Anyway, Happy Chinese New Year!! = )
我叫雯凤,不是雯风。念对的人总是写错,写对的人却总是念得不正确。还有And also, I named Moon Hong NOT Moon Hoong or Mun Hong. I'm so sick that those who spoke correctly spelled wrongly......
Sunday, January 25, 2009
Happy Lunar CNY'09
I'm not going to detail about today events as i will be right back and post up together after I'm back from travelling! x D
Saturday, January 24, 2009
A courtyard,A terrace,A canopy of indescribable relation.
23.01.09 Fri.

Last day schooling before cny holidays,there's only four periods lessons today.And after recess time,there's an small event and cny performance up to 12:30pm.Before it start,have a little bit chat with pyi and wyu as they came to school for taking the original spm cert.Ten minutes meeting for sixth formers' club,violet team sport activity today untill 2pm.Took lunch at school with sun and jyou as they were waiting for me to eat together.Went for general studies tuition afterwards.We were oh-so-tired...hoping to go home quickly.Took putra line with sun,I'm keep telling to sun that..."I'm damn nervous lah,the cny is coming."Idon'tknow why...why i'll say so and we cannot help laughing like mad man.HEHEEHEHAHAHAHAA Night,pyi and wyu came to my house awhile as they were just took a cab back from shopping and together we waiting for yloo coming to fetch us and laylian for going to kepong and yum cha."happy foodcourt"...I've no ideas to choose for the meal and just enjoyed my kiwi juice while they ordered asam laksa and iron plate meal.Toooooo sweet,waiter please,added some ice.Hot chili steamed "monster fish" and the fry dumpling shared.Damn fully weyyy,everyone was fully.Get wrong the way back to sri gb.In the car,I was keep shouting that "I wanna go toilet,I can't endure anymore!" A moment..."your ureter be packed" said by pyi.Finally,back at 11 sth,and reached my house almost 0000.Damn joyful to have a such gathering altho it just once a month or the more of duration.Will it be last longer soon in the course of time?Hopefully not!
22.01.09 Thurs.
School time as usual.Morning,when I took the bus to school,in the bus,there was an ignore from the tickets woman seller.Hahaha,$0.70 saved.It's reach 'till the no.39,I think.One more one more,I want the no.40 coming.After school,there's an acct tuition at 3pm.Sun and jyou need to attend their sport team activity.Thus,wyee,jwei and I going earlier.Hey,you've made me angry you know?you know?You was not that purposely at all,but idon'tknow why those unpleasant words to hear will come from your mouth?!Dont you know you have offend me?!You did it everytime even seconds!I don't like your behaviour there!To be frank.
Tuition break time,when i was taking out my phone,sun told me that my ornament which hang up upon my cellphone have been defaced.HUH!WHAT!OH NO!GOSH!When it become the look,the defect look?!Recall back...found the bag even my skirt pocket,can't find out the missing part also."Sun,the part was missing,the singapore's island with the purple blinking around and the building inside which symbolize the s'pore country was missing"..."I will cry!" Can't find out anymore...Idon'tknow where it started to disappear...By the right,when jyou saw the gallery of my phone's wallpaper,which's dc there,she told me that she saw an original dvd of the "RMPL",and it only cost rm20 sth."Buy for me buy for me buy for me!""And afterwards I give you back the money." Excited sudd. the moment.eehaha.So,guess what for the feeling,it's mixed.
I missed the bottom part and I miss you sooooooooooo much.
oh bytheway,the cny reunion day will be fallen on this comin' sun,which's 3 days to go.I will take some angpao(s) from relatives that day like the same for every year.But for this year,I've taken the first angpao from form teacher yesterday.: D Guess will take the angpao fewer than last year due to we're having a trip during cny.And,when will turns to you to give a big surprising angpao for me?hahaha.
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
The thorn has been soften.
School was pretty good for yesterday and today.Oh,before I forgot,papa was fetched me home yesterday without any notice.,hahaa.Ev'thing is going smoothly,i think.;) Hope so...Don't ever try to be the barrier,you won't take it easier and never,I assure you!
I'm waitin' for the cny holidays!Come come come...gimme gimme gimme...yay yay yay...
2 more days schooling
Monday, January 19, 2009
da capo
Papa fetched me home after fetching brother to go to school.Afterwards,went out with dad and mom.Bought some stuffs...took a meal at a hawker stall along the street opposite the supermarket.Met with papa's old friend...kelly aunt. and having the meal together.6pm...went to brother school directly for waiting him.Night,I've wield the writing brush to write a chinese couplet as asked by layling for the classroom cny decoration.Done in 40 minutes,is it damn slow?!I've been quite an age didn't write such the caligraphy as well seriously.My hands do not tremble as last time but I guess only will do while writing at school.Whatever,I found that only one of the words is looking great,others are just soso.
