我叫雯凤,不是雯风。念对的人总是写错,写对的人却总是念得不正确。还有And also, I named Moon Hong NOT Moon Hoong or Mun Hong. I'm so sick that those who spoke correctly spelled wrongly......

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Movie @ KLCC

Went out for movie in klcc w my uni KL friend. The only KL friend of my coursemates, Nicky aka commate aka my latest roommate during semester 3. We've actually planned for outing two weeks before our finals. Seems everyone has back to their hometown and can't really have a meet up, thus we decided to have a movie-watching on today, yea, just two of us. 11am out from my house, the stupiiiiiid RapidKL Tbus. I have even seen the other RapidKL buses like U1 U10 have passed for three to four times in respectively. Wasted my time for almost 45 minutes just to wait for a Tbus to reach. Oh What the!! Kay, of course I've being late, informed my friend early and she said she has reached there at 11am just for window shopping ahhah! Fine, finally I reached. Late for 25 mins as the time we set to meet was at 12pm. Nah, she asked me to meet at MANGO, ah, sorry, I didn't even know where the shop belongs to. I went upstair to first floor, told my friend I can't find the shop hah! I can't even find where is it thru the directory provided. She finally changed to meet at the centre point haha! Opppss, I saw the MANGO when I was getting to go down, it's on downstair G floor, swt! Okok, I admit I've been almost a year never stepped in KLCC and am typically have no sense of direction. Nicky has bought the movie tickets, and we gone for lunch @ foodcourt. Western food--spaghetti--Seafood Olio, Carbonara   .
Costed cheaper than any other restaurants where serve with pasta and it did surprise me that the taste was just simply nice as Italian restaurant's. I felt it was worth at all because the portion was big enough too, we were full. The time we took our lunch was about 1:15pm, I knew..the lunch hour esp from 12pm to 3pm has a super crowded condition in every restaurant of KLCC, even have to wait, need to queue up. Btw, I didnt see this kind of terrible circumstance happened in any other shopping complex duting peak hour so far. After taking lunch, there has still an hour time for us to walk, digest. We went to Kinokuniya bookstore then. I saw these, , the calligraphy. I remembered last year a guy told me these can be found from Kinokuniya when we're taking part in the 挥春. After that, bought some sweets, toffees, junk foods to bring in cinema...hiekhiek. ;D                              
Movie showing time. "Ladda Land".
Overall, I was sastified on this Thai movie. It did frighten me, the first from the black dog's barking. Well, it made me laughed due to those funny malays were laughing here and there. A kind of warm story too, credits for it. Compared to the "Shutter", the latter one even more frightening. Eh, should I say I'm a typically horror movie-holic?! HAH! <3 Thai movie! Some comedy and romance Thai movies have a good reputation, I wish to watch also even romance movie is not really my cup of latte, I mean...so far haha! But I do wish to have a try on Thai's one day. Maybe
not in cinema, tv-watching perhaps?! Bought myself an vanilla ice-cream cone from McDonald. Nicky bought herself a Mc Flurry lime flavour. Photo-shooting, 7pm back home. Mama called me when I almost reaching my house. 8:10pm reached.

*Photos which have two person inside were taken from my friend's hp. And the edition were edited by my her also.

Saturday, June 25, 2011


古语曰:“有朋自远方来,不亦悦乎”,对于他们 我认为是“有烟自远方来,一命呜呼”。[间接害我们吸二手烟]


“你拽什么拽?!你耍什么帅?!只不过是手上多了几支臭烟,你还能拿什么来拽!”——胡杨林的一首歌《幸福的女人不抽烟》,在这里 我把它换为——幸福的男人不抽烟,显得较为贴切。[吸烟者(尤指男性)以为自己手持管烟,抽起烟来的姿态 就显得风姿翩翩 男人万分。女性更不用说 一根烟就足以毁灭了整个形象 还说什么风姿卓然。我说啊 那是一种对自己的侮辱 刻意地慢性自杀的人呐 才是最丑陋的]

Yeah. Smokers never win. 总结:吸烟者 终究输了, 因为他从未战胜自己。Never smoke, no cigarette, anti-tobacco.


Friday, June 24, 2011


一年的大学课程,正式完成。她 就是有别于 其她,什么都 独树一帜,却谈不上有什么 可圈可点的地方。纵使我们如何的“尽量避免”,还是难逃宿命,得“赴京”上学。若不是今年的大学入学时期开始改革,我这里才刚结束的旅程,来不及喘口气,又得重游现场,开始下一段新的旅途。所幸 现在可以经过各个休息站,呼吸新鲜空气的时间 还绰绰有余。(",) 这 就是特别为“我们这一大大班”量身度衣的时间表,“赶通告”。所以,距离上一次的假期,我觉得自己好像很久没有放长假似的。明年..唉不,确切地说应该是第二年的第一学期 即 三个月后开始,也许 就没有了所谓的“喘气时间”。你说,不敢奢望接着的未知数,我还能不好好地享受现在这所谓没有季节的“暑假”么?!本来,应该说 其实,并没有所谓的感慨大一就这样地结束了。只是,看到一些友人忽然提起的一些话才意识到。回归原本,一切就只是好像刚完成了一年级,等着下一年的二年级课程,再续前缘。稍微地提一提,没有特别的高调起伏含义。就是这样,这里没有感言,没有,只有浅浅地带过 罢了。
*昨夜 有史以来, 我竟然为了今早的一科试卷而紧张得彻夜辗转难眠(虽然直打呵欠)。紧张,不是因为担心 而是兴奋;兴奋,不是因为它是最后一科 而是我最期待考的一科。这两天一直认真地解读、细嚼慢咽、一一解剖其中的文字。真庆幸当时的决心转换,让现在的我获益良多。虽谈不上特长或多,但却没辜负我这段短学期的时光。终于,它在我大一的课程里,划上了完美的句点。*

话说回来,当时虽然无法入眠,起身时 也不见得格外精神,只有虚脱感+天旋地转。也不知自己当时是如何将力气化作黑椭圆,还好不用化文字为白纸。结果,临上阵前先灌了那唯一一罐的一百号,也不管会腹痛与否,先喝了算。否则 “出师未捷身先死”,未上场露个面 就已“英年早逝”。呸! [大吉利是](在大学宿舍房里最后一天的晚上进行最后的冲刺时,晚餐不久,突然有种无力的感觉+晕眩。想必,这几天缺乏充足的营养)
好在,下午二时,我已在温暖的怀抱中 渐渐进入了梦乡……(那24小时内的过渡期,最终有了累感可以在家安眠,睡了将近五个小时。)
 我 暂时卸下大学生的身份,开始先做个 宅女。(如我微博所示)

噢,原本打算这个考试周自行驾车到校府应考,恰好每科都在早晨时间,所以不会耽误到爸爸要用车的时段。最后一天也可自己将收拾好的杂物搬进车厢,退房后,回家去。但 忽想起我的驾驶执照在今天就已逾期,所以还是算了。难不成要我持着逾期的驾照跨向大道?呵呵!有是有想过,但最终还是不敢违反交通规矩的条例。偶可是有正当地一次性通过法律测试的哦!实话说啦,本妞到底还是没那个胆子独自在车水马龙的街道上开车,还是路痴一个。当然,那来回相当笔直的高速公路我可还是懂的。不然,也不会有这个念头。但是,还是会惧有万个一。路障?走错方向?谁晓得呀!所以,那几天,也就留在宿舍里,埋头苦读吧。今天,爸爸妈妈来接我回家啦。。。
