his head."But the injection will also pain lah,I scared""You scared what,just a moment there.""Then I better go die"--Hahaa,Three of us laughed.He then pointed to the bed at the room besides and asked me to lay there for waiting him."I scared I regret,how?""Called mom again and told her that I've chosen stitch""Ok lah,it's better"."Hey,why you still standing there?You should lay down on the bed.Come.Ok.....w/o any crapping,I then just type briefly here."Close your eyes."Disinfect firstly,narcotic injection then.I forced myself to bear the pain,it's really pain wey.1 or 2 mins,he started stiched.I can felt the thread goes in and out like sewing.Within 5 mins..."Finished,what you scared for?It's nothing."Oh yeah,it's over,yay!"Do I need to eat medicine?When I need to come back again?""Ahh...I'll tell you later""You see,she's worse than me"pointed towards sis."She scared the blood"My god!Sister fainted."Let her rest awhile""Come,I'll explain to you"".....blablabla...3 types of medicine,one for antibiotic(must finish)"want to finish ahh?but it's not good wor,kill the good bacteria also""yea,kill the bad bacteria on your forehead.",one for bengkak one(must finish also) and one for the pain(depends on you,if you feel not pain then no need to eat)..you can't wash...you can't eat this...that...Ok,you can now wait outside for taking your medicine.Sister still fainting,doc come and have a look,"Oh,darah sudah habis""Pegang dia duduk di luar sofa lagi selesa"I then called mom to come with bro.So I fetched home after sis woke up consciously.Hsun n Jy keep concerning and sms-ing me,million thanks for 'em both....#Sun,pls!Do not blame yrself again,none of us will hope it to be happened,it's not your false lah kay?!I was tried to persuaded her while we're sms-ing there.
Idk whether the doctor wanna earn more money by convinced me to stitch but now what i know is it will be load troublesome if I did not choose for stitch!And,I am choosing the right way!
After being stitched from clinic...Gosh!I can't open my eyes properly duh!
*I can't type exactly for the conversation as you know that,it's immposible because it will not be the same by verbally and typing.But,it's the same meaning lah,also.
p/s:A lot of schoolworks need to do recently...I macam sudah banyak kali tidak hadir ke sekolah...what's wrong huh??!!!seems like quite a few days absent to school in this two months...there's alrdy 3 days for now,and definitely it's not continuously and not purposely!Gah!I'm a good student!I'm a good student!
#Today,saturday is the sch replacement of friday during the cny.I decided to attend the class or tuition but not finally due to father advice of avoid going out anywhere.Sun and Jyou chose to attend tuition class and skipped sch today.
p/s:A lot of schoolworks need to do recently...I macam sudah banyak kali tidak hadir ke sekolah...what's wrong huh??!!!seems like quite a few days absent to school in this two months...there's alrdy 3 days for now,and definitely it's not continuously and not purposely!Gah!I'm a good student!I'm a good student!
#Today,saturday is the sch replacement of friday during the cny.I decided to attend the class or tuition but not finally due to father advice of avoid going out anywhere.Sun and Jyou chose to attend tuition class and skipped sch today.
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