我叫雯凤,不是雯风。念对的人总是写错,写对的人却总是念得不正确。还有And also, I named Moon Hong NOT Moon Hoong or Mun Hong. I'm so sick that those who spoke correctly spelled wrongly......

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

only YOU;understanding

Well,I can say that I'm a optimist girl here,blablablaaah"she"said me friendly and "he"said I'm cool...(okay,i just admit it;although i know that sometimes my temperament bermacam-macam):p Only the person beside you can go through with you straightaway,they found it;investigate it;even they understanding.But,lot of them not really go *true* with you...is you,especially YOU.hah=D;p Hey,dont mistaken laa..I just mean that only you can found yourself,your truth identity!
p/s:Just ask yourself.Kay? Answers are automatically come out!

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