我叫雯凤,不是雯风。念对的人总是写错,写对的人却总是念得不正确。还有And also, I named Moon Hong NOT Moon Hoong or Mun Hong. I'm so sick that those who spoke correctly spelled wrongly......

Sunday, May 31, 2009


好久没见面的PS 1我又来了,和brother联手的武侠动作游戏《射雕英雄传》又续前缘了。晚上,累呼呼,accidentally fall asleep,missed掉了star movie的"P2"(movie)...老是这么一回事,喲!本小姐想看咧!真气人!



Saturday, May 30, 2009


清早起身,为的是今天高三举行迎新会。各组负责的道具游戏已准备齐,其中我负责的吃力帕蒂果真jiak lak “吃力”。该死的!竟然弄得我火烧双目,几乎失明!休息了片刻,双眸脸颊恢复正常,俩手手指依然痛楚万分。右边恢复,电流又把它传到左边,导电得厉害,遭殃五根宝贝。管它的,再不去学校就迟了!就这样,两小时半的游戏到此结束(overall,一点刺激性都没,我带了人来,只是心,处于眠中),就这样,带来的道具派不用场,就这样,我“溃烂”的手指头还三不五十地发作了两三小时。结束后,大合照。ps:你有没有搞错!到现在还不来找我!“uncle auntie们”不要耍大牌,有失风度文雅。
随后,和朋友到jalan pahang@ McDonald 讨论课业,一餐cost我将近十块,食蚀米,你会不会做生意da!将近傍晚到家。

晚间,于上个月26日举行的新国《红星大奖Star Awards 2009》开播,颁奖的方式奇招百出,嘉宾有来自港台的...姜大卫,海味(周海媚),夏雨,蔡少芬,胡杏儿,王识贤(臺),曾国城(臺),阮经天(臺)等...恭喜压倒“群芳”的大热门《小娘惹》The Little Nyoya 获得最佳电视剧,恭喜得奖的全方位新传媒艺人,恭喜陈汉伟白薇秀Joanne Peh获得最佳男女主角,实至名归。

Joanne Peh , Chen HanWei

*More in details,please visit to http://starawards.mediacorptv.sg : )

Friday, May 29, 2009

Never go for ending.

None proper lesson today as we're getting in holiday.Our form teacher brought us a pack of fruits for each person due to we'd presented her a gift yesterday when celebrating teacher's day.An orientation for the juniors after school.Honestly,the situation was damn damn damn... ...I even haven't know that who is my junior...and he/she didn't find out me as well.=_="!!!What kind of this??!! After the 1 hour more orientation,there was a test game,I left earlier due to tuition.Before get in the tuition room,hsun,jyou and I went to popular again.I have watched out a book as following... inside there got some yucker pics,but actually it's normal.

Two weeks mid term holidays will be started tomorrow,and also the station game in tomorrow.Peep,see how will it be,don't put toooooo muccccch and toooooo hiiiiigh the expectation.

28.5.09 Thurs


No school today because the whole duration celebration of teacher's day with the afternoon session students.Acct tuition afterwards...lecturer went back early due to his personal reason.Afterthat...friends from others school kept asking us for going a trip.Penang...Sunway for ice skating...Langkawi...Redang Island...and asking for the lecturer Mr. Ho to sponsor each of us rm200..ohoho,dare!Friend was asking the transports and fees.Well,I'm interested in and prefer the P and RI,but I'm sure that I won't go anywhere of it.Hey,people,financial problem!!And also,do not have time in manage!Nextime lah nextime lah!!Both are the big big problem now.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009


In school,everyone was going to invite and indulge the juniors to join their co-cu uniform team and club society.身为高三学警团一分子的我,也凑了一脚,在旁助阵,“敲锣打鼓”地宣传拉人。听似“学警”二字,在我们这个阶段,已是玩玩乐,凑凑热。谈不上什么正规的警训操步,不然我早就脱离那苦海。Chit-chating with form teacher during her lesson,econs's papers have given back for us as teacher had finished marked all of it.No lesson today,everybody was doing their own work and preparing for the coming orientation.Yesterday,we had presented our acc teacher a gift,three胸针that we bought last Fri and took photos with teacher afterwards and she wore one of it today...:D

#Lost in Love 《大喜之家》ended with 21st episode.

