我叫雯凤,不是雯风。念对的人总是写错,写对的人却总是念得不正确。还有And also, I named Moon Hong NOT Moon Hoong or Mun Hong. I'm so sick that those who spoke correctly spelled wrongly......

Sunday, July 31, 2011

Last day of July.

Today is the last day of July, falls on Sunday. 

My long semester break has passed for one month more and left for another one month more to go. Time does fly, time does fly, time flies. : | 平时 是闹钟敲醒我,今时 却是日子提醒我 说 暑假已过了一半,还有另一半的一个月多。。。这应该是我大学生涯里面最长的一个假期了。之后,可能...大多数...都没有long sem break,既是人家读完一年后所拥有的假期,我们没有。


Monday, July 25, 2011

Went to one utama shopping centre with pa and ma. Long time never been there. Have our lunch @ Wongkok Char Chan Teng 旺角茶餐厅。Decided to have lunch at Canton-i but finally we stopped at infront of Wongkok. Knew it has been refurbished since last time we came here, and one of the workers there said to us the menu will be changed to a new one.
After taking our late-lunch (get used to), continued shopping. I bought nothing but papa has bought mama a dinner dress. We walked 'till our legs almost broke! Just to find somewhere outlets.

 Mega sales period.

 Monday set : Fried Spaghetti Prawn with borsch soup, fruits, hot HK style stocking milk tea. 松菇虾仁意粉、罗宋汤、时令水果、香岛丝袜热奶茶(Mom's)

 My Pop Hawaii 爆珠夏威夷冰

 Pa's Fairyland 奇异仙境
 Pa's Prawn Rice Pork虾子酱猪扒饭

 My Prawn Rice Fish 虾子酱鱼扒饭


Night, mama and I accompanied papa went to OngLai. Saw meow meow again. She was not around when I reached there. She finally came in after papa calling her.

 Owwh, her partner.


Thursday, July 21, 2011

Long-lost Friends.

20th July 2011, Wednesday

Went to KLCC to meet up Jewei. Asked Jiunyou along but she had to have meeting after school. So, this gathering ended up with just the topics around us. Oh no, is three..three person finally. Hahhaa. And why...? Just continue reading.

Buses are really suck! I've been waiting for a bus for an hour since I came out from my house to bus stop. Informed Jewei then, if not she sure thought I'm late. Indeed, I was late due to the ^&$#@$*(E$(@! Aww but I didnt come out late. 

Reached KLCC at roughly 3. Met Jewei. We spent our time at the foodcourt for almost 5 hours. We just have our seat and chat non-stop. Oooh, we have never seen each other for one and a half year once we separated from working, is actually even more than that. Yeah, there has always a common topic between us--our shoes. Chatted bout our current studies, our lifes after form-six, our trips and nevertheless of our next date. We then took our tea-time. Subway sandwich for herself, while I had my Mc Flurry Lime. She had another date at 6pm with her ex-classmate. Before I went back, I asked Jewei who's the girl is as I may know her. She told me the girl is Shuqing, I told her that I know the girl, and she does know me too. She only realized her friend and I do know each other since form one even we never get into a same class. 'cause we were in the same school bus for 2 years hahaa.

Shuqing came finally at 6:45pm. Surprised I was there. Three of us continue chatting and she had her dinner there too. Knew that Shuqing aims for a SIA stewardess and she had gone for interview for twice although she's now taking diploma of mass communication at TARC. Anyway, wish her can achieve it! Not to forget, we had taken photo by using Shuqing's camera. Used a cute small tripod to have self-timer. Jewei left earlier, after Shuqing had finished her dinner, we back together as we are staying in the same area. Took lrt, bus, headed home about 9.

Pichassss are all with Shuqing. I will get from her one day!

