25/10/2006 东方日报@好少儿《东方文圃》 吴雯凤 笔
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
征稿 (1)
08/2006 南洋商报《征文篇》 吴雯凤 笔
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Oh-le le Oh-la la
"Class stand,good morning teacher."Alright,everybody sit down and just looking up what's gonna happen.Teacher said:"Thank you for the cooperation yesterday.Since you all had done the best,you can do your own work."YEAH!Oh,well,as the acknowledgement or..?Whatever lah!Who cares now!Finally,anxiety broke!Excited started!Teacher presented each one a book called "Reader's digest" also.Such like the chinese one,读者文摘。.okay,it's nothing have to talk bout the book's contents.I used the time to read the body.A convert. was cut in sudd. and moved my attention from the book to a lame dialogue
A funny guy in our class who always make teacher laugh out asked:"Teacher,when is your open house?"
Teacher:"What...what??"(pardon me)
Guy:"When is your open house?"(for hari raya)
Teacher:"I never decide it."
A moment
Guy:"Teacher,when your child out?"
Guy:"When you not come to school?"
Teacher:"Why?You dont want to see me?"
Teacher:"(seems like understood what the guy meant)Don't worry,I'll be here until the end of the school."
My God!What you guy asked teacher such a crap there...how dare you are!Haaha,but dont worried,teacher wont be angry at all...she like him so much what!
Teacher:"Ey,Wai Teck(the guy's name),why huh,*I always saw you never wear spectacles while cycling?Can you see the road?"*
Guy:"Huh??..........speechless(dont get what teacher say)
Guy:"Oo,can,only blur blur loh.I wont have accident one!"
Teacher:"How you know that you wont get the accident?Then,you can see the road very clear?"
Guy:"Because I know loh.I already say mah,not cannot see,is blur blur."
Aiyo..make us lol.:D
Teacher:"Blur then why dont you wear it?"
Guy:"Because reflected."
Some more I find out a kinda funny convert. and I decided to list it out here.
Teacher:"Where is Chyuan Ning(another guy who sit beside W.T),Wai Teck?Why is he absent today?"
Guy:"How I know wor!!"
Teacher:"You dont know?!How come you never know?He sit beside you what!"
Guy:"Because he is not my family mah!"
Teacher:"...but he's your friend right!?"
Guy:"Friend only mah,but not family!"
Whole class lol again.Similar circumstances occured twice while different person who sit beside him was absent.
Btw,do ignore the sentences errors of the convert..I just typed the original convert. as what the guy said.Catch out how funny he is.xD
p/s:Suppose to post this up on Fri or Sat.But I felt tired while back from tuition.Nod off..sound asleep so i post it up today!;)
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Saturday, September 20, 2008
The day has come...
I'm getting bigger,older,mature,but still young at all lah (;
Thanks and appreciate it much for those who were regarding me,and those who not...you owe me.lol.
Hope all my wishes will come true,and having a sweet 18th with my family and my friends! xD
Dah Dee Dum ... ... ...healthy oh PLEASE,nyahahha :D nah,I'm not that greedy what!hee.
photos will be uploaded soon yea!be patient. (",)
celebrated on 17th sept. card&presents
"little angel" for saving money lunch at sunway kimgary on my birthday.(chilled at there for one an hour more)
bosco = D borsch soup+cream soup red bean+pandan flavour
honey lemon;mine chili chicken chop rice chili chicken chop spagetti(mine)
cheese pork chop rice "fu yong"egg fried rice our lunch;table 85
bye : ) have a bowling game in evening(suppose to go for skating but canceled finally)
Moon,Lin,Yi,Hui...final result match the birthday date on the day too.
Sunday, September 7, 2008

The past was kinda funny and memorable,present is damn lamentable and pretty more pleasure,the future is full of indefinite groping and surprised.Let the time pass the dirt,I'm coming to meet the new dawn,fill up all the blank. STAY TUNED.
p/s: I better change my style to my style.Finally,you know that.Woohuhuhuh xD