我叫雯凤,不是雯风。念对的人总是写错,写对的人却总是念得不正确。还有And also, I named Moon Hong NOT Moon Hoong or Mun Hong. I'm so sick that those who spoke correctly spelled wrongly......

Monday, November 9, 2009

14th c.t.

I had my last five hours account tuition in morning. During the break time, my friends bought some foods and cendols while I just kept being a "stingy" human who doesn't want to spend more money up to those kind of food. She doesn't like much the foods also, in fact..heheh. Just ate what I brought form home. As my friends think they might not be coming here(petaling street) in the coming days, so..just buy what they wanna eat to "satisfied" their stomach as well. Normally on Monday, I'll ask papa come for fetching. Seems the class ended earlier, soon I called to him after finishing. I'd attended this kind of acct revision class for twice..my friends and I bet that this time, means the last time the lecturer will gonna finish earlier..just as the last time previous revision classes, proof. I'd told papa on yesterday that just wait for my call if my class will be finihsed before/at a quarter to three, I'll take lrt by myself and pa will pick me up in the lrt station which I will drop. If the lesson will be finishied after two-fortyfive or on the right time, pa will come here in directly to pick me without any calls informing. Well, class ended at 3 sharp, has been earlier for 15 minutes, that's what we suspected. I guessed pa was on the way coming. So, I called to him for an ensuring. Okay, seems the way they coming on was too jam and so I waited for 'em in upstair of popular bookshop. Soon, papa called back and told me that he was there(the place that he used to drop me down and pick me up when fetching me to here for tuition) I went downstair and walked rapidly towards the way. I thought papa was parking on far away there and I straightly turned left..didn't see his car tho. Called again..ohmy, he's infront there..I should turn right at the beginning. Okay, straightaway went to sri hartamas. Headed OCHC around a quarter to four. I know that I was being kinda late for an hour more as the appointment I made was two-thirty on time. Due to I didn't know what the actual time the class will be ended, so I didn't postpone my appointment and inform them as I think that late was not that a problem as far as I can rush to there before it close today at 7pm. On the way walking towards the OCHC. I noticed that papa's iPhone revealed a missed call message at five minutes before from a number and I realized that it is OCHC office number. Hahahaa, just as what I suspected that Yogesh will call to us. Altho papa's phone never saved up OCHC's phone number but I still can recognize it. (Why phone to pa's hp?! 'cause last time the form had been filled up with papa's hp contact no.) Outside started raining..


I come! (After I opened the door and step in)(You must been waiting for me for quite a time..ngekngek)
Hahhh..you come finally. I thought you won't come and I've canceled it..
Hehee.. (Actually it's doesn't matter for being late as AhMay said before, so I'm not going to explain much to her)(But I've been late for an hour more, this the first time heh)
Yogesh took my record file then and rewrite it.
Hi.. (Doctor came out..he continued to do his own thing with Yogesh there)
I was talking to dad regarding the call that we'd missed to answer. And dad was curious 'bout the failure of calls' detection just now. I said to mom that that they have called us upon coming late for more than an hour...mom asked doctor whether they did it at the same time I heard doctor said they didn't do that. Huh?? I curious some more..then how come for the message there written there's a missed call from them? Hereby to certify that the number is 100% came from their phone call. Well, maybe I heard wrongly.
There was a new gymball, a blue colour one which looks smaller a bit than mine. Mom satand played it, followed by me..lol. Yogesh said it is made in taiwan and it costed rm80. Oh, mama was attracted due to the cheaper price moreover the size was just fix as it consider not that big nor small.
Few minutes later...
Then I turned my head to the way and followed him..
来.. (趴下)
嘻,因为要考试了,so在家自己读书.. (反正课文的syllabus已经教完了
下个礼拜放假后有去哪里玩吗? (我本来还心想不是跟你说考试吗?!为什么还问我去哪里玩...后来想想他的意思应该是想问说考完试后的假期吧!)