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Marathon @ Taman Pertanian

由于在上次的聚会中答应了佩仪一起为这次的marathon campaign做sampling promoter,本来,因为工作地点路途遥远的关系,加上昨天下午原本须得过去一趟听解工作范围,就打算直接和她到她PJ的合租公寓宿舍去借宿一晚。后来,我们不需要特意赶到远方去,她的朋友可以托拿工作T恤衫。后来她的朋友又来她家暂住,故可以今早直接出发。
难入眠,故没睡。清晨三点,佩仪就从她家驾车载在我一同到PJ去。副座椅坐着一位她的大学朋友,Helen,正指导辅助着她驾驶(由于仪新手(换了正驾驶牌不久,不常驾)上路)。一路上车辆甚少,车子还算不稳中的平稳,缓慢地驶过duke highway往八打灵去。来到她大学附近合租的公寓顺道載了另一位朋友,Regne后,将车子停泊在附近的KFC泊车位,然后他们的另一朋友Raymee也来到,我们四人就一同乘坐他的旧款Volvo,向南方Shah Alam驶去。比预料的时间早到,四点就抵达农业公园——Botanical Garden Shah Alam。还未见着其他车辆, 我们 还是第一辆 头几位。眼见大门竟然还上锁,加上还很昏沉的夜晚,大家 打算吃早餐去。来到临近的7-eleven,女的买了杯面,我则买了mentos糖,吃上自带的Gardenia chocolate bun。时间将近四时半,返回到botanical garden。大门刚好在这个时候打开,车辆陆陆续续地驶进,将车子停泊好,下车,准备 职守岗位。由于我是临时前几天才给予个人资料的,所以今天去到才领取工作服。本来另一个team leader Vincent叫我负责招待VIP(还一头雾水,不知道要做什么),但后来我朋友负责的registration part的另一个team leader Neo就叫我跟着他们。从早上五时开始工作,来之前大概知道registration part要做的范围,team leader也跟我和佩仪讲解了一番(因为我们俩昨午没去听briefing)。参赛者陆陆续续到来,跟他们索取confirmation code,确定后分派T-shirt,yellow wristband。忘了code number? 没关系,到角落边的equiry counter去询问后再来。想要参赛但没在网上报名?没关系,到角落边的walk-in counter去报名,但手持蓝腕带,不能够换取礼包。后来我又到另一个counter去帮忙,有的人还迟到,但我负责的counter已经closed,恕不予理,还是head leader(忘了他叫什么名字,好像是Eric)交代的。看到有些怪可怜的,就赶忙为他们登记。八时许,马拉松正式开跑。直至八点半,我们才正式结束一切的参赛者登记过程。以为十一点才结束马拉松活动,我们至少有一个小时的时间休息。怎知我们这里才休息了片刻,半个小时多,又要准备下一轮的工作——分派goodies bag予参赛者。把礼包啊,water bottle啊,通通都搬上桌,准备下一步的分派。殊不知,才这里整理着,那里就有人开始排队了。(在怀疑到底他们有否把整个该跑的地点给跑完)但由于时间未到,还不能索取礼包,唯有站在烈日当空下等待咯。一位uncle还破口大骂,说什么lousy organizer,mempersiasuikan Jacob's。通通语言都出来了==;; 哎哟,明明就是uncle您自己七早八早来排队,草场上的event都还没结束。Announcement也发出了,就是不肯听,还执意地顽固不灵。噢,不关我的事,待team leader们去解决,我站好我的岗位就好。不然待会儿还要面对至少八百多位的拥挤前来,手脚不得使唤,忙得不可开交。好在,隔着铁栏杆,我就左脚踏上铁杆枝,右脚踏上桌底下的木板,向着即将迎面横来的参赛者们。不至于被众人“压扁“,呵呵!不过,实在是无法喘口气。
由于有整八百至一千人参与,大排长龙之余还要不停地一直叫喊参赛者们继续往前...“move forward please...forward...infront...depan depan...往前走 往前走...",还要不停地摆动手势...为的就是不要让他们stuck在中间领取,继续向前走,后面的才会跟着移动,这样子才不会浪费时间,毕竟,我们有八个counters。隔着铁栏杆分派礼包,我就这样侧对着他们,好容易把我身后由后面的同事分传过来的礼包分给我前面经过的参赛者。我猜至少有一个小时,分派完毕,收拾收拾,休息休息。Regne刚好从另一个工作岗位sampling回来这儿。
十一时半,午餐时间到了。大家原本站成横排的刚好可凑成一排直线。我开玩笑地对佩仪说怎么不是ladies first啊?!哈哈!然后前面就传来"ladies first"...我们就走前面去啦!本来我是头一个,还怪不好意思的,恰好稍前面有一个女子,我让她走在我的前面。十二时出,准备收工,领工钱咯喂!嘻嘻!排队排队...还有goodies bag赠送呢!戴墨镜的team leader还质问我前面的Regne放多久的假期。然后我也不放过,退还了工作证,手中领过了礼包后,他就问说我呢,放几久的假期。我就笑说没有假期。哈哈!他就说我们怕了,为了拒绝,连“没有假期”也搬上来说了。我身后的佩仪等也不等他问,就直说她也没有假期,呵呵呵!噢,为什么他会这样问呢,我也不很清楚。可能领工资前他有跟大伙儿说part/full time的工作,应该是要问我们有没有时间和兴趣吧!不过,我总觉得他的语气像是在调戏我前面那位。Ok,大哥大嘛。。。
最后,拍了还不是很”合“的大合照,我们就回了。到PJ去领佩仪的车,她的朋友Helen先驾去她们的合租公寓宿舍,收拾衣物,准备到佩仪家暂住三周。我就在她的公寓待一会儿,大约一时许回家噜!车子从PJ开往duke highway,二十分钟后,送到家。哈哈!谢啦!

