Reached ou around 2:30pm.I dont have a mood to shop today,went to a cd-drama shop and found for the "series",not available....3 hours there...and headed home about 6pm.Switch on the comp immediately and finding the "rich man poor love" to view it's movie.(never give up heh!)This time was consider good,the loading faster than yesterday one,of course still that slow as's almost the time that the series start.The last episode...eventhough I already know what's the stories talking about.Opened the tv,ass off from comp chair and changed to sit infront the tv there.hmmmmm,i only watched 1/4 of my mom was backed from pm(night market)she wanted to watch the "spirit of love" which also started at 6pm.Fine...i'll watch my series at midnight...
havin' noon tea at ou's old town cafe`
Sister was back from genting,she's not going to fun but it was her course researching the genting hotel by trip leading...taking alot of photos...for her own assignment. (photos upload later)
坐在电脑前,一直等着视频的loading,等了好久。打从damansara回来就已经开始上网,开了近二十个《钻》的视频...从第一集到第十六集(因为我在电视上真正观赏的只有十七集开始,直至结局)等着,看着,等着,看着。零时分,第一个重播,当然不能错过!立即将电脑暂时让了姐姐,我则坐在电视机前,目不转睛地观看,不允许有任何眨眼。就知道不是happy ending,原装嘛...但是我还是想观看。看了后边儿,有少许感动,泪儿轻弹,有点儿不舍得噢!继续电脑上的剧集。多半的集数只load到1/4,还好几乎精彩的画面都让我一饱眼福。剧中讲述邓超饰演的一位为爱不惜付出一切的钻石王老五,完美有力量的形象配搭纯熟而有张力的演技,再加上充满爱情悬疑特质的情节,身为此剧迷的我当然绝不能错过如此的一部年度大剧!在网上看了又看,重复都有四五遍了。有些部分看了,不经意地笑了...微笑,撇笑,傻笑,狂笑, 通通都表露了出来。邓超实在有够可爱的,哎不!应该说,是他的角色,孟皓,让我嘴角上扬。笑中带泪,泪中有笑。同时他说话的腔调,是我极度欣赏的。可爱的一面,也不失男人应有的一股帅气。{陶醉}
今早醒来已是上午十一时十分。最后一次的重播,哈哈,随着妈妈的观看,我也在一旁欣赏。后继续电脑的视频,虽然没有一集是能够观完的,不过多数都看得还蛮过瘾的。找回之前的报纸,发现了,果然有当时在报章上看到简介的剧情,想当时,还不以为然呢!虽知是中国的戏剧,但看看,都是些不认识的演员,就没多加理会。随后,听起爸妈说蛮好看,心想,啊?这样的名堂会不会土了点?不都是那些老气的戏剧吗?说这也罢...天晓得,自己后来却爱上了这部剧!我大错特错,它本就不像是之前所认为的那种土气。果真,人不可貌相,戏不能只观名呀!看着想着,之前有几幕是曾出现我眼帘,只是没有现在的清晰。重看了几回,还是...想... ... ...想把它买下,仍然希望重播,原版或新版,我都乐意!

these are just a part of the pics,i'm lazy to load all up one-by-one....its toooooo tooooooo toooooooooooooo manyyyyy you know?!
pictures will upload soon. (loading...)
p/s continued wrote on the 2nd day,altho the date and time showed was on 10th. ; )
p/s continued wrote on the 2nd day,altho the date and time showed was on 10th. ; )
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