没有,在家。 (原本想说虽然放假,不过还有考试约一个月,随后会和朋友去马六甲一趟)(就算还有假期都还没有打算,而且爸爸没有假期,顶多也都去血拼而已)
Before he pastes the electrodes, he pushed my back(trigger-point).."crack crack..."..Okay..after pasting, started. Heat pack then put by Yogesh. When I was inside, I heard mom and doc were chatting outside regarding tourism vacation.
...................... 台湾的高雄、莲花、..... (When I heard mama said this noun soon I laughed, silently for sure..I know she is way too fast to voice out wrongly and I was hoping to correct her in immediate but I can't..so I'm just saying to myself that..“花莲啊..咪”...I was there wondering what's the doctor's response..hohoho... )
“花莲”吧! (Doctor也有听到怪怪的时候,呵)
Huh?! 还好啊...
福建话..客家话你不会听?! (我心想,福建话他会啦,闽南嘛...上次听过他讲..可能会有少许的不一样)
............These are most of the parts of their conversation..............
Later on, a woman beside on me had finished done her NMES. Doctor came in.. I heard that they were chatting there so I guessed the woman was continued her NMES or doing ultrasound..who knows?! Some more I heard thay said 'bout the characteristic of pes planus(fallen arches/flat arches/flat feet) and the differences between congenital's and functioned's...Hmm..like saying my condition. Well, I'm just have a mild flatten and of course I'm not that severe.
你老公.......你先生...... (I observed that when doctor was talking, he tried to change to another way he spoken..means as malaysian
扁平足...很容易看...有先天性和后天性...先天性很严重..有一块肉凸出来..遗传...扁平足的患者很容易累...很不好...要穿特定的鞋子..我们这里有...可以带你的儿子来给我看... (just typed it simple as what only doctor said to the woman)
15 minutes later...done. Doctor took out the electrodes then.
等一下.. (Doctor在把拆好的electrode粘贴回原位,同时我背部还有没拆完的..由于那一刹那他没在拆怕我以为是拆完了..so...)
后,好了。跟随doctor到first room做手疗矫形指压..我还顺便拿了双鞋放在妈妈那边才进去。进去时...
在绑稳我的脚之前,Doctor调近仪器,好match正我的脚,方便绑。我就心想“我真的有酱矮咩?(需要移到这么近咩)”哈哈,绑好后,又再拉长..好stretching my spine.
Traction for ten minutes. Before that, Yogesh came in and says "five minutes more.." She then open the tights for me. Went out, doctor was at the front desk there...When I was wearing my shoes there, I asked my father that...




.....(阿爸was playing with his iPhone)

Huh? (I can't hear what he said)

And that moment I perceived that Dr. M was listening the slang I talked. Hehee.

Then I opened the door and look outside...


Ahh?! (阿咪转过头来)






又走去front desk跟Yogesh讲

Next Monday..

Monday..what time?


Sure ahh?


Today you two-thirty but you coma at three something..

'cause I got tuition suddenly.. (don'tknow the actual time I finished..if not too late then no need to inform lah..just the first time only what, I always come on time or earlier before)

I saw the record file..still got eight more. I thought is seven..because today is the fourteen-th, and I presumed that this 2nd time of new option got eleven times of treatments and so there's still left seven more. Hah, no..supposed to be 22nd times added together with last eleven times treatments of 1st time option and so, yea, 8 times still. I confused by my oh-so-confusing logics, heh!

Continued watching the file...

What you want to look?

No no..nothing...okay, see you next week.

Okay, bye.

Before left the clinic, doctor and Yogesh were busy finding/looking for something else at the counter there, I heard doctor said regarding "Mon't Kiara"...hmm..well, none of my business. After that, downstair shopping mall for buying sth. Off to Giant then to buy some groceries. Pweeeeeee, got home at 6pm sth. I was super duper damn hungry weyyy and I've eaten two cups of Mamee brand cup noodles after heading home..one vege in flovour and another tomyum. ; )

*上次因为一个礼拜后的二号有补习,才booked了两个礼拜后,既今天两点半的appointment。哪知上个拜一lecturer忽然说五号的revision class改为今天。由于今天的c.t.不能拖迟了(毕竟平时只有sat or mon才能来,就算要cancal这次的改为这个拜六又或者下个拜一就隔太迟了),so今天的appointment的时间被迫延展。

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