People nowadays are being more fuckin' rudeness !!!
It's already 3 months I din't go for a check,should be once for 2 months but I'm not.Okay,let's go for check today due we all are free and somemore it's Monday. Afternoon,Papa brought us to kepong for rearrange my special shoes...this was the third time I havin' a check.(And hey yeah,still remember what I am suffering?! nah,this is the reason)
Still got some customers inside there...ah boy "a worker that we called him as" said to us that why not go for take a gourmet or what while waitin' for my turn because it will take some times also...Hmm,it seems to be a good idea.He suggested us to go to the street at the back of last row the corner there..."better drive to there lah,'lot of people are unreasonable now".We thought that not that far lah,thus we walk instead by car.We're takin' our noon tea at "kopi street" around 3.After 40 minutes I think,ah boy come and find us,and we gettin' finish.Brother was sittin' Ah boy's motorcycle while we're walkin' towards an alley way the road for backing to the shop.
当时爸爸和我走在前头,妈妈和姐姐则跟随后头。走在不宽不窄的巷子里,我也没多加理会车辆的来往。走到拐弯处,刚好爸爸的车park在旁边。心想,啊,既然还有一双鞋子还没拿下车,就顺便吧!哪知,叫了一声“爸”,转过头来,就听见姐叫了几声,差一点儿跌跤。我以为她被摩托撞倒,后来看见爸追着那辆摩托车跑了一段路,姐喊着爸不要再追了,眼见她手腕里还套着bag,异口同声地喊了爸爸不要继续追了...深怕来个万一...万一有什么受伤。人再快,也不及机动快...反正没偷着,没必要再追了!妈和姐说,要不是有waja车和kancil车先过了那条巷子,耽误了那个废材干案的时机,那个废材早在之前直路一带下手了,包包也容易被抢走。真是不幸中的大幸!还好到了转弯处,废材也为了避免摔倒,与我们确实有点距离。妈的警惕,敏捷,及时拉住姐的手,加上姐的反应快,紧hold着bag,才不至于被废材抢走,只是被死人猪手抓伤手臂。要不然,里面的身份证要重做,手机,相机“全军覆没”,不心疼才怪!还好我的bag背向里方,要不也会成为废材的目标。摩托车的无声无息,让我也措手不及,当场愣了一下。来不及认清废材面貌,只见废材的背影随着无车牌号码地奔驰。爸爸的拼命chasing,让我不得不即刻shout他回来。也不指望有旁人的的协助,干了酱的事,绝免不了我们的痛骂!再狠的话也尽情大众喧哗!有了此次的教训,想必下次会更加be careful了。这件事情让我回想起五年前的22号,在等待schoolbus的时刻遭到几个低-B的马来废材妹勒索。不由得你不恨死那些废材!
Stupid snatch theft babi fucker,you are really OH-SO-SUPER BRAINLESS!!!Go-to-hell lah,stupid brainless!!!You're useless in this world,better go die faster!babi Babi BABI!!!
Ohh please,wakeup! Don't even being unconsciousness!You,it's YOU,I'm talking to you,damn people.You think you are a superhero,no,it's such a big no-no,you're definitely wrong,absolutely wrong!You're just acting like an inferior benighted dude!Even those small kids are wisely than you,man!F*ck you!Especially for the m****,you're now losing your own face,your forefathers',your generations',even your homeland.Really a source of national shame!Don't you ever feel ashamed with your ignorant manner?! Sad case.
Everthin' is okay now.Have a check as usual.Well,I'm not goin' into details more,you won't be understood,seriously!Approximately 5,papa drove us to Solaris Mont' Kiara near Sri Hartamas.A new branded outlet like pavilion and the curve.Nothing much for shopping,just go to the cold storage for buy some groceries.After that,we decided to go to pavilion.Headed at 6:30...continue our shopping mood.Took our dinner at food republic at 8 sth.Ou,annoyed altho a plenty of choices there.Choosed a meal randomly...:).Blablablaaaaa...Not goin' to talk too much the happening after left from pavilion.Reached home at 10:20.Have a nice nice dream. -__-
Hey you people,damn you fucker!
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