Monday, May 25, 2009


  • Mid term exams officially finished by today.I was wishing it to be ended quickly as I have not enough sleep because the exams are quite suffering!Anyhow,it's over now.
  • Today is Moamma Big day,mom birthday!Hereby wishing you to be healthly,wealthly and happily always!Actually we had planned to give momma a Big surprise,finally she knew it.But due to some reason,it was cancelled!

  • Yesterday was the final of 8th Future Star Film,明日之星影视新星总决赛,congratulations to LiTao,恭喜李涛,DanJiaYi恭喜*但佳邑,HouMengZhu恭喜*侯梦竹。上一集晋级赛很是好看,马来西亚赛区第二集更是好看,笑得我前俯后仰,合不拢嘴。间接来说,如痴般狂笑!赞!此节目主题曲,来自孙楠@ 梦想的翅膀 也耐听!

左起:*但佳邑(亚军),李涛(冠+最具人气 双料冠军),*侯梦竹(季军)


Saturday, May 23, 2009


巧遇测期,everbody shifted to saturday class.hehe
今课高朋满座,last two days was just some small groups attended.haha

My beloved passenger,亲爱的乘客,飞往吉隆坡的AK2305班机即将于09:30启航,请您尽快离境上机。我不盼拥头等舱,只求您不至于给予(累)我经济舱。要晓得,亚航全属自由座,尽管圣票在手,也难保您机位牢守。请您下次早点起程,再不也赶不上商务舱... ...哎,不...还有下次吗?但求不与您搭上同班,即便是同航。因您的失守,所以莫怪机位拱手让人。倘若您在尾段连机翅膀旁/后也碰不上伟大的我时,抱歉,我早已现身于机长的后座,尝着美食,品着美酒,享尽天伦之乐。是的,您当然也能尝食品酒,享受自个儿乐。没差,就您在翅前,而我处在机长的后边儿。您说,前后不就一个转身呗,且您还是在前,小的我..我还后着呢!若您要求与我替换,我当然愿意,十分愿意,绝对愿意。只是怕您来得及享用却没能消化呀!多不值!从我fastern了seat belt,我就难以与它脱离关系。待飞机早已收起轮子时,您才后知后觉,亡羊补牢,唉..迟矣!

亲爱的,AK毕竟别于MH,并没有所谓真正的first/business/economic class,可我早booked好的express boarding pass,is cannot adding plus refundable one!您坚持拒绝预购,也只好望您加紧脚步。续集时,请紧守该有的rules and regulations,劝您还是提前towards the express line。切记,代价可是要付出的哦!有付出才会有代价的哟!给您机会,您不珍惜,偏要攀亲...恕不领情!
噢!我不同...我享有now everyone can fly的特权,也不失everyday low fares的款待!

