Followed pa to onglai. After papa done his work preparation, he then fetched me to the chowkit monorail station. Movie day @ Time Square with Jiunyou and Saipoh but ended up just left Saipoh and I. We watched "The Rise of The Planet of The Apes", the movie was shown at 2:30pm but I reached there about 2:40pm. As I thought there has another normal class theatre shown at 3pm due to I checked via GSC official website the day before. Who knows there's only available for premier class, so no choice...I was not really willing to watch "The Fortune Buddies" as HK film is not really my first choice to watch though. Ya la Ya la, abit pricey lo..cause of the premier class. Ok, we missed the 30 mins at the beginning part. When get inside the cinema, oh ouu, it seems like more worth for couple to pay on it. Eleh, who cares, just watch. The movie ended at 430pm. Nice movie, the last part when the genius ape was talking "Caeser is home"..hmm it was touching, tears dropped. Aww, I was getting regret to not to pay for a visit to the toilet of the premier class cinema, I'm sure the extra charge of the price is pay for the environment given. Forget 'bout it then. Have a chat and chilled @ Snowflake, Sg Wang. For almost 2 hours inside with Saipoh. Camwhore of course, as we never met up for one year more. Packed one more dessert home for lil brother. When sista called, time to back because im going to follow her car home after she finished working. Took monorail to meet with sista at the next station, together we moved to another station and get her car home. Headed home about 720pm.

I was here again
Have a glass of lime juice under a hot sun
Ghost month festival ceremony @ Tiong Nam. 中南区盂兰盛会普渡
Meow was hungry, but it wasted the foods : \
The both main characters are pretty and handsome.
Bestseller--Taro balls are nice and chewy!
Yay, myself
Both of us. Take #1
Take #2
Take #3
Take #4
(Captured by my cellphone, all sameee patterns we have LOL. While using his cellphone are blur at all. He even asked others to take for us but I think he didn't bluetooth to me the only one as it looks very dark)
Bought this too for brother.
He's enjoying there as his supper
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