只有想害人的人,才会认为 别人在害他。
你以为你是谁呀!(撇笑);-/ 你只不过是个蹩脚的诈骗犯,你连我的头发丝儿都不如!
我叫雯凤,不是雯风。念对的人总是写错,写对的人却总是念得不正确。还有And also, I named Moon Hong NOT Moon Hoong or Mun Hong. I'm so sick that those who spoke correctly spelled wrongly......
Sunday, November 30, 2008
Saturday, November 29, 2008
Something was tryin' to make no sense to me.
As usual,attended the last second lesson of account in morning.Reached earlier then,went down to petaling street and accompany hsun to enjoy breakfasts.Ordered a bowl of chicken slice porridge and shared with jyou and you seng around 8:45.Start tuition at 9:30am.Something was happened to me...i don't really don't really want to care 'bout it.SO WHAT!hate!
As usual again,took bus and went off to find papa again.Before that,jyou was searching for her cosmetic and hair spray in guardian and watson but only bought a silky girl brand of eyeliner finally.1:45pm...papa still doing his works,quite a lot of works today.Something was happened to me...and i don't really wanna detail it here.
As usual again,took bus and went off to find papa again.Before that,jyou was searching for her cosmetic and hair spray in guardian and watson but only bought a silky girl brand of eyeliner finally.1:45pm...papa still doing his works,quite a lot of works today.Something was happened to me...and i don't really wanna detail it here.
Took a several minutes for do my lame job.Lastime i was not written and today i going to compensate it. :P
watch-out again.

Papa fried some 蛤蜊 for me and asked me to try it,taste sweet and juicy.

can't see clearly,zoom in again
Drive today,something was happened to me again...down my mood.Jam on the way while almost reached.Headed home about 3pm,took lunch immediately,im hungry.Took a one and a half an hours nap,woke up and bath directly,started blogging here afterwards.
Somethin' was happened to me triple in a day.It doesn't make sense to me,no way and never!Keep far away from me!
Thursday, November 27, 2008
武侠攻 无价通
潇洒人间一剑仙 青冥宝剑胜龙泉
任凭李俞江南鹤 都要低头求我怜
沙漠飞来一条龙 神来无影去无踪
今日踏破峨嵋顶 明日拔去武当峰
天之道 损有余而补不足
事故须胜实 不足胜有余
p/s:The china drama series,"Dream D I Y" end with the last episod today.Err,not bad at all,quite interesting,just watched out some episodes as well.Stories was talking about the foreigners came to further their studies in Malaysia.Well,scene was taken in a school named NIUC(Nilai International University College)in Negeri Sembilan and Malacca if im not mistaken.《那夜 我们约定了》
任凭李俞江南鹤 都要低头求我怜
沙漠飞来一条龙 神来无影去无踪
今日踏破峨嵋顶 明日拔去武当峰
天之道 损有余而补不足
事故须胜实 不足胜有余
p/s:The china drama series,"Dream D I Y" end with the last episod today.Err,not bad at all,quite interesting,just watched out some episodes as well.Stories was talking about the foreigners came to further their studies in Malaysia.Well,scene was taken in a school named NIUC(Nilai International University College)in Negeri Sembilan and Malacca if im not mistaken.《那夜 我们约定了》
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
The pretty thing is the manufacture of the imperfection.
24th Oct. Monday.
Morning,i was awake from bed.Suppose to sleep more due to i'd set the phone alarm as 10am sth.My mum's voice was quite loudly when she's talking on the cellphone...and i was woke up.Realised that the time was 8:30.I can heard that what does mom talk on the phone..she called us to prepaid and waken up papa...10 minutes later,departed from house.