The fish ball soup had been "sucked" by the noodles,like a dry steam noodles.Quite fully at all.Drinks,sour plum.
Here it is.
I like this “顺”only
Saturday, January 17, 2009
What for,I liked.
School replacement today,for one of the chinese new year holiday.I got went to school,I've attended!This is what the way is,I'm decided to go to school today before.Well,I'm not saying that I'm quite hardworking at all,but there's no reason for me to skip the school!So,better come lah!After school,I was waiting a bus there,came by u1,there're soooooo many students rushed.Finally it stopped in front of me,I'm the one of the top 5 who entered in the bus.Luckily I got the place,I got it!And,who cares 'bout you!
Night,nice movie showing,feel like lazy to do the homeworks after finished one of it.Continued tomorrow...tomorrow!
Night,nice movie showing,feel like lazy to do the homeworks after finished one of it.Continued tomorrow...tomorrow!
Friday, January 16, 2009
Pretended,a dull human being.
And some more,I've told you,aren't you understood in such an easy language?You make people feel that disgusted sometimes!
Btw,I'm getting better after met with hsun,she've cheered up me!Even when I saw her I'll be cheering up myself also.: )Thank you soooooo much!My buddy =c During the tuition time,Sun and I were "busying" writing our own word while t'chr was teaching there.We found that we've wrote a word which is coincide each other at the same time.We have no intention to make it to be the same actually,I swear.It's truth,indeed,it's a fact.We've made out the same word.See,

“蘇”-- the surname of sun.
Sun's(left);Moon's(right) a bit wrongly.
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Life is seems to be a lollipop sometimes,the more the less the more the sweetness.
I'm still on duty today after school for helping the school cooperation for selling the school mark socks.As the members of school cooperation society should have to be in-charged of it,but I'm still going to help them altho I'm not the member.Like yesterday with hsun and layling,we'd sold out seven pairs of stocking.As usual today,selling stocking with vzien and liann.The 45 minutes duration at school canteen...We are there just chit-chating about bosco,and I'd told her about the bitchy-bitchty thing.What?!We only sold TWO pairs!Nobody willing to buy it as it's not compulsory to wear but hey!!Forced our sixth formers to wear it as well and warned that it's compulsory for EVERY student before,unfair!What the stupid law!Waste money!1:45pm,three of us finished our task and go and find the teacher who in-charge of it for get her sign.Found,she was keep talking on her phone and ignore we're standing beside her,wtf!We have been waiting for ten minutes and she still talking there!Man,we need to back home now,we're rushing hour,can you please just sign there?Three of us get pout and liann gave it to teacher finally.We then back home and,the teacher still talking on her phone there!sigh!vzien was shouting that so what about teacher,brainless!
After came out from school,I missed the rapidkl u1.It's the teacher fault,lead to I can't get the bus in time.Waiting at the bus stop there for 15 minutes and finally a metro coming.The ticket seller didn't take money from me!Hurray!And again,I've saved 0.70 ringgits.Almost reach 40 times never pay for bus tickect wey!I'm damn wisdomly sudden.!Muahahaha!
Backed home around 2:45pm,get a bath immediately.When taking my lunch,papa and momma asked me to followed 'em go out to choose a bookshelf.Went to the furniture shop that we've been gone and bought from.HEHEHE,the tauke still remembered us after a "reminding" given out.He asked where's the "artist"(means finding me),mother was pointing at me bytheway.The boss will say so just because last year I'd given out a lot of ideas about the furnitures.And he said I have the potential to become an designer and now called by him as "artist".His son was thought that I'm taking the design course last year but I'm not actually.Wahaha,i'm proud of me!Errr paiseh,I'm not that expert,just giving out and share some ideas,rather that it's my home,of course i'll try my best for it dco.But I can surely tell you that I'm interested in design esp. for ex&interior home/building design ;P
After came out from school,I missed the rapidkl u1.It's the teacher fault,lead to I can't get the bus in time.Waiting at the bus stop there for 15 minutes and finally a metro coming.The ticket seller didn't take money from me!Hurray!And again,I've saved 0.70 ringgits.Almost reach 40 times never pay for bus tickect wey!I'm damn wisdomly sudden.!Muahahaha!
