04.05.09 Mon.
We're going to take our speaking test tomorrow.Thus the periods after recess,Muet lessons was "accompanied" us along.Well,my group members decided to practise after school for the last strive at the beginning.As there has 6 periods time for us to practise today from 10am to 1pm and it's already enough for us in practising,we not need to stay back to practise anymore.Dad,mom and sista went out...I at home alone.Practising a self-speaking...hehe.Father had checked for the nose specialist as he's suffering from it quite a bowl of time.Hope that after a treatment,medicine and nose drops,he will getting better and recover soon.Yeah!
The show of "War of In-laws II" ended tonight with 20th episode.I'm still practising my speaking 'till 10sth,I was fell asleep then.Waken up myself at 12am...continued my speaking practise.1am sth...in bed and God bless for the next morning test.Amitabha~
05.05.09 Tues.
MUET test officially ended today with the last paper.Hurray!!
Went to school as usual.Reached school around 7am and gathered at canteen.730,It's the time for gathering and waiting in quarantine room and the first group will be started at sharp 8am in the next room.Oh well,my group is actually will be the first one,however,kien wee's group(which is the 4th group in order)comes to the first one as he was given the first to do their speaking due to his health issue.He is suffering from sth I don't really know what it called.Anyway,he's unable to walk and stand for a long period and his visual sense definitely is affected.For his convenience,his group involved hsun,layling and waiteck is given privilege as the first for speaking.Normally,each group will take approximate half an hour for presenting.830,I am getting nervous...I scared for the disunderstanding of the question,scared of I'll out of points...Finally,my group takes turn at 845(the previous group ended in 30 minutes,while the rest of the minutes was taken by examiners for doin' their own stuff).Well,our speaking going quite smoothly all the way,it's in average lah,not the perfect and not that bad,for my own view.Today's question is sth like "The person who should be given the first priority of donated organ."A-child,B-senior citizen,C-someone who is in seriosly ill,D-someone who can afford to pay.I am the one of fellow B :)... I tried to release tension to make more confident.Before we start,the examiner gave some instructions in briefly.All understood...Hmmm,Idon't feel like wanna to talk my individual presentation here.Well,we don't have any interrupting during discussion unlike what we'd practised and there's also comes in consistent early.No worries,eventhough that's still have time leaving,we're going to discuss about the second,third and the last by prioritizing according our opinions.Finally,it's an alert for closing the discussion.I think we've used our time in properly and appropiately.Ended at 915,I get back my handphone as we need to give it to the exanimers for keeping before the exam started.Honestly,I found that one of the female examiner is looking lenient as she was kept on smiling all the time,but don'tknow the real will be in giving marks.Haha.While the other male examiner look more strictly,because when I'm doing my talk there and eyes on him,he acting like no response at all.-_-"...After a group has just finishing their task,they are not allowed to get in the quarantine room again or rather the exam area.Even that you need to go to restroom before you having your test,you must be followed by an examiner to ensure that you won't get closer to the others groups' candidates as well to avoid from exposing the questions to them.(As your knowledge,the question will be the same for every group in session 1).Hence,after finishing our test,I asked one of the examiner where should I stay for when waiting for my friend,and the canteen will be at least you won't step in the exam area again and interact with others.Okay,no problem.Met peiling there...oh,should I come to her or avoid from?!I guessed hers topic won't be the same with mine.This is because...because a fact lah will be...think reasonable!Thus,I just have an ordinary chat with her and I still kept my mouth shut from telling out my paper's question that just gone,and I know it sure will not be the same question for 1st and 2nd session,just for in case.When Jyou's group finished their test at 945,clara has told out the question infront of peiling.Guess what,definitely our question is totally different compared to hers.So,it won't be made sense to her also.Jy had asked me to accompany her for buying references books but she cancelled it finally.We then went to time square directly for taking our lunch and watching movie as we'd planned.Relax a day after being struggle for MUET!Have been quite a long time for choosing a restaurant as many shops haven't open their business yet at 10am sth.Lastly,we took our meal in HK cafe(欢喜地港式茶餐厅).Cost us rm40 sth(hey,I feel beh song...I've spent out a little more than you on meal..hehe.)...super fully weyyyy.Well,I have been another branch of this restaurant twice in kepong jusco...conclusion is,I found that this kind of rest. was consider bad in its environment...the sofa(s) is not cozy(of course I chose to sit at chair),there are some small little bug appearing without your caution...After taking lunch,we went for buying tickets and we chose the thai movie which will showing at 2pm.The staff there asked us to change our clothes from wearing school uniforms.God,I thought that this such rule will only valid for watching movie in klcc or other places and not need to do such thing as I'd wore the sch uniform when watching movie in ts last two years ago.This is the result for long time didn't watching a movie in school uniform look and I have been quite a long time didn't watch any movies in ts also.But,I only brought the school t-shirt as I actually wanna bring a casual costume for changing but I'd mistaken with Jy's.After buying the tickets,we spent out time in washroom for almost half an hour to change in a new look.At the same time,I found that my bus ticket is lost.Hate!Have to pay again when backing(I will only pay for rm1 as I am wearing school's shirt which got the sch's logo).Opppsss,forgot to tell you that we've watched out the thai movie-"Coming Soon".Before we get in,I'm worrying 'bout mine "a-still of school's shirt" hope that I can get in the cinema successfully.Hey,asking that whether I've reached 18 years old(he spoke in malay of course)...you look down on dwarf people,I will look down on you,TOO!At the beginning,I thought that he's forbid me from getting in just caused by I'm wearing my school's t-shirt,but hey,it seems it's an unnecessary worry.So what about sch t-shirt,at least it's not the sch uniform is enough lah.Yay,haha. ..no ideas to talk 'bout the movie as it haven't reach the horrifying target that I desire for...it's likely the same with others horror movie,you will be able to understand the content on this movie,but you will also be puzzled in the end of the show 'cause it won't be given a genuine answer.Well,should admit that it's the comman way a horrible movie will always be.Moreover,I not really like the plot as it's synopsis is the way almost the same with one of the japanese movie-"Slit-Mouthed Women"(this is the way idon'tlike),what I willing to watch is the real...the real of soul which will easily bring you in a fact,a real life...but not the scary+crazy of one's madly behavior.Anyway,there're still some parts that will make you laugh out loud and it still scaring me most the way.An hour of twenty minutes duration of the film(damn short)...after watching it,we choose to back home then to avoid get stuck of crowded in the bus on peak time.Headed home about 430pm...



photos will be uploaded later.(done)
P/s:No school for tomorrow as others groups are still having their speaking test and there's insufficient of classroom for us!I better start my revision for the coming mid-term exam within 10 days!
T O U G H !!!!!