After the acc tuition,jyou and I went to pa tuition centre for asking some homeworks,遇到瓶颈了,是时候请教老师。随后,佑带我往一间神庙拜拜,许久没到过庙里拜神,也该添些香油,诚心诚意入庙殿,诚心诚意许个愿,保平安保文昌最实际。两位无知少女也不懂那里的规矩,各方位都意思意思下,只求诚意。=)Afterwards,went to the old town cafe @ cm for taking our lunch,oh no,I've no enough money..I only brought rm16 sth out.A lunch have costed me rm11...I have no transport fees,就这样欠了佑rm4.Afterwards,we went to kfc for discussing our coming acc exam's topics...nah,我们的作风,醉翁之意不在酒,借用场地当地铺。We even had tried to take outside foods inside the fastfood restaurant.Well,the discussing took approx 2 hours more,we've only covered one topic.It's already 5pm sth,the time for going home,朋友,其余的还是回家自温吧!搭bus/putra line/star line..?最后选择了后者,结伴同行。抵达titiw. 站,祈求巴士快快到来,旁边不知名的“猪古力人”徘徊来徘徊去,你XX,不怀好意。忽然有位中年华裔uncle问我以一令吉(该是看到我手上拿着两块钱)换取他的两块钱rapidU车票,说什么赶着要走(应该是乘坐别的transport)。当时有点呆滞,懵懂地接过车票,给了他一块钱,Ubus立即出现眼前。上车后,还再度怀疑车票的由来,triple checked 了票中的日期与类别,没错,写着“23 MAY 2009..UTAMA”,哈,还蛮幸运嘛!不管是那人拾到还是那人自己给钱的,反正不拿我都是要付两块于车票,现在以一换二,多了一块钱在手!真的只剩一块钱在手,要不然真的是没多余能防身(不过也习惯了)。Stuck in traffic jam while almost reach sri gb area.进屋不久,刮风豪雨来袭,幸亏我早已躲进了避风港。拜神显灵吗?感谢!下午的nasi lemak还在肚子里转呀转,想要解放,还是失效。;P

不知佑今晚如何在盛季酒店享受dinner buffet?Should be enjoyed much yea!哈哈哈!

22.05.09 Fri

Finally,this week exams had finished.It's still another acc paper 2 on Monday,the last paper for this mid term exam.Hurray!After we all finished our pp(business studies) paper 2 before recess time(the only paper sit before recess),the birthday cake celebration for jyou started.Surprised!(再次强调,I didn't eat!不是不给面子,是真的不能吃嘛!)Altho it's late due to we're still busying with exams' preparation,but,yao sam mg pa ci!如今,每个人都松懈了一番,剩下一部分的人(included myself)还有一张试卷,待星期一,圆满完毕!Bravo!Took lunch at sch's canteen,went to buy acc teacher's gift...幽默的珊对上油腔滑调的马来男售卖员,“笑”果十足。我,暴笑连连。早足进补习栋楼,门未打开,坐在一旁休息+聊天(珊与我愈聊愈起劲)。Jyou在一旁失魂落魄似地,好像在梦游国度。其实我们都累坏了,渴极了。三人行到popular bookshop 环游世界,继续珊和我的旅途。遇上peiling,一起走回补习中心。终于开了门,随手reserve了三排(包括我们)位置,到楼下的petaling street 赏了我们三人一人一杯豆浆水,我习惯性地order了黑糖豆浆。补习后回家,如常called sista to fetch,忽然很讨厌搭巴士回家,尤其是遇上peak time,挤啊挤的,没人情。今晚好好睡一觉,誓必!

Monday, May 18, 2009

She has taken my part of life now and now.

Happy belated birthday to JiunYou here!!

She is the one who born at 17th May,a girl friend who I met the longest time.We knew each others since we are standard 2.We have been together for 11 years more.We have shared our joys even sorrows much more than others!No matter tickle or quarrel,friendship forever!

Anyway,Happy B' Day to You,girl!

#Marriage D'Amour《一加一等于三》ended with episode 30 just now.Im waitin' for the 8th Future Star影视新星 last round next sunday!!

yohuu yohuu!

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Landscape for managing the large larger largest!

Sport club activity this morning,didn't have any mood to play the badminton at all.Im the earliest person reached school...back at 9:45am...mom said aunt asked us to go to hartamas and the curve in afternoon as grandma them have reached her restaurant there.Nobody wanna out...hence,cancelled.
edited @ 1814 : Mom and sista out about 4pm...

*Exam still going on,will be finished in one week more.Im waiting my mid term holidays,don't grab my time the day coming!