Backed home around 2:45pm,get a bath immediately.When taking my lunch,papa and momma asked me to followed 'em go out to choose a bookshelf.Went to the furniture shop that we've been gone and bought from.HEHEHE,the tauke still remembered us after a "reminding" given out.He asked where's the "artist"(means finding me),mother was pointing at me bytheway.The boss will say so just because last year I'd given out a lot of ideas about the furnitures.And he said I have the potential to become an designer and now called by him as "artist".His son was thought that I'm taking the design course last year but I'm not actually.Wahaha,i'm proud of me!Errr paiseh,I'm not that expert,just giving out and share some ideas,rather that it's my home,of course i'll try my best for it dco.But I can surely tell you that I'm interested in design esp. for ex&interior home/building design ;P
Monday, January 12, 2009
You slut get lost!
I never met such a woman like you.I'm freaking fed up with your manner and even your talk.You are damn childish,and please,use your brain to think,how old are you now.You're not that young and getting to be an old woman.You are talking some idiot's talk with the wrong target,pages and pages of nonsense.You thought you are using me as a warning machine?!HAAAAA,I tell you,you are using the wrong method!OhNo!Don't!Don't be so immature!You will regret coming date based on what you'd said.You just need to do what you should do and what you suppose to do exactly.Who cares 'bout your position and your indentiy,you're acting like a doubled-faces mankind!Fake Man!You like to satirize people with your own style by abusing your power,but you're actually lose!You get lost with your tactics,it doesn't make sense.Oh I'm sorry to hear about,you failed it,and yeah you failed it thoroughly.I felt really sympathize with you,and you're utterly pity at all.**shakeshead**You better pray and make a self-criticism to get more the respectation.If not,people will laugh at you and start mocking you with your copycat-woman style.Or else you will get a whole lifespan slut award.And do you desire for such an only one originality big reward?Nah,surely I'm welcoming if yo do. : )
I will specifice this post topic one day!Stay tuned.
I will specifice this post topic one day!Stay tuned.
Our story my song.
Yesterday morning,I was dreamed of dengchao,it's was very cleary than last time.I saw him on my home tv. : D Morning,woke up automatically and watched out the strictly come dancing.Saw again the part while bosco was appearing on the screen,nice nice!"Her Story" last episode at 1500.Recorded the music of the last part that I like.The drama series after "My Combat Girl" is "Island Love"《浪击天涯》,damn good,caused by it's talking about the motel...starring cooperation involved hongkong artistes with china's and I do still watching it the repetition of first episode today and get a nap then.While the drama "The Persuit of True Love" is followed by "Our Marriage"《我们俩的婚姻》.I'm not going to watch it as i think it's damn bored and i not really like the characters at all.While after "Her Story",it's another comedy china drama series "Marriage March"《结婚进行曲》.And tonight start to broadcast "The Ultimate Crime Fighter"《通天干探》after “Steps”《舞动全城》finished.Watch again.
承祖 天宝 承宗
天宝 明珠 (完)
I'll upload another pictures if there's available.Hold on...
Saturday, January 10, 2009
Toi,viens avec moi
Went out to school early morning purpusely for attending the kp activity as I'm one of the in-charge of it.Play badminton as well...'cause we're definitely out of idea what should play by the right.Long time didn't play it,I guess my muscle will get ache tomorrow.9:30am finished,went tuition directly...decided to go home with dad by sitting his motorcycle.Finally it's too early to wait him,thus papa called me to took bus by myself.Momma was waiting for me when i was tooking bus the way went home.Triple calls...reached home at 2pm,it was late.T
hree ladies of us went kepong carrefour to purchase for the spring festival and brother was sitting at home alone.I was freaking fed up for something else.Jusco then...bought some groceries,backed at 5:45pm...Night,showing strictly come dancing.When Myolie and Kevin was couple together,a video clip showed Bosco there,I liked I liked it!I'm expecting for the time coming as I was watched at youtube before ad i know it will show out in this episode.I fall asleep when watching half of it,why nobody waken me up,huh?You did?Why I don't have any feeling as well?I was utterly tired that night...


C'mon,let's dancing!来吧来吧,来跳舞!
bytheway,I prefer the first season compare with this.It's good overall.
Friday, January 9, 2009
I've my little pink feeling,a twinkle pink.
Today is the last day schooling for this week,I'm happy,and expecting the bell ring.12:30pm sharp,I can back!Yeah,I really can back home earlier than usual as Friday school time is ended at the time.Last year i'm going for tuition after school every fri,but now I can back home,I miss my home every second!Even just a minute left from home!Hehehe,oh!too exaggerate?!Nah,no but yes if you're not!