Papa drove us on the way to TCHT.Nine and a half,headed her college.What's happening...hmmm...sister was felt dizzy and pengsan at school...and we gotta fetch her back.As she have drove to school also but unable to drive home...i'll be responsibility to drive her car go home.Followed papa's car at the back because im not so familiar 'bout the way back to home.Mom,sis and bro sat inside my car while papa was alone there.At the beginning,i know i have no choice to escape from driving,okay,i ll try my best.Mummy and sister was the first time sat the car i drove.Nah,i know my skill is not good lah,that's why have to call brother to sit infront beside me.He had helped me a lot,thanks lah,i know your skill is better than me,altho you dont have license now.Hehe,proud of you heh!The road was kinda busy with cars,papa drove slowly as i wont miss it.Soul-stirring on the way,cut the line for no time,signal signal all the time...forgive me lah,i have no enough of experience what,rather that so far the place.Before that,i had drove 'round 15 times and my "final destination" was just to raja laut road,but now was advanced till peejay.Take this time as a good experience,have to improve more.
After got in sri gombak area,i was separated with papa's car.Finally,reached home safety.Have to do preparation as soon as possible,2pm tuition class and i gonna went out at 12sth.
Papa said he will come and fetch me at petaling street after my lesson finished and yet he did it.Straightaway went to times square as mummy said she wanted to walk around there for so long the time never get in."I hope i wont meet all my friends there." It's very strange the feeling to meet up the people without any appointment made.Mom bought a pair of shoes,brother got the largest harvest as he bought a bag and a watch and some more papa had bought him to kepong jusco there to play his cards in afternoon.I had bought a garment and a pair of shoes too.Shopped for two hours more and get dinner at 8 at a restaurant called Lemongrass.I ordered a bowl of kuey teow soup and shared with mum the drink which she ordered a glass of sour plum.Found the place like a dining,a home dining.Backed home at 9pm,papa went to his work place for doing some stuff,reached home at 10 sth.Quite tired that day and sleep in the living-room,afterwards,went upstair and continued my dream. = )

Morning,i was awake from bed.Suppose to sleep more due to i'd set the phone alarm as 10am sth.My mum's voice was quite loudly when she's talking on the cellphone...and i was woke up.Realised that the time was 8:30.I can heard that what does mom talk on the phone..she called us to prepaid and waken up papa...10 minutes later,departed from house.
Papa drove us on the way to TCHT.Nine and a half,headed her college.What's happening...hmmm...sister was felt dizzy and pengsan at school...and we gotta fetch her back.As she have drove to school also but unable to drive home...i'll be responsibility to drive her car go home.Followed papa's car at the back because im not so familiar 'bout the way back to home.Mom,sis and bro sat inside my car while papa was alone there.At the beginning,i know i have no choice to escape from driving,okay,i ll try my best.Mummy and sister was the first time sat the car i drove.Nah,i know my skill is not good lah,that's why have to call brother to sit infront beside me.He had helped me a lot,thanks lah,i know your skill is better than me,altho you dont have license now.Hehe,proud of you heh!The road was kinda busy with cars,papa drove slowly as i wont miss it.Soul-stirring on the way,cut the line for no time,signal signal all the time...forgive me lah,i have no enough of experience what,rather that so far the place.Before that,i had drove 'round 15 times and my "final destination" was just to raja laut road,but now was advanced till peejay.Take this time as a good experience,have to improve more.
After got in sri gombak area,i was separated with papa's car.Finally,reached home safety.Have to do preparation as soon as possible,2pm tuition class and i gonna went out at 12sth.
-During acct. lesson-
Papa said he will come and fetch me at petaling street after my lesson finished and yet he did it.Straightaway went to times square as mummy said she wanted to walk around there for so long the time never get in."I hope i wont meet all my friends there." It's very strange the feeling to meet up the people without any appointment made.Mom bought a pair of shoes,brother got the largest harvest as he bought a bag and a watch and some more papa had bought him to kepong jusco there to play his cards in afternoon.I had bought a garment and a pair of shoes too.Shopped for two hours more and get dinner at 8 at a restaurant called Lemongrass.I ordered a bowl of kuey teow soup and shared with mum the drink which she ordered a glass of sour plum.Found the place like a dining,a home dining.Backed home at 9pm,papa went to his work place for doing some stuff,reached home at 10 sth.Quite tired that day and sleep in the living-room,afterwards,went upstair and continued my dream. = )
papa and mama sharing the cincao syrup.
i was like to shooting my little bro while he's eating.
papa and mama choose the same meal.
Saturday, November 22, 2008
Simple notes,Do Re Mi.
Went out in morning for acct. tuition as usual.Took bus recently 'cause it's cheaper.After the lesson,decided to go and find papa at raja laut road like yesterday also.Took a bus again and purposely went to papa work place.I'm ealier,papa reached afterwards within five minutes.While papa was keep doing his own work,I'm there just waiting for him and did some lame job.
See,what am I trying to write...
p/s;suppose to write “宗泽”& “杏儿” but,unable.
Fiveteen minutes I guessed,papa done his work,just a little work,and we're getting to back.Papa asked me to drive home,rejected him,keep tired as a reason.Yeah,it's very long time i didn't drive and now my skill is still that lousy.But hey,I had drove home yesterday what.(: I had drove about 120km/h before,this was the maximize speed I'd drove for now.Nah nah nah,it's only on the highway...guarantee you all will dare to do so.
Got a nostalgia feel,ain't you think so...
See you
Just abit illustration for this post,and I gonna to watch tv programme now.Stop typing here.Night. = ]
Thursday, November 20, 2008
今天早上,选择了搭巴士去补习。原本心里是想等着往电火车站的巴士,可后来,看见metro bus,算了,就上车吧!用了两块钱。
巴士一路jam着,时不时又在一个站停顿几分钟,唉,都惯了啦!一小时十分后抵达,乱过马路,直冲去bandar college。Apparently,搭lrt会比较快,只是一大清早,碰上上班族的时间,gosh!很挤。昨天就是在里面被人群挤着,前几站还完全没得抓住把手,靠平衡力站稳。往前往后的,实在难堪。
走到将近sri gombak地区,passenger越来越少了。后来只剩下两个人,把括我在巴士上。收钱的(华人)问我,边度落车,我就说,7/9...他一直听不到,我就重复了好几遍,“第7期”,他又问,“吓?边度来ge?”“嗰度啦!”“边度?”“马来学校嗰度啦!”好像一直故意问...其实我猜想他是知道的,因为以前现在上学时曾搭metro几次都遇过他,他大概也认得。他又好像以为我以为他识do,(means他以为我的一句“嗰度啦”,是我知道他懂我在哪里下车。)看他样子就懂啦,十成就是故意要问我,分明自己懂我要哪里下车!)But,我说那句话的意思不是说懂我哪里下车的意思,而是心想“有没有搞错哦,连7/9 road都不懂是何等地方,做什么售票员,简直就不可理喻,特意的!不过还好,最后,两位乘客都在同一地方下车,我当时也是听到那位和我同地方dropped off的aunty说她要在这一站下车的,为什么就是听不明我说的,真不明!有够气!最讨厌人家问我在哪里下车,有时都不懂那个地方叫什么名堂。偏偏说起了,又咋唔知!
以前从不会搭公共巴士到现在搭了几百轮,至今试过了将近40次没有给车费。心里头可是有算的哦!虽然忘了准确的次数,但是我敢肯定是已超过35次了,快接近40次了!不是我不给钱,而是我坚持让售票员向我讨取,我可是不会主动去伸手给他!当然,钱捧在手心,若是非常幸运的没被收,我还是会拿着钱,直到我下车为止。朋友都问我,你不怕吗?我都摇头说不,反正就不是我不给或坐霸王车,而是他们都没来收我的钱,我干嘛还要主动给他啊?!能省则省呗!要是碰到了查票员,顶多钱就给他,又不是没钱给!不过说真的,还真的遇过此情况,后来,我一声不吭,没事啦!既不用给钱,又得到票。哈哈!我这不叫坏心眼儿,而是我真的一个字也没说,事情就这样settled!(至于详情,也不须多说了)还好每次check票我都是有买票的,嘻嘻!告诉过表姐弟们,说我真行,厉害啊!以后得用这招“应付”。以前因为朋友的一次结缘,认识了一位售票仔,后来几次碰见他时,都不收我们的钱。是有点不好意思,可也无可奈何。不过,这也未尝不好,一直这样累计,慢慢地从七角钱的票到两块钱的票,可以省了一笔耶!可不是闹着玩的!谁叫metro的服务如此的差,想必曾搭过的你也有同感吧!遭了乘客千万次的投诉!少了我这单生意,就当给你们个教训教训吧!以前的intra kota,如今命名为rapid kl,是先补票后上车的,也曾经缺了我那七角钱。lenseng bus,少给几角也没人知。不过我甚少这样对待它,除非准备的零钱分不上,而不是不够。
今天早上,选择了搭巴士去补习。原本心里是想等着往电火车站的巴士,可后来,看见metro bus,算了,就上车吧!用了两块钱。
巴士一路jam着,时不时又在一个站停顿几分钟,唉,都惯了啦!一小时十分后抵达,乱过马路,直冲去bandar college。Apparently,搭lrt会比较快,只是一大清早,碰上上班族的时间,gosh!很挤。昨天就是在里面被人群挤着,前几站还完全没得抓住把手,靠平衡力站稳。往前往后的,实在难堪。
走到将近sri gombak地区,passenger越来越少了。后来只剩下两个人,把括我在巴士上。收钱的(华人)问我,边度落车,我就说,7/9...他一直听不到,我就重复了好几遍,“第7期”,他又问,“吓?边度来ge?”“嗰度啦!”“边度?”“马来学校嗰度啦!”好像一直故意问...其实我猜想他是知道的,因为以前现在上学时曾搭metro几次都遇过他,他大概也认得。他又好像以为我以为他识do,(means他以为我的一句“嗰度啦”,是我知道他懂我在哪里下车。)看他样子就懂啦,十成就是故意要问我,分明自己懂我要哪里下车!)But,我说那句话的意思不是说懂我哪里下车的意思,而是心想“有没有搞错哦,连7/9 road都不懂是何等地方,做什么售票员,简直就不可理喻,特意的!不过还好,最后,两位乘客都在同一地方下车,我当时也是听到那位和我同地方dropped off的aunty说她要在这一站下车的,为什么就是听不明我说的,真不明!有够气!最讨厌人家问我在哪里下车,有时都不懂那个地方叫什么名堂。偏偏说起了,又咋唔知!
以前从不会搭公共巴士到现在搭了几百轮,至今试过了将近40次没有给车费。心里头可是有算的哦!虽然忘了准确的次数,但是我敢肯定是已超过35次了,快接近40次了!不是我不给钱,而是我坚持让售票员向我讨取,我可是不会主动去伸手给他!当然,钱捧在手心,若是非常幸运的没被收,我还是会拿着钱,直到我下车为止。朋友都问我,你不怕吗?我都摇头说不,反正就不是我不给或坐霸王车,而是他们都没来收我的钱,我干嘛还要主动给他啊?!能省则省呗!要是碰到了查票员,顶多钱就给他,又不是没钱给!不过说真的,还真的遇过此情况,后来,我一声不吭,没事啦!既不用给钱,又得到票。哈哈!我这不叫坏心眼儿,而是我真的一个字也没说,事情就这样settled!(至于详情,也不须多说了)还好每次check票我都是有买票的,嘻嘻!告诉过表姐弟们,说我真行,厉害啊!以后得用这招“应付”。以前因为朋友的一次结缘,认识了一位售票仔,后来几次碰见他时,都不收我们的钱。是有点不好意思,可也无可奈何。不过,这也未尝不好,一直这样累计,慢慢地从七角钱的票到两块钱的票,可以省了一笔耶!可不是闹着玩的!谁叫metro的服务如此的差,想必曾搭过的你也有同感吧!遭了乘客千万次的投诉!少了我这单生意,就当给你们个教训教训吧!以前的intra kota,如今命名为rapid kl,是先补票后上车的,也曾经缺了我那七角钱。lenseng bus,少给几角也没人知。不过我甚少这样对待它,除非准备的零钱分不上,而不是不够。
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
I'm lifting-off,like a rocket launcher.
Celebrated sister's birthday at home yesterday as papa was free on Mon.Have an acct. tuition in afternoon...(haha,Sun got sooooo mannnnny admirers there,wooohuu)when I was backing home by putra lrt,i'm really freaking ***an with the man who's standing...err not,he's there leaning his back against sth like an iron pillar..idon'tknow how to describe it as...whatever lah,you people knows that.Before that,im already moved in and holding it to avoid fallen,who knows,after he got in,ohno,a bab* again,din't saw im holding there huh??i was damn peeved with his stupid action there,you thought i won't be spare a glance for you huh?yesss,i will do,but NOT for you.just 'cause im in the rear of you.*glimpsed at him all the time 'till he left off the train*im dare to do so too.
a people like a manggali who dressed white in colour stood opposite of me in the train was viewed out the whole circumstance,and i guessed he was knew what in happened.no offence.
papa called and reminded me that he will come to fetch me at the station that i dropped.okay,okay.
reached home,waited till brother back from tuition at sharp 7 as his class was changed to 5:30 then only we celebrate together.papa,sis and i went to buy a birthday cake...king's du again.(ahhh,idk how to spell it lahh)not that the cakes there taste good.we chose this cake shop due to we got the bonuslink card and somemore we also got a discount voucher,(nah,thelastonealready!)last time i was used it for mine also.;P well,there was not really many choices as we had tried all our favourites,not all but almost lah.and yeah,this time different,we bought a one kilogram of mangoflavour.bytheway,we ordered two pizza and called 'em to deliver to our house at sharp 7.
brother was backed,and papa was backed from pm too by the right.a pizza deliverer man was came on time then.havin' our dinner with the cake and the pizza,and the three packs soya bean,as papa will buy it ev'ry mon.facing the desktop for rearrange some stuffs,slept at 4 wee hours till the next 12 noon.

HAHAHA,all are me captured.
a people like a manggali who dressed white in colour stood opposite of me in the train was viewed out the whole circumstance,and i guessed he was knew what in happened.no offence.
papa called and reminded me that he will come to fetch me at the station that i dropped.okay,okay.
reached home,waited till brother back from tuition at sharp 7 as his class was changed to 5:30 then only we celebrate together.papa,sis and i went to buy a birthday cake...king's du again.(ahhh,idk how to spell it lahh)not that the cakes there taste good.we chose this cake shop due to we got the bonuslink card and somemore we also got a discount voucher,(nah,thelastonealready!)last time i was used it for mine also.;P well,there was not really many choices as we had tried all our favourites,not all but almost lah.and yeah,this time different,we bought a one kilogram of mangoflavour.bytheway,we ordered two pizza and called 'em to deliver to our house at sharp 7.
brother was backed,and papa was backed from pm too by the right.a pizza deliverer man was came on time then.havin' our dinner with the cake and the pizza,and the three packs soya bean,as papa will buy it ev'ry mon.facing the desktop for rearrange some stuffs,slept at 4 wee hours till the next 12 noon.
Happy Birthday lah,for the sista.
Monday, November 17, 2008
Sunday, November 16, 2008
连续病了两天。两天,应该不算什么吧!两天,恰巧碰撞在补习的日子,就这样“剥夺”了我补习的时间。三十三块,飞走了!平时,甚少被病魔看上,(小时候的我虽然最多事情,发烧是经常的事,那也是小时候嘛,就甭提了)如今顶多是普遍的flu,cough...一旦发烧,就一“发”不可收拾。总是夜半多作怪,每次都在半夜“挤”出病来。头一天补习在下午,睡到稍微晚了些,醒来就觉得人有点儿不舒服,头晕晕。原想起身冲个凉,人会显得精神点...冲完,更糟糕!一股热气似的感觉从身上“燃”起。My Godness!在沙发上躺了一会儿,喉咙又开始疼疼,感觉发炎了。总是想,sore throat严重些 些该不会成为发烧的起因吧?!以前生病去诊断时,曾被医生说因为喉咙管道发炎而引起发烧。以前,还有个测温度计表,可以测量自己有几度体温。如今,却派不上用场了。发烧,我才不选择看医生,总深信自然而然会痊愈。除非...真的持续几天...几夜...
要是再不好转,恐怕“惹”上了骨痛热症。两年前的十二月,生了我认为有史以来最痛苦的病。(虽然在我印象中另外有过延续一礼拜的高烧)当时发烧的症状如同,身体较没力些,后来第二天下午就去看了医生。看病时,doctor还给了我一杯像orange水的白开水,说是补充身体里的水分。吃了医生开的药,有好些。拜一早上人精神多了,放假期间,和家人去了趟shopping.在广场又开始“发作”,呼吸困难,狂飙眼泪。后来爸爸到处找了饮品给我,或许是我一整天没喝口水,才出状况了吧!哇!还不是盖的,太好喝了,酸梅沙刨珍珠,my favourite,真滋味儿!嘻嘻!回归正体,这下以为,真的觉得病情好了很多,回家晚上又......唉,你看看,你看看,这不就加以说明了呗!隔天还需要补习,后来send了封message给朋友,说,去不了。唯有继续靠药物,妈妈还特地磨了面粉团在我身体上搓呀搓的。(有种传统的做法,让体温下降。同志们,你们可曾试过或听过?)三四天后终于康复了。然而,万万想不到,身体哪个不对劲,开始发痒了起来。一直用手抓来抓去,无可奈何,又看了第二次医生。一大早,妈妈的陪伴走路到对面的一间诊室。身体不停地发痒,itch得让我身上有无比的刺痛感。身体软弱无力,一直躺在椅子上喊痛苦。进到去...医生说:“ada sikit demam,(心想,啊?不是吧!又来?)you kena measles...campak,campaaaak.”生麻疹?小时候出过了耶,这个应该是假麻啦!好在没和医生说"ini palsu punya,this is fake one,not the real one"要不真是笑掉他牙!医生哪会分什么假不假的,嘻,真是的。后来他还补充了一句,说要是烧未退,就必须回来再诊断验血,怕染上denggi。这使我今次不得不即刻警惕自己!当年那时候,过三天是我们孩子们代表父母参加人家的婚宴,无缘啊!我一人在家休息,姐姐随同堂兄等人出席去了。话说回来,座位排得真刚好,还凑不上我一人呢!呵呵!(哎,万一我也出席,那情况也可不一定哦)哈哈!
要是再不好转,恐怕“惹”上了骨痛热症。两年前的十二月,生了我认为有史以来最痛苦的病。(虽然在我印象中另外有过延续一礼拜的高烧)当时发烧的症状如同,身体较没力些,后来第二天下午就去看了医生。看病时,doctor还给了我一杯像orange水的白开水,说是补充身体里的水分。吃了医生开的药,有好些。拜一早上人精神多了,放假期间,和家人去了趟shopping.在广场又开始“发作”,呼吸困难,狂飙眼泪。后来爸爸到处找了饮品给我,或许是我一整天没喝口水,才出状况了吧!哇!还不是盖的,太好喝了,酸梅沙刨珍珠,my favourite,真滋味儿!嘻嘻!回归正体,这下以为,真的觉得病情好了很多,回家晚上又......唉,你看看,你看看,这不就加以说明了呗!隔天还需要补习,后来send了封message给朋友,说,去不了。唯有继续靠药物,妈妈还特地磨了面粉团在我身体上搓呀搓的。(有种传统的做法,让体温下降。同志们,你们可曾试过或听过?)三四天后终于康复了。然而,万万想不到,身体哪个不对劲,开始发痒了起来。一直用手抓来抓去,无可奈何,又看了第二次医生。一大早,妈妈的陪伴走路到对面的一间诊室。身体不停地发痒,itch得让我身上有无比的刺痛感。身体软弱无力,一直躺在椅子上喊痛苦。进到去...医生说:“ada sikit demam,(心想,啊?不是吧!又来?)you kena measles...campak,campaaaak.”生麻疹?小时候出过了耶,这个应该是假麻啦!好在没和医生说"ini palsu punya,this is fake one,not the real one"要不真是笑掉他牙!医生哪会分什么假不假的,嘻,真是的。后来他还补充了一句,说要是烧未退,就必须回来再诊断验血,怕染上denggi。这使我今次不得不即刻警惕自己!当年那时候,过三天是我们孩子们代表父母参加人家的婚宴,无缘啊!我一人在家休息,姐姐随同堂兄等人出席去了。话说回来,座位排得真刚好,还凑不上我一人呢!呵呵!(哎,万一我也出席,那情况也可不一定哦)哈哈!

lazy to upload bytheright,but still in progressing...be more patiently,kay...
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