15.5.09 Fri
Steps:School (exam) --> popular book shop @ Lee rubber building --> yakin tuition centre @ petaling street --> sweet home. :)

After pa test at school,took a lunch with sun at sch,straightaway we went to kl for the next pa tuition.It seems too early the time,we then spent our time at popular bookshop.45 minutes inside,we had viewed out regarding some countries tourism journal.Awww...awsome!We like it much like hell!Our business,our business!Roughly 3pm...went to tuition centre for reserving some places for friends.Accompanied wee yee to take her lunch...Lesson started at 3:45pm...ended at 5:30pm...Lrt...sista fetched...headed home at 6:30pm.

14.5.09 Thurs

Microecons test...acc tuition,what;s wrong with my lrt transit restore value card....heavy rain,called sista to fetch home at terminal station...车内,我听见101.8myfm电台由Royce&尹卉芬所播报的一处电影...当时,男的就说现在要讲述一部关于飞机的戏,我一听到就立刻心郁郁(专注聆听)。那女的就在一旁猜测.."airforce?" "唔系","snake on the plane" "唔系"(此刻我就已经猜测他们所讲的那部戏应该就是指"passengers"了)..."都唔系"..."唔通系"..结果就播了《冲上云霄》主题曲的前半小段音乐(岁月如歌by EasonChan,我听了立刻大笑,因为听到心头所好。男的就说“梗系唔系《冲上云霄》啦”...开估...“就系电影"passengers"啦”...yeah!都说的啦!看,对了呗!听他们一直介绍这部电影,听到我心痒痒,很想看叻!只要是有关于飞机的电影(尤指英文片),都逃不过我的欲望中!故事内容很精采,很mystical!不过好像离上映的时间蛮久了!好像落映了!It is one of my rent movies,I guess I will seeing up this movie and going to watch it as soon as possible the time!

Reached home,bath immediately...oh wait,the electrics cut down suddenly when I was bathing...I STILL CONTINUE-ING enjoy my bath!Bytheway,the time is 19sth and began dark you now!Should be proud yea!HAHAHAA!

13.5.09 Wed

Absent to school today...due to insufficient of time to do my revision,wake up earlier...and start a whole-day-nerd at home!Tomorrow test,tomorrow test!

*My cellphone finally connected to network as our phones revealed that "no access to network"..."no network coverage"...due to the network connection in certain areas in gombak been detected.Last few days,having a mobilephone can't make/receive any calls even sms-ing also the problems!INconvenience!

P.s: Happy Birthday to LayLian!.........A big part of my friends are having their Big day on May!Haha.

12.5.09 Tues

5.12 四川赈灾 上下同心

中国受灾,其一灾区四川府地震已有一周年的时间了,让我们齐齐为同胞们献上款款的祝福,愿他们开心,幸福地渡过每一天!China Sichuan earthquake had been occurred for an anniversary.Together we give out our sincere blessing to wish them be merry and happiness for everyday!
I have studied for a year since last year for today is the first day I started my tertiary educ.I will be gratuating half year more...btw,yesterday(11/5 Mon) was the new intake for the lower six formers...it seems that become lesser and lesser onwards.I know that...you know lah!We don't have any connections with them unlike our previous seniors,they are likely extrovert for chating with thier juniors(us)...of course we had "sent back" our passion to them!The new juniors+last batch for us,no linking no connection,even any eyes contacts,no......sigh...whatever,no eyes see!

P.s: HaPpY BirthDaY tooooo YenLoo!

*Had rung up jyou house's phone at midnight 12 sth to inform that won't be going to school the next morning,the same for her...almost an hour chat then.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

A bundle of flowers,there's only carnation's fragrance.

Happy Mother's Day! HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY! Happy Mother's Day!