grab from xiang's facebook.; )
During recess time,we've planned to celebrate Layling's and ChyuanNing's birthday together as their day was fall on 10th and 11st of Jan lah of course respectively."HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO LENG&NENG".Whole class shared and bought a chocolate cake(it's common lah the fav.) and some of us shared a Leehom's ep as her present.I guess she was surprising and touching,it's get used.hahaah.And idon'tknow how about the guy's present...The whole class took pictures together. : ) The main point is,I never taste the cake as well and even touch it also.I told momma at night,her response was damn frighten like heard a bad news and quickly asked me,"oh no,you have eaten?I'd told can't".." no lahhh,that's why I say I did not eat it".
Night,I'm very excited for waiting the "unclassified file"and it was the last episode.Last fri was not going to show out in tv,I'm damn disappointed.: ( can't get a shyok before school opening.Now is gonna to end.
Thursday, January 8, 2009
我会更加珍惜你,你是我永远的宝贝! :)
我会更加珍惜你,你是我永远的宝贝! :)
Monday, January 5, 2009
Open school day..I have said,everythin' is not that perfect.I can't sit together with Sun,I can't.I'd sent a message to her yesterday for tell her that jy and I wanna sit with her,she was that expecting.But,not really that for today,everybody was sitting like previous place.It's okay it's okay,at least there's some changes 'bout the seat.Okay,nevermind nevermind.Form teacher changed to general studies(pa)teacher...muet teacher have changed to another one,others is still the same like last year.School was pretty fine today.Nothing have to talk 'bout the schooling time.
Yesterday was the last two episods of "My Combat Girl"《我的功夫女友》.Btw,I have considered for so long the time for register to facebook as I think that it will be more funtable than friendster.There's 'lot of games involed,but I feel supering troublesome and lazy to add friends there 'cause what I want in my friend list there just only the friends I know,but if there's new friend request,why not?I'm welcoming also,glad to know you more,if it would be.Hahaha,finally,I join it also,just a few minutes before.If you're goin' to say I'm outdated for so late to join it,I have no ideas,it just depends lah woiiii,it's caused by some trouble problems,for me!
Since I have been two years never went to pm(night market),today is the first time and also for the year.Papa was shocked when saw that I'm accompanied momma walked along pm as papa were there buying something followed by us coming.Brother was be batched to methodist school for him secondary life and first day schooling,I'm goin' to fetch him back with papa as father forced me so.It's very inconvenience for us,nobody can send him back as well for every weekdays,so he need to change school,please!Why there's a lot of frustration there?!Why?Tell me why!Please process it faster,as papa and momma won't be worried at all!And I'm going to be more easily from irritation.Hurry up lah,the JPN!Don't sleep again!!
Yesterday was the last two episods of "My Combat Girl"《我的功夫女友》.Btw,I have considered for so long the time for register to facebook as I think that it will be more funtable than friendster.There's 'lot of games involed,but I feel supering troublesome and lazy to add friends there 'cause what I want in my friend list there just only the friends I know,but if there's new friend request,why not?I'm welcoming also,glad to know you more,if it would be.Hahaha,finally,I join it also,just a few minutes before.If you're goin' to say I'm outdated for so late to join it,I have no ideas,it just depends lah woiiii,it's caused by some trouble problems,for me!
Since I have been two years never went to pm(night market),today is the first time and also for the year.Papa was shocked when saw that I'm accompanied momma walked along pm as papa were there buying something followed by us coming.Brother was be batched to methodist school for him secondary life and first day schooling,I'm goin' to fetch him back with papa as father forced me so.It's very inconvenience for us,nobody can send him back as well for every weekdays,so he need to change school,please!Why there's a lot of frustration there?!Why?Tell me why!Please process it faster,as papa and momma won't be worried at all!And I'm going to be more easily from irritation.Hurry up lah,the JPN!Don't sleep again!!
Saturday, January 3, 2009
a still.
Still got 2 days to be school reopened...everything still not yet studies'(as we called it "pp" as well) note is still in the let-it-there status.Teacher asked us to finish all the notes of the pp2 six chapters during this "oh-so-long" end year holidays.I only done a bit,still running the first chapter.Everyone does not complete yet,I guess,and I bet.Last minutes call,last minutes to be initiatived,last minutes only starting.Still......waiting the time,the final,to rouse from slack.Oh mamma mia!Schooling is comin',it's coming!Forget 'bout the tough level starting,I gotta meet my miss-much friends,I can't wait..I began nervouse!And so what about the teachers?Will still using the previous teachers for every subject?The most concernly question...who will be our muet teacher?Is still her the same?And,I wish to sit beside sun,my gorgeous buddy!But not "her",is "her" nooo..noooo.Who knows?!The answer will be given out two days later.The way is still not perfect anyway,I suspect! Catch out then,baybeh. ; )
Friday, January 2, 2009
Failed by disuse one built with multicolour wave
Ça vaut la peine d’attendre,car c’est toi..Voilà ce que je veux..Je serai toujours à ton côté.