透过网上报名--厚厚的名单“层层叠叠”+ 手腕带(只有手持黄色的wristband方能换取一个礼包加水瓶一支,1:1 [那时有些人还手持九张替自己组员们拿,哇塞,我都不知要怎么传递给他们了,一直拼命地向后拿货传递-传递再拿货,真不晓得他们要怎么拿九份的礼包广泉水瓶])

凌晨五时,天还未亮。第四个柜台,一个柜台两个人负责,隔壁有个男同事(由于隔着桌子外加栏杆挡在前方,我还得弯着腰,尽我的全力将T-shirt和wristband传递给参赛者。络绎不绝的人群,全程几乎都是站着招待,还要告诉我旁边那位印度人什么size要几件,拿给我,好递给报名者。害得我们腰痠痠,我心里直喊 low back pain啊,哈哈!)


我身旁的一堆goodies bags(这个时候总算可以休息片刻)

 工作证(JACOB's 公司赞助)




农园里的马拉松,后来自己才知道,林德荣和颜薇恩有参与,但都没遇见他们。就是所谓的V.I.P吗?随便,我 不-知-道。


Thursday, July 14, 2011


A simple celebration for papa. Happy birthday daddy!! We you!!  

Yesterday bought a cake from baker's cottage. This year has no surprise given yet a small cake for papa and he does know that. As usual, we sang two birthday songs (eng & mandarin version)... Happy birthday to you ... ...laodou ... zhu ni shengri kuaile ... ... ... . 没有意外的惊喜,只有简单的仪式。昨午在爸爸知道的情况之下买了一个小蛋糕,准备今天的庆生。生日歌,吹蛋糕,一份 小小 的 心意。


Make things simple, just the simple way we have.

Pictures do talk now.

  Cappuccino Temptation 卡比奇诺 口味


许个愿,祝爸爸您 愿望成真![蛋糕,两粒熟蛋+鲍鱼鸡汤]


呵呵,我记得去年的今天,我身在大学无法与爸爸庆祝。恰好那天没课,还和朋友到影院去看了《暮光之城》Twilight Saga : Eclipse 呢!本来要以webcam齐唱歌,可是赶不及在约定的时间回宿舍去。嘻嘻!

Again, papa..happy birthday! Muacksss

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Secondary Sch SGians Gathering

SG Gathering
Date: As shown
Venue: PappaRich, Prima Sri Gombak
Time: 2000--2200 
Attendant: Peiyi, Yenloo, Weiyu, Lingxiang, Myself. 

         Indeed, it's easily and convenient to get contact with each other even with your long-lost friends via facebook. We used to use phone message by texting to contact our friends yet now, we don't even need to spend one cent to get contact with others. But, you might not get an immediate response or reply from 'em.
Anyhow, six days ago, I've created an event with the title of "Chit-chatting". Friends were shocked due to they never saw me being an organiser at all. This was beacuse during our secondary period, I tend to be the last person to RSVP on their invitation when been asking to hang out together. Haha! Yes, it was my first time create an event bacause I'm not active on fb, Im the one who always waiting for others to take the first action...to invite me hahaha! Okay, once the event is created, friends are eager to join it and attend hehee. I knew, they were keen for so loooong to have a gathering. Well, Laylian did not join us in the end because of her grandfather was in  danger condition, we understood. Othersss well, did not keep their words and broken promise. Just forget 'bout it...
Yep yep. As usual, yenloo who stays in the farest area among of us, fetched us all from top to bottom way of the residential area. Excluded weiyu, due to there is the nearby cafe to her house, after she had finished working, she just need to walk to there. Half an hour more, Lingxiang came and joined us. Ordered foods and drinks, started to have a chat then. Get to know Peiyi is waiting for the news of exchange student program to Korea while Weiyu is confirmed to further her two years degree course to Taiwan starts from 1st Sept. Here to congratssss for both of them.
An hour gone. Our second round, bintang tujuh mamak stall. Again, where we used to go. Lingxiang didn't join us. Left four of us... Ordered otak-otak, fried taufu and satay. An hour there...discussing for the next gathering as well as farewell. :D

 My barley and whole-wheat steamed kaya-butter bread (Just finished 3/4 of it) @ PappaRich

 Otak-otak and fried tauhu with rojak sauce @ Bintang Tujuh Mamak Stall

 Satay @ Bintang Tujuh Mamak Stall

We did not take photo..just...the foods.

See you guys! Aww, no, I will see you on this comin Sunday Peiyi! : )