14.5.09 Thurs
Microecons test...acc tuition,what;s wrong with my lrt transit restore value card....heavy rain,called sista to fetch home at terminal station...车内,我听见101.8myfm电台由Royce&尹卉芬所播报的一处电影...当时,男的就说现在要讲述一部关于飞机的戏,我一听到就立刻心郁郁(专注聆听)。那女的就在一旁猜测.."airforce?" "唔系","snake on the plane" "唔系"(此刻我就已经猜测他们所讲的那部戏应该就是指"passengers"了)..."都唔系"..."唔通系"..结果就播了《冲上云霄》主题曲的前半小段音乐(岁月如歌by EasonChan,我听了立刻大笑,因为听到心头所好。男的就说“梗系唔系《冲上云霄》啦”...开估...“就系电影"passengers"啦”...yeah!都说的啦!看,对了呗!听他们一直介绍这部电影,听到我心痒痒,很想看叻!只要是有关于飞机的电影(尤指英文片),都逃不过我的欲望中!故事内容很精采,很mystical!不过好像离上映的时间蛮久了!好像落映了!It is one of my rent movies,I guess I will seeing up this movie and going to watch it as soon as possible the time!
Reached home,bath immediately...oh wait,the electrics cut down suddenly when I was bathing...I STILL CONTINUE-ING enjoy my bath!Bytheway,the time is 19sth and began dark you now!Should be proud yea!HAHAHAA!

5.12 四川赈灾 上下同心
中国受灾,其一灾区四川府地震已有一周年的时间了,让我们齐齐为同胞们献上款款的祝福,愿他们开心,幸福地渡过每一天!China Sichuan earthquake had been occurred for an anniversary.Together we give out our sincere blessing to wish them be merry and happiness for everyday!
I have studied for a year since last year for today is the first day I started my tertiary educ.I will be gratuating half year more...btw,yesterday(11/5 Mon) was the new intake for the lower six formers...it seems that become lesser and lesser onwards.I know that...you know lah!We don't have any connections with them unlike our previous seniors,they are likely extrovert for chating with thier juniors(us)...of course we had "sent back" our passion to them!The new juniors+last batch for us,no linking no connection,even any eyes contacts,no......sigh...whatever,no eyes see!
P.s: HaPpY BirthDaY tooooo YenLoo!
*Had rung up jyou house's phone at midnight 12 sth to inform that won't be going to school the next morning,the same for her...almost an hour chat then.
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