Eventhough it is the last time,but it's only the first of the last.There still have a lot of waiting list for fill in the blank.It just the time,not waiting for the time coming but is to decide when it will be.You are the nominate candidates,and yes,you are absolutely!I am the participant,a traveller whom might be the first. So get 'cha
/I will be missed you and soon we'll get the meet-'n-match. x )
Thursday, January 1, 2009
Wishes will become truth. Trust it! Believe it!

To be happy you need fun,laughter and balance in your life.
Happy "Niu" year!元旦快乐!

昨天一早,又陪了sister出去。先前made了appoinment,到kepong去rebonding。一早,他们人迟到,结果等了15 minutes。顾客也只有我们,“料理”的时间约两小时。parking费时间到了,我又再去放多一粒钟的车费。弄完,取车要回家。后面有一辆大型van车挡着后退路,这人这么这样啊!是谁那么siiituuuubeeerrt?问了人,也不知道是谁的。后来一位好心uncle(初初看他觉得他不怀好意)叫姐按鸣,持续horn了几声,车主才“醒目”跑出来把车驾开。车子不知为何突然失灵,reverse后退车子却向前移。重试了几次,还是一样,再跑前就要撞向路旁的石砖了。start engine时油门不响,失了反应,“D”mode 一样“无动于衷”。下车checked了四只轮胎,也没什么特别。怎么办?08最后一天难道这么“黑”?打了电话给father,仍有事情不能及时赶来。叫我们找附近有否修车房,或打通电话到perodua service centre。照着阿爸话,先打了电话给perodua centre,说什么不够人手迟点来,惟有等。call back home 告诉细佬不能及时到家载他去补习,车子有点问题。后来ks一句话,“关掉engine再start过”,哇!果然ks救了我们,车子恢复原状。又call father 和 perodua centre,告诉他们不用赶来了。老豆还问“之前做么没有重新start过?”“有啊,可是还是不能。”我答。(现在想起来,还真的没有eh,只是一直处于"P" mode,拉起handbreak而已,哈哈)多亏brother,thanks!顺利回到家,也及时sent brother 去补习。
前天原本打算昨天弄发回来,傍晚再出门去倒数。考虑了ou或curve两个地方,反正从家里开车去不算太远,比起双威要近很多。ou有香港的justin来歌唱庆祝,烟花又是隔壁邻居uncle kualim负责的,应该比较热闹拥挤,附近的curve sure也热闹无比。姐问了她朋友,他们原本就打算庆祝,后来选择了the curve到时见面。结果,昨午从发廊回来觉得累,又怕车子无端端失灵,就不想再出去了,打消了外面倒数的念头,在家小睡。爸爸后来说姐弄了头发还是不要出门为妙,免得sprayer spray得满头都是。5pm sth,姐friend sms,“ooi,faster come here weyyy.” 结果就“don't want loh,i'm very tired,lazy to out”..." huh,still in sleepy mood..zzZ =_=' ".
前年的new year eve正好落在星期一(六年一次),倒数08年时在times square逛街,还订了一套lorenzo sofa。后来晚上临时才决定直接从ts到curve去,结果在curve的kimgary享用dinner(排队来都变成supper了)。我们是留得最久且最后一桌,坐在餐厅里直到晚间十一时四十分(仍清楚记得)。还有时间,甭急甭急。来到楼下走到人群不算严重拥挤的地方等待,与家人欢庆新年,齐倒数。录了烟火绽放十多分钟的一幕,心情很high,随人群喊了起来。六年一次全家聚在一起倒数,特别珍惜。father 还叫sister陆续这几年带mom,bro和我一起出来倒数(话传到今年)。只是怕阿妈顶不太顺过于热闹的场合,所以今年的新年原本留mother and brother两人在家,我和姐一起去。看来,今年的新年也只有往常般到露台观看klcc的烟花了,也不错啊,没现场热闹的气氛,换成静静地迎接下一年的到来。今年的烟花绽得特高,还不赖,只是短暂了些。
明年首选地方应该会在curve吧,如果想出外倒数的话。'cause curve的确很热闹,前边一整排露天的bistro大道布置得十分别致,很是闪耀,有种应景的异国风情。加上那边烟花绽放的时间较长,又是uncle kualim take turn 放的(christmas那时亲口对我们说的),很想再到那里凑凑别一番的气氛!
最后一句,happy new year 2009!!!
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