Yeah, today is 5·1 Labour Day(not for whole world) but too bad, it's not a holiday or a break for my papa for every year tho.
This afternoon have gone to Subang with mama, sista and lil brother. Sista picked up auntie stephanie outside of her apartment and went to Summit USJ together. Mama and auntie stephanie have exchanged the renminbi for their Guilin trip in May. Bought some breads and curry puffs for filling stomach. Walked around, mama bought a jade ornamant for auntie stephanie as her coming new house home deco. Headed back to her home after that. We then went to F4 Chan Sau Lin Fish Head Restaurant 陈秀莲鱼头@ Subang with Grandma[mama's side], Uncle Khim Hock with his wife and the two lil sons, my cousin khim with her mom and boyfriend. Together we celebrated grandma's mother's day in advanced as she comes to KL with Uncle Khim Hock family from her hometown, Slim River, Perak in recent. Assigned our seats into two tables--they adults so called "child" side, and we children so called "adult" side. Started to order dishes. Oh yeah..there were two different dishes from "adult" seat and "child" seat. I was consider as the "child" yet, I didn't take any dishes put on their "adult" table there. : D Oh yeah, here to mention I just have a first-sight on her boyfriend today altho I knew she has a boyfriend for a long time. Ehh, picture does not have the mean on first sight kay. He does look alike with one of my cousins there who called boonyeap-auntie stephanie's eldest son, if you do not look him by eyes-on-eyes but just sitting beside of you. Having our meal from six sth. My cousin and I have a chat while eating..we kept talking and talking. The dinner was taken an hour.
小表弟lil cousin bro与大表弟eldest lil cousin bro(就是他,我表姐的男朋友蛮像他)(my cousin sister's bf looks alike with him)

茄汁咕噜肉Tomato Sauce Gu Lou
咖喱鱼头Curry Fish Head
咸鱼炒豆芽Salted Fish with Bean Sprouts
南瓜拌豆腐Bean Curd with Pumpkin Sauce
不知什么名堂I don't know what it called
还有一道菜...there were one more dish...
...咸蛋炸苏东Fried Sotong with Salted Eggs
有支牙签在他的门牙缝There was a toothpick between his front teeth
我可爱的小表弟My cute little cousin brotherAfter taking our dinner, we all went to visit auntie stephanie's new house which is located not far away from the restaurant. Well, it consider not far away from her current apartment too. It is a double storey where now almost fully renovated. Heard my cousin bro said they will be moving to their new house on next week. Went home at 8 sharp. Outside was raining while on the way going home. Saw an accident with four cars collided. Reached home safely within an hour.

我表姐My Cousin Sister
厨房的瓷砖Kitchen's Caremic Tiles 1230am will be showing "Star Awards 2011"《红星大奖2011》that I missed out at 5pm(not in live) as I was not at home that time.

By the way, congratulation to Rui En. 恭喜瑞恩,凭得《我在你左右》"With You" 中 叶思琪Ye Siqi 的角色获得良好的评价,最佳女主角The Best Actress!Keep it up! 我好喜欢这部电视剧!获得最佳剧本,最高收视率电视剧!The Best Script! The Highest Rating Drama! 我也喜欢它的主题曲《感·受》-黄智仁。
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