Helloooo!I'm here again.I'm just back from the home party one hours before.Mmmm,let's talk 'bout the afternoon events first as I still can recall what's the happening before I forgot.kekkek.ok.Departed from house at o525,momma 'n i was sitting inside sis car and she's following papa's car on the way.Took 20 mins reached aunty beeles's house.After watched 'em go out,we then also went back and dropped off momma and brother at another aunt's house,while papa and i went home directly.0625,home.I can even stay concentration and no need to sleep,but father "threat" me better to sleep enough then to waken up him at noon.I did the mistake,I'm really freakin' tired and sleep soundly after lay on the bed meantime.Wokeup at 12 sharply by the phone alarm,took a bath,waken up papa.Followed papa to his work's place and sent momma back by the way.Before we go out,the previous neighbours(m'ther of the new neighbours)came to her son's home party.When she saw me,she shakes my hands against and her eldest daughter did the same to me."Merry Chritsmas"will be the first blessing a matter of course.Aunty Alice was asking that,"you...b'come a big big girl already,lastime you were just a small litter girl.You,no. dua?""yea,yea."I laughed by the right,but hey,I remembered that i've saw you,aunty alice last year what,how come you say so...I'm curious sudd.Maybe just you really a long time never meet up with me.It's ok.And she gave out a v'ry very shocked response,"you remembered me huh?""oh,yes,I remembered you".For her daughter pula,"Then how 'bout me,you know me?”“Oh,i don'tknow.” i guessed she's aunty alice daughter but don't know she's the 1st or the 2nd one."I'm her first daughter.""ouuuu"......A few minutes talk.
took before get inside the car.
1pm sth...while waitin' for dad,received a message from sis,typed that"dun call me later,i almost reach s'pore.each sms rm1,each call rm3.if you want to pay then you call lo."Appppa ni huh?!-_-"jkjk lahhh. After papa finished his little works,straightaway go to aunt's house at kolam air...take some reference books from cousin and pick up mom and brother.Half an hour after headed home,together four of us go and visit neighbour's house.We there just take some drinks and eat some foods.One an hour,dad and mom go back to house while brother and i still stay at 'eir house 30 more minutes.Nothin' is better than pictures talking now.
went upstair to view the rooms.
i like the colour of the wardrobe much.
the drink.
the food.

the waiter come and keep the plates...btw,his service was alike as the chinese restaurant,refill the drink for you for no time.
sagu,cendol and added some yogurt inside(got an indian smell)
i've tried my best to finish it as the flavour is not my fav. at all.
right hand side is the hamper we presented.
chritsmas gifts.

like a retarded "ghost".hoho

The following are the pics i took with bro...childish poser.

this one brother looks soooo cute,and i'm stupid ugly.
At night 8 sth,was the barbeque time.But most of the visitors went home after 5pm as the time is the end of the party.Apparently the night bbq is for their own families celebration,but they invited us also.So,brother and i go to the house owner,uncle kualim there again to take the foods.Before go home,uncle kualim present us some sugar and chocolates as a present.In addition,he say that he will make a fireworks at 10 to 11 sth before midnight,and will call us come out watch it together.....yeah!It's the time for pictures do the talking also.
chicken wing and the sausage.
there's some shrimps also but no any picture of it here.
present for us.
two BELGIUM chocolates for ks and i.
the sugar and the chocolate.
**I have been waiting for 2 hours more start from ten-thirty sambil typing a post here.There's no any call for watching fireworks still.I thought that they won't be working up anymore.#A little bit disappointed# : (
1am...fireworks "working",fortunately bro and i still not yet sleep at the time and yet i've watched out the whole view as bro still never give up to wait for it and always look for outside before.Sure I've recorded the version inside my cellphone. ( = Must give a show to family esp. sis after she come back. :D
Take a tuition few hours later and i'll go to tumpang papa's car after lesson.I-AM-VERY-TIRED-NOW.
今年的圣诞过得不算寂寞,比起往年,08年还算是有“接触”到圣诞的气氛。不过,以前觉得圣诞的来临和平时的日子没什么两样,庆不庆祝都无所谓。最多佳节前夕倒数倒数下,翌日早上又是普通的一天。想起和朋友出街应景,那也只是有着一种你庆祝我也要庆祝的心态,跟随潮流,凑凑热闹罢了。现在,隔壁邻居是印度christian一位,自然就会搞起派对!犹记得n年前,邻居的父母住在那边时,逢佳节,就会请我们到他家享用一餐,甚至还有santa claus来“冲喜冲喜”。当他们搬家,将房屋租给了马来人后,这种气氛就“无下文”了。现在,就留给了婚后的儿子,重新装修粉刷,都有快一年的时间了。所以,今年的圣诞也随之有了热潮。恰巧姐在今年圣诞期间到新国游玩,半夜要为她送行,平安夜晚就整整一天没睡直到另一天圣诞,下午还有小庆一番。对于觉得圣诞并不算是什么特别重大日子的我来说,今年的圣诞可确实不寂寞。(p/s:去年圣诞节过得也蛮特别,原因是因为倒数天撞正了拜一。)
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