...dont know why, I don't have any feeling at the beginning, thought that my calm already covered my frightening.I changed my shirt into, erm...into sth like patient wear one, a robe as well : ) and waiting there for my X-ray radiography. Yuckkk, I started feeling my body was bare and naked, aww...totally felt shy that time(because the patient robe is too wide!)Now, is my turn. I went inside the room and started the progression of radiography. So strange that I'd nothing fear, but really felt extremely shy at the moment. The doctor who be responsible for taking my exam of x-ray was singing there...lalalalala(of course he's a malay guy who sang a malay song that i can't hear clearly)hahaha. Well, I'll try my best from laughing out, heheehe. The exam took approximate 15 mins and the result came out after an hour. We took our lunch at the restaurant there while waiting for the result out. Yummy, there was long long long time i didnt take a meal in any hospital's bistro "ouu..CHOiii"*touchwoodx2, but it's really fresh&delicious...wow~ damn fulled. About 1430 we took the result and back from this imaging department to MOB(medical office building) there and went upstair to second floor towards Dr.CCH's clinic. He saw the exam of the x-ray and consulted with us. He said there has "S" shaped-curve of the spine, the curve is about 40degr.(how severe, isn't it?!) you don't even know heh! He said again the factors ain't because of the schoolbags' problem, but i thought that..yes!ABSOLUTELY YES!! Maybe just because..'cause I don't have a right sitting posture, or even is my standing...Ohyeah, i remembered i had fallen down last time, it wasn't consider as just a slightly fall, but I just ignored it and i don't care bout it.."A falling down only what..who else doesn't have had the experince?!!" that's my fault. Whatever lah, the causes still haven't found out yet nowadays, but what I had thought all are related. Dr. adviced us don't ever give me to try intense exercise from worsen my condition eventhough doing yoga also none of helpful to straight up my backbone. OMG again!! Thought that yoga will be useful for me, seems like everything gonna depress now. Well, the only way to help me to become a normal girl is through SURGERY! I shocked for awhile although i had self-prepared...But the operation is too high on risk, it may cause PARALYSIS or even..DEATH! Dr. asked me do I feel any painful when walking, jumping or..........all I answered "NO". So, he thinks that I don't have any big problem and no need having big worried, it just a posture problem. And hor, he said that it will not affect my reproduction, dont worry too much. "Ahhhh, dou mg ji hai mg hai geh" :-/ Some more, If not observe clearly, it's such nothing...soso. But we still consulted with doctor whether undergo the surgery is better or not, he answersed back he can't give any opinion or decision for us. He said he just acts as a surgeon who done the normal trauma cases of surgery..but from the expression of his eyes, I can saw that he hopes that we won't take the surgery. Ohyeah again, if not the spine problem, I sure will become higher, eventhough is 1~2cm, at least will higher than the current one. But Dr. said I can be more 2 inches of height if doesn't affect by the curved spine. *HAPPY* I wished I wished, but it's impossible for now lah, how SAD. (:( (will NOT recover 100% altho by treatment also. It just to prevent from getting worse. But, better than not lah, nyahahaha...to avoid it become more serious, more curved). (:(=) He suggested another Dr. on upstair of fifth floor for us, his name's Lim Heng Hing, such an easy-for-remembering name here:D. Dr.LHH is an orthopaedic and trauma surgeon also but he's expert in spine speciality, so Dr.CCH said better consult with him about the surgery. But we must consider about the surgery cost too...RM*0000++ gosh!
At the end,we didnt went to Dr.LHH's clinic room 'caused we chose for not to undertake the super risky major incision operation. Of course seeking for the doctor doesn't mean that we want to undergo the surgery, just for getting a better consultation according my condition now. But seem we don't need to do anything except for an observation up to my condition, so we think that not need to spend extra money again from going upfloor. When going out from Dr.CCH's clinic room and get in the lift, I...I...I started cried, sorry that I can't control myself and crying infront of my parents, not totally caused by the terrible+complex surgery,..don't ask me why. Maybe crying is my therapeutic to become stronger. Yea, must dare to cope it!! Elehhh..dont worry, i'll be okay one. I'm optimistic although i'm a lachrymose diposition, lol. Everything will be fine. Thanks for Dr.Chin Chee Howe and Dr.Ouzreiah Nawawi[a consultant diagnostic&interventional radiologist].
All right, guys and girls, I've had an ap and lateral of the full spine x-ray exam.
History is a marked scoliosis of the thoraco lumbar vertebrae, called thoracolumbar scoliosis.
Fortunately is there's no abnormal lytic bony lesion and the visible lungs are clear.
p/s: oow, now only I realized that I dont know how to upload the pictures here, if not I can show you all how does the scoliosis look like. Yeee, damn foolish lah..Well,I'm lazy to do it so..ngekngekk. Okay~next time...I promised.
Added in Jan of year 2010...oh-so-bloody-late of update/post. 
Here is it. This is how my spine looks like, just for a look here. I just posted up the ap(anterorposterior--front-to-back) one, can see there's a convexity to left side..it called "S" shaped-curve..as just what I mentioned, thoracolumbar scoliosis. Well, this x-ray film even much longer actually. X )
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