Mother's Day Myspace Comments

I You,MUM!!!
You are always the best in my

☆☆☆I shy for telling out to mom lah,forgive.;P☆☆☆

090509 Sat

Fetched by sista to pyi's house at 1815 as we all gathered at her house for going to yloo's house together for celebrating her B day which fallen at 12nd of May.An hour later...wyu,laylian,qying and lxiang were coming.We then went to yloo's house by lxiang's car...Headed yloo's house at 1915.Her relatives and primary school's friends,her brother's girl>see yuen(had a greeting with her as she's my previous senior and also teaching in my school currently) and friends were coming one after another.Night,we were having the barbeque and also steamboat at the next house.Nothing is better than chatting at that moment.Eugene came after then.Damn full!We had been drinking almost 3 packages of drinks.Well,11pm sth...birthday cake celebration starting.There were two out of three are yloo's b'day cakes while the other one is her cousin's(not really sure,is one of her relative's)cause the next day is his b'day.After photo shooting time...is time for playing poker cards.Before that.I'd used it for showing a magic...Ohno,it's quite a long time I never try it,fortunately it's succeed.Hehe.We'd played for one and a half an hours,screamed madly there!They all accompanied me back at 0115...reached home after fifteen minutes,while they continued their next station for yumca in bintang tujuh(sri gb area).The girls except me are going to stay overnight again at yloo's house.

the bbQ

The steamboat

The funny cake

The 秘密食谱; they are kept on asking yloo as they haven't tasted this "secret recipe" cake.

Yloo's birthday's cakes

P/s:I didn't eat any of them!

Note:I will get the other photos later.

Saturday, May 9, 2009

A journey to sri hartamas and the curve for today's had been cancelled.Most probably will go out at night for attending yloo's birthday party.

Till then,x)

P.S: S S b N H

Friday, May 8, 2009


School was that fine today.:)
During muet lesson,t'chr felt that relax and toughless because our tests had gone.This mean,she won't be teaching us anymore...we're given free in doin' our own things during her periods...untill the next retake,if...if our first results are not in moderate.Okay,nth have to talk much 'bout it.
After sch,hsun,jyou and I went for tuition...we've gone for buying books...shops for looking up acct teacher's present as teachers' day's gift...a shopping mall for looking around sth...The weather is damn hot man!IDON'TWANT be tanned!I was thirsty and tired somemore...Tuition time...
Back with hsun after tuition-ing,met seow wen again at pasar seni lrt station,have a chat together in train.Back with Sw by bus after reaching terminal station.Have a chat in bus again...

P.s:yang depan tu tak jalan macam mana nak cepat?!bodoh!

End for today's routine.
Night,have a sweat dream (:
Edited @ 0905.16:18,I had a sparkling sweat dream this night,really! :D

Thursday, May 7, 2009

The blank,blank meaning content!

  1. P:You,go die!Acting pretended,so-what!Don't show that fucking attitude infront of me!BITCH!
  2. P:死废材!Slut啦你! 你很聪明,不过思想单纯幼稚!是不知,还是明知故问!你以为每个人像你酱,跟你一样么!Silly!不要以为你是唯一的...也不要自作聪明觉得人家是你想的那种情形,很多事情自己没经历过不要胡乱猜测,更不要胡言乱语,你得罪了人咯!有本事就自己做出来给我看啦!你根本就没有,什么都没有,哪像人家一样!要show什么出来!?What the hell!蠢到... 如何说,你还是属于那种“点死唔明,讲死又唔明”那种!史徒拔!很想盖你十巴掌,一脚踹死你!就是你


Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Reaching an impossible mission to achieve an honourable dream.

04.05.09 Mon.

We're going to take our speaking test tomorrow.Thus the periods after recess,Muet lessons was "accompanied" us along.Well,my group members decided to practise after school for the last strive at the beginning.As there has 6 periods time for us to practise today from 10am to 1pm and it's already enough for us in practising,we not need to stay back to practise anymore.Dad,mom and sista went out...I at home alone.Practising a self-speaking...hehe.Father had checked for the nose specialist as he's suffering from it quite a bowl of time.Hope that after a treatment,medicine and nose drops,he will getting better and recover soon.Yeah!
The show of "War of In-laws II" ended tonight with 20th episode.I'm still practising my speaking 'till 10sth,I was fell asleep then.Waken up myself at 12am...continued my speaking practise.1am sth...in bed and God bless for the next morning test.Amitabha~

05.05.09 Tues.

MUET test officially ended today with the last paper.Hurray!!
Went to school as usual.Reached school around 7am and gathered at canteen.730,It's the time for gathering and waiting in quarantine room and the first group will be started at sharp 8am in the next room.Oh well,my group is actually will be the first one,however,kien wee's group(which is the 4th group in order)comes to the first one as he was given the first to do their speaking due to his health issue.He is suffering from sth I don't really know what it called.Anyway,he's unable to walk and stand for a long period and his visual sense definitely is affected.For his convenience,his group involved hsun,layling and waiteck is given privilege as the first for speaking.Normally,each group will take approximate half an hour for presenting.830,I am getting nervous...I scared for the disunderstanding of the question,scared of I'll out of points...Finally,my group takes turn at 845(the previous group ended in 30 minutes,while the rest of the minutes was taken by examiners for doin' their own stuff).Well,our speaking going quite smoothly all the way,it's in average lah,not the perfect and not that bad,for my own view.Today's question is sth like "The person who should be given the first priority of donated organ."A-child,B-senior citizen,C-someone who is in seriosly ill,D-someone who can afford to pay.I am the one of fellow B :)... I tried to release tension to make more confident.Before we start,the examiner gave some instructions in briefly.All understood...Hmmm,Idon't feel like wanna to talk my individual presentation here.Well,we don't have any interrupting during discussion unlike what we'd practised and there's also comes in consistent early.No worries,eventhough that's still have time leaving,we're going to discuss about the second,third and the last by prioritizing according our opinions.Finally,it's an alert for closing the discussion.I think we've used our time in properly and appropiately.Ended at 915,I get back my handphone as we need to give it to the exanimers for keeping before the exam started.Honestly,I found that one of the female examiner is looking lenient as she was kept on smiling all the time,but don'tknow the real will be in giving marks.Haha.While the other male examiner look more strictly,because when I'm doing my talk there and eyes on him,he acting like no response at all.-_-"...After a group has just finishing their task,they are not allowed to get in the quarantine room again or rather the exam area.Even that you need to go to restroom before you having your test,you must be followed by an examiner to ensure that you won't get closer to the others groups' candidates as well to avoid from exposing the questions to them.(As your knowledge,the question will be the same for every group in session 1).Hence,after finishing our test,I asked one of the examiner where should I stay for when waiting for my friend,and the canteen will be at least you won't step in the exam area again and interact with others.Okay,no problem.Met peiling there...oh,should I come to her or avoid from?!I guessed hers topic won't be the same with mine.This is because...because a fact lah will be...think reasonable!Thus,I just have an ordinary chat with her and I still kept my mouth shut from telling out my paper's question that just gone,and I know it sure will not be the same question for 1st and 2nd session,just for in case.When Jyou's group finished their test at 945,clara has told out the question infront of peiling.Guess what,definitely our question is totally different compared to hers.So,it won't be made sense to her also.Jy had asked me to accompany her for buying references books but she cancelled it finally.We then went to time square directly for taking our lunch and watching movie as we'd planned.Relax a day after being struggle for MUET!Have been quite a long time for choosing a restaurant as many shops haven't open their business yet at 10am sth.Lastly,we took our meal in HK cafe(欢喜地港式茶餐厅).Cost us rm40 sth(hey,I feel beh song...I've spent out a little more than you on meal..hehe.)...super fully weyyyy.Well,I have been another branch of this restaurant twice in kepong jusco...conclusion is,I found that this kind of rest. was consider bad in its environment...the sofa(s) is not cozy(of course I chose to sit at chair),there are some small little bug appearing without your caution...After taking lunch,we went for buying tickets and we chose the thai movie which will showing at 2pm.The staff there asked us to change our clothes from wearing school uniforms.God,I thought that this such rule will only valid for watching movie in klcc or other places and not need to do such thing as I'd wore the sch uniform when watching movie in ts last two years ago.This is the result for long time didn't watching a movie in school uniform look and I have been quite a long time didn't watch any movies in ts also.But,I only brought the school t-shirt as I actually wanna bring a casual costume for changing but I'd mistaken with Jy's.After buying the tickets,we spent out time in washroom for almost half an hour to change in a new look.At the same time,I found that my bus ticket is lost.Hate!Have to pay again when backing(I will only pay for rm1 as I am wearing school's shirt which got the sch's logo).Opppsss,forgot to tell you that we've watched out the thai movie-"Coming Soon".Before we get in,I'm worrying 'bout mine "a-still of school's shirt" hope that I can get in the cinema successfully.Hey,asking that whether I've reached 18 years old(he spoke in malay of course)...you look down on dwarf people,I will look down on you,TOO!At the beginning,I thought that he's forbid me from getting in just caused by I'm wearing my school's t-shirt,but hey,it seems it's an unnecessary worry.So what about sch t-shirt,at least it's not the sch uniform is enough lah.Yay,haha. ..no ideas to talk 'bout the movie as it haven't reach the horrifying target that I desire for...it's likely the same with others horror movie,you will be able to understand the content on this movie,but you will also be puzzled in the end of the show 'cause it won't be given a genuine answer.Well,should admit that it's the comman way a horrible movie will always be.Moreover,I not really like the plot as it's synopsis is the way almost the same with one of the japanese movie-"Slit-Mouthed Women"(this is the way idon'tlike),what I willing to watch is the real...the real of soul which will easily bring you in a fact,a real life...but not the scary+crazy of one's madly behavior.Anyway,there're still some parts that will make you laugh out loud and it still scaring me most the way.An hour of twenty minutes duration of the film(damn short)...after watching it,we choose to back home then to avoid get stuck of crowded in the bus on peak time.Headed home about 430pm...



photos will be uploaded later.(done)

P/s:No school for tomorrow as others groups are still having their speaking test and there's insufficient of classroom for us!I better start my revision for the coming mid-term exam within 10 days!

T O U G H !!!!!

Sunday, May 3, 2009







On the way moving up and up.

02.05.09 Sat

Muet speaking practising in morning at otk Mc again...started at 10 sth.When it's the time for mc value,yminn bought her lunch set while wyee,xiang,and I enjoying our ice cream corn. 1pm...wyee's dad come and fetch her while yminn is going for her badminton sport in cheras.We then went home separately.So far we've practised 10 topics for speaking,the day is coming within 5 days...,it's coming,coming!I scared for the day coming but I hope it will be ended as fast as possible also.Try smart but not hard!Go go go ahead!

8:30 night,a sg gathering with yloo,pyi,wyu and lxiang.Yenloo fetching as usual...the sg area will be.Went for night market to walk around(the second time I visited the pm so far for this year)...and afterwards we went to mamak stall to take our dinner.Have a chat of course,the silly louder laugher wyu will be.*biggrin**insertjokes*Always talking 'bout the love relationship stuff,beh tahan!
Anyway,thanks for wyu for treating the satay...and pyi for treating the whole meals.I belanja nextime! ; )

No photo provided here.

Friday, May 1, 2009


China drama series,Struggle《奋斗》broadcast again...while there's also a nice new china drama Flower in Thewind《锁清秋》.

currently into...
I'm fine 我很好《奋斗》主题曲 by 刘 沁 &

我对你有多好《锁清秋》片尾曲 by 伊能静

红红的烛火 泪像蜡化掉


愿给你依靠 不求你回报

用红色的线将我们 此生缠绕

*你才知道我对你有多好 没有了你我什么都不要

若你对我好 再苦也难熬 我痴我傻我笨也好

你才知道我对你有多好 我的手不会轻易的放掉

握紧握牢 握在胸口




# I will try my best to upload the sample of the songs that I'd posted up in lyrics if I found.

edited,I absent to pa tuition